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Iiiiit's tiiiimeeeee! (Mariah Carey voice)

New chapter!! And I loved writing this one so I can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

Also, it has been decided: the overwhelming majority wanted me to update next chapter on Christmas Eve, dec 24! So this Sunday I'll be uploading a new chapter!!

Hopefully I'll be able to publish the one after that on Wednesday, I'll have to see if I get to finish them in time!

I cannot wait for your reaction to this chapter. I'm excited for it!! And I'm sooo excited for the chapter after this one too 🥹♥️

Thank you for being here, for voting last chapter and for commenting too! Please don't forget to leave another voice while you're here. Enjoy! It's a long one!!

Word count: 5187


Tyler changed his setlist, rehearsed the hell out of it, and he said goodbye to his soulmates before he went on tour. He still hadn't seen his family, but they'd be at the Columbus show at the end of the tour.

Tyler hoped Steve could've been at the Detroit show but he had a show himself planned on that day, and Lucas would be stuck on the last day of his work trip. Both of them would make sure to be at the Columbus show though, and Tyler couldn't fucking wait for that.

Tour started well; they performed at cities all over the right half of the country, and the feedback had been great. Even Rolling Stone wrote an article about He's back! and Tyler was over the moon. The setlist changes had been so worth the stress and intense rehearsals before tour, and Tyler had his soulmates back. He'd call them, text them, have video chats with them; it was perfect.

But that feeling of it being perfect didn't last long as Tyler's excitement about being in touch with Steve and Lucas again made David feel insecure, and sometimes jealous, and he'd tell Tyler I told you they distract you way too much. Tyler was focusing less on David twenty-four/seven, as he also focused on more other things; nights with his crew where they had drinks, watch parties with Steve and Lucas, or late night talks with his sister Maddy. But that didn't mean that Tyler didn't focus on David at all; he did, just not every minute of his life. David not really knowing how to handle that, made him angry, and it resulted into several fights between Tyler and Dave.

So much so that sometimes, Tyler let David have the double bed in the tour bus bedroom upstairs, and he would crawl into one of the free bunks himself. Just because he couldn't stand the constant fights and he still heard David's comments - or as his friends had called it backhanded compliments and negging. They had stopped or became less at first, but as the tour went on, and the tension increased, so did those. Plus, the amount of times that David said he sometimes hated Tyler and how often Tyler just laughed it off as if it didn't hurt; Tyler didn't know how much longer he could go on with that.

He remained strong, though; he stood by his choice to have Steve and Lucas back in his life, to have more contact with his family again, and to play the songs he and his fans wanted him to play. He didn't let David change that. Tyler couldn't.

He wrote songs, lots of them, as he hid away in the bunk when he let David stay in the bedroom. Every moment that Tyler was alone, without David and when he didn't have something like a video call planned with someone else, he wrote as many words and as many tunes and chords as he possibly could.

Josh and his friends, were all at the Detroit show. They caught up and loved being there together. They had the most fun.

The tour came to an end after a few weeks, and they got back to Columbus. Tyler said he was gonna go see his family, and asked David to go with him so he could finally meet them. But David, instead, said he was going to visit his own family.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now