*The aftermath*

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*Request : Another one done by me, I'm going to start publishing post-volume two one-shots by Monday, I just want to give a few more days for people to watch it since I feel bad and I don't want to spoil it for anyone lol. Anyways, I love this and I hope you do too. People seem to really love protective Lucas but I mean.. so do I. Who doesn't?! Also thank you so much for 10k reads! It's crazy how fast this gained popularity! Thank you <3


Max grumbled as she set the first aid kit next to where her drunk boyfriend was sitting. You see, Lucas had just gotten into another rough fight with some guy at a party and the real thing that worried Max other than his injuries was the fact that these were becoming more and more frequent. The reasons were that Lucas had grown stronger and his tolerance had grown shorter.

However, the real reason why he had fought this guy was because he had said something awful about his girlfriend. The whole situation made Lucas angry but the fact that this guy had no shame in saying everything in front of her made him even angrier. Max just stormed off and Lucas had really tried talking at first like she'd told him to after last time.

But, things only escalated from there. Lucas threw the first punch, so enraged he couldn't bare not to. It was a pretty equal fight as they both got good hits on each other, but by the time Mike, Dustin and Will had arrived to separate the two teens from each other it was clear Lucas had won. Let's just say Max hadn't been too impressed when she got back. 

Sure, she admired that he was protective and always defended her but she hated that when he did, he got hurt. She hadn't necessarily seen the fight, but by the sounds of it, she knew that it hadn't been good. Max had taken him home, quickly thanking her friends and leaving the part with her intoxicated bloodied-up boyfriend. 

The whole ride home, Lucas had looked awfully ashamed but Max hadn't spoken a word. She wasn't mad at him, simply upset. There were so many things that could've gone wrong. One day, she wouldn't be there to fix him up and no one be there to break up the fight. Something truly horrible could end up happening to him and Max for one wasn't going to let that happen.


"You can't keep doing this Lucas," Max spoke sharply, pouring rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball. Lucas looked down, not making eye contact as he knew she wasn't happy with him. "Look, I'm sorry," Max took a step back, throwing the bottle into the sink. "But I've told you so many times! I told you, Lucas, I specifically said: I do not like it!" She snapped.

Sure, if other people saw this they would obviously assume that she was angry with him or furious even. But, Lucas knew better. He knew she wasn't very good at expressing her feelings and that even though he might've provoked a small storm in her she wasn't all upset with him. She was only scared of losing him. 

He tried reaching for her hand but she only angrily smacked it away. "No, listen to me. You could've seriously gotten hurt Lucas-" He cut her off, shaking his head. "But I didn't!" "But you could! Maybe not this time, but it'll be worse than a bloody nose and a bruised face one day!" She sighed, dropping everything in her hands and sitting against the bathtub.

She hadn't even started cleaning him up yet. "Max, you really didn't deserve to hear that, what he said-" "I really don't care what he said, Lucas!" She huffed, rolling her eyes at his stupid argument. "Yeah, well what if I care about what he said?" Max ignored his words, pouring more alcohol onto a fresh cotton swab. "Hold still, this might sting a little." 

And with that, she pressed the gauze against his busted lip making him whimper in pain. She quickly took it off not wanting to hurt him even more than he already was. She gave in feeling bad for snapping at him, though even he knew the real reason for her sudden outburst. "You can hold my hand if you want you know."


After Max had cleaned up the majority of the blood, Lucas was only left with bruises forming near his left eye and a swelling lip. He smiled into the mirror as he tried to make Max laugh a little, "See better," Sadly it hadn't worked this time. "Whatever you say," Max pressed her lips together. "What is that supposed to mean?" Lucas asked slightly offended.

He furrowed his eyebrows waiting for an answer but Max only crossed her arms looking him up and down. Lucas was slightly intimidated by her, maybe he didn't want to know what she'd meant. "You look like Johny Lawrence after Daniel LaRusso beat the shit out of him in Karate Kid." Lucas hadn't been expecting that one, that's for sure. "What?" He began to laugh.

"No it's not funny, it's true." Max defended, confused about why he was laughing. He suddenly embraced her in a hug, kissing her head all over multiple times. Max tried to resist but she only melted further into him. "You're good to me, you know. Really good." Lucas admitted, feeling like he didn't deserve her. "Yeah, what can I say, I try my best." Max shrugged. 

Lucas squeezed Max tighter, glad he had a girl like her in his life. "I promise you, I will really try to get the fighting under control. I just can't stand when people say stuff about you." "Well, people just talk, don't let it get to you." Lucas nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "No more fighting?" "No more fighting." He promised.


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