*More than a crush*

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*Requests : I wrote this myself cuz I was bored. It's how I hope Lumax works out in the next season. Hope you all enjoy this!


Max blinked quickly as she attempted to find a comfortable position in her hospital bed. She let out a frustrated sigh, her irritation evident as she shot a glare at the array of machines surrounding her. Lucas, who's been sat at her bedside since she woke four days ago, observed her discomfort with a concerned expression. "Max," He spoke quickly, his voice filled with empathy.

As she looked away from him, tears welled up in her blue eyes. "Max, look at me," He pleaded. Max reluctantly turned her gaze back to his, her eyes glossy with tears. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, "I know that you hate this," Lucas continued, "But you're okay, and soon, you'll be home and all of this won't matter."

Knowing he was only trying to help, Max sighed, "Why do people keep thinking I'm doing okay considering the circumstances? I feel awful." Lucas responded with a sad smile, "Since the circumstances were you almost dying, I would say you are doing okay after whining to me about it during the last few days." Max stifled a brief laugh, her expression shifting back to sadness.

Seeing this, Lucas gently squeezed her hand. Feeling her smaller hand in his, Lucas gulped, ready to speak when Max's shaky voice cut through, "You told me you loved me." He gulped again. "While you thought I was dying in your arms." The weight of those words lingered in the room, Lucas unaware she'd even heard him back then.

"Yes." "Well, I'm still alive." Max replied, taking a long pause till she spoke again. "Why didn't you tell me before?" Lucas shrugged, ""It was a personal issue." "You being in love with me kind of also involves me." Lucas shifted uncomfortably, scratching his head nervously. "I... I guess it was just a mess in my head."

Max looked into Lucas' eyes, sensing his nerves. "I know that you don't, Max. But, I do, and I just can't change my feelings for you, believe me I tried." Max's gaze softened as she listened to him talk. "I love you, I mean, I've always loved you. It just wasn't fair for me to keep denying it when I wasn't sure you'd ever wake up again." Lucas continued, his words unable to stop.

"You just have this way of making everything better. I couldn't keep pretending, Max. I couldn't. I don't know what I would've done if you- if you didn't wake up," Lucas confessed, his voice carrying the weight of his fear. "Those days when you were here all alone, it felt like the world had lost its colors. I was crazy, Max. Really crazy." His words poured out, a confession long overdue.

"If I wasn't here, with you, I couldn't stop thinking of you." Lucas admitted with sincerity. "It felt like you were haunting me. The way your freckles sat across your cheeks and the pale blonde of your eye lashes. It wasn't just a crush." His gaze lingered on her, as if trying to capture every detail. "Your hair, the sound of your laugh – they were all I could think about. I couldn't live without you."

He took a deep breath, meeting Max's eyes, "I can't live without you, Max. It's too painful." He watched her face, lips slightly parted as she maintained the eye contact. "I know this is a lot to take in, especially after everything. I just didn't know how to tell you. I just knew I needed you to know before it was too late."

"I..." Max began, but Lucas interrupted her with a rush of words. "Listen, if you don't feel the same, it's okay. I'll always be here for you, and I—" Max gently placed a finger on his lips, a tender smile breaking across her face. "Lucas, I love you too," she said softly, her eyes bright beneath her blushing cheeks. "You don't need to convince me." Lucas, visibly surprised, met Max's gaze with a mixture of relief and joy.

He managed a sincere smile, "You... you do?" Max nodded, her smile growing wider. "I've loved you for a long time. It just took me a while to get here." They sat in a comfortable silence, the air buzzing with the sound of the hospital equipment. Max couldn't stop smiling, her cheeks aching. Lucas sighed, playing with her hand, "I've wanted to kiss you every time I see your smile lately." "Then why haven't you yet?"

He chuckled, his eyes filled with affection. "I guess I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable first. But if you're asking..." Before he could finish, Max leaned in, closing the gap between them, and their lips finally met in a sweet, tender kiss. The hospital room seemed to disappear, leaving only the warmth between them.


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