*Friday night movie date*

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*Requests : Major season four volume two spoiler warning!! Both CALEBMCLAUGHLINS and the wonderful TryBeforeYouDeny asked for a one-shot where Max and Lucas actually end up having their cute movie date on Friday as planned. Well.. if Max hadn't gotten in that coma. This is a world where Jason doesn't exist, he is the real villain in Stranger Things.. that is other than Vecna obviously... Hope you enjoy xx This is canon by the way.


Walking down the steps of her trailer, Lucas smiled widely as he watched Max jokingly spin around in her outfit. Impressed by how good she looked only a few days after facing Vecna, Lucas cleared his throat awkwardly, "You look pretty," He complimented seeing Max blush and look away flattered. Her voice shaky, Max chuckled to herself, "You clean up pretty nice too," 

Taking his hand to steady herself down her steps, Lucas felt shivers go down his spine at the physical contact. He felt as though he hadn't touched her this way in so long. The boy basically gawking over her, Steve laughed at the two from his car feeling older than ever. He was currently waiting to drive the pair to the movie theatre.

You see, with the help of Dustin, Lucas had managed to convince.. who is he kidding, bribe Steve to drive Max and himself to the movie theatres. They were both in need of a well-deserved date but they had no way of getting there. Sadly, they were still both too young to get their driver's licenses so Steve was their only option. 

But lucky for them, Steve was apparently all for teen romance as he claims to have once known it so well. He went on for hours about how he was the most romantic person throughout all of high school. However, from what they'd heard, Lucas and Dustin weren't sure. After listening to Steve talk for a few hours, everything just started to sound the same.

They couldn't even bear to imagine how poor Robin must feel while working with him all day. All that mattered was that after Steve's excruciatingly long, most likely fake story he agreed to bring Max and Lucas on their date. After seeing how down Max had been those last few months, all he wanted was to get Max and Lucas back together again.


After a very uncomfortable and weirdly lengthy car ride, Steve's car finally pulled up in front of Hawkins movie theatre. Surprisingly, Max had never been here before as she'd only been to the one at Starcount with the party last summer. Thanking Steve, both Max and Lucas went to quickly get out as they tried to open the doors. 

On the other hand, Steve had other plans as he still had both sides locked. Chortling as he turned back to get a good look at the two, Steve smiled, "You two have fun, okay?" The older boy finally unlocked the doors and watched the two get out of his rearview mirror. "Thanks, Steve," Max replied nervously as she waited for Lucas to join her from the other side. 

Lucas quickly shut his door hoping Steve wouldn't yell anything embarrassing out to them. Sadly, he'd been very wrong. "Use protection!" Steve teased before driving off. As much as it pained him that they were growing up, he couldn't help but joke around with them every once in a while. Max flipped him off as his car got further and further away.

She promised herself she was going to give him a piece of her mind the next time she saw him. "Well," Lucas pursed his lips as he itched the back of his neck, "After you," He opened the door letting Max go first. For once, his mother's advice had finally come in handy. Who knew how important the saying "Ladies first" would become in his life? Lucas sure didn't. 

He wondered if maybe he should've gotten his mother to drive them instead of Steve. She wouldn't have made any comments that's for sure. In the theatre, Lucas bought them both a drink, some popcorn, and a treat. Max had gone with a Pepsi and Twizzlers just to piss off Lucas while he obviously went with his classic Coca-cola and Mike n Ikes duo.

Max hadn't been surprised, to say the least. They barely made it to their movie on time as it started playing on the screen the moment they walked inside. Sitting down together, they hadn't even gotten a chance to talk due to the movie already playing. By the end of it, they both walked out giggling.  The two teens felt as if they'd yet found a sense of consistency within each other.

It was nice, hanging out together again felt normal. Sitting on the curb and waiting for Steve to pick them up, Lucas perked up, "Well, this was fun," Max nodded, "Yeah, we'll have to do this again sometime." She agreed, suddenly breaking eye contact and looking to the road. Looking to her feet Max ran a hand through her hair, "I must admit, I've really missed you," 

Lucas smiled happier than ever with the words that'd just come from her mouth,  "I've missed you too." Leaning against his shoulder and still looking down, Max sighed, "I'm sorry for pushing you away," Lucas's grin only continued to get bigger while he rested his head against hers and wrapped his arm around her smaller body. "Don't apologize, you're here now, right?"

Max nodded against his shoulder glad they were finally back. Not officially but she felt it coming in the near future. I mean, all roads led back to him and they couldn't stay away from each other. In the end, this could only mean one thing: they needed each other. Though sometimes it wasn't obvious, they were better together. They always had been. 

Max knew that no matter what she did Lucas would always be there for her. Even if she broke up with him a thousand times he would never stop being in her life. He loved her too much to just let go. Lifting her head from his shoulder, Max leant into his face. They were both just inches apart from each other and could practically feel their breaths against their skin.

Leaning in for a kiss, the two were suddenly interrupted when a car honked in the distance. Pulling up in front of them, Steve rolled down his window out of breath. "Sorry I'm late," Max pursed her lips quietly getting into the car. Lucas shook his head at Steve doing the same as Max. "What?" Steve asked confused by their expressions. 

"It didn't go so well?" He questioned trying to get an answer out of someone. Upset he ruined their moment, Max rolled her eyes at the man driving, "Nevermind Steve." He shrugged focusing on the road as he pulled away. "Okay then.. maybe it didn't go so good.." But on the contrary, things had gone great on their Friday night movie date.


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