Part 57 (THE SCEPTER!)

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Y/N pov:

I woke up on a white hospital bed in a hospital gown.....

Y/N:"ugh.... What happended...?"

Xander:"apparently you collapsed due to exhaustion and transformed back to your normal form"

Y/N:"my head feels like it's on fire....."

Xander:"here drink this"(hands Y/N a glass of water)

Y/N:(drinks water)"thanks.... But wait... Where are A'habbat and the others......?"

Xander:"A'habbat is in a different medical room recovering from her injury. She is awake and the doctor also said that she was going to be ok. As for the others their outside in the waiting room."

Y/N:"alright....... But how long have I been knocked out........"

Xander:"about 4 days....."


After a about 15 minutes a doctor came thru the door.

Doctor:"good evening"

Xander:"hello there. Is there something wrong?"

Doctor:"no I just came to inform you that Y/N need to take this medicine once every 3 days"(gives bottles full of pill)

Y/N:"got it....."(takes medicine bottle)


Doctor:"you should be able to leave the medical site in about 2 days"

Y/N:"2 DAYS!?"

Doctor:"yes. Your allowed to walk around the medical site but your not allowed to leave the site."


Doctor:"because you suffered numerous injuries that needs to be treated"


Doctor:"no buts you might have regenerative powers but if you leave and your injuries don't get properly treated you'll get worse"


The doctor left after explaining a few things.

Y/N:"hey Xander can we go see the others?"

Xander:"well..... the doctor did say you could walk around.... So I guess it's ok."

We headed to the waiting room.

Y/N:"hey guys I'm back!"

Doctor Bright:"HEY Y/N!"

Doctor Kondraki:"good to see your alright Y/N"

Doctor Gears:"good evening"

Doctor Glass:"good to see you up and about Y/N!"

Doctor Gerald:"hi Y/N!"

Doctor Alto Clef:"look whose finally up"

Johnson:"oh thank god! I honestly thought you were dead."

SCP 173/Billy:"Y/N!"

SCP 105/Iris:"hey Y/N"

SCP 049/Jackson:"good to see your back and alright"

SCP 035/Dyo:"good to see your alright. Doc was worried you know."

SCP 682/Atanti:"finally now we can leave"

SCP 079/Glitch:"greetings Y/N"

SCP 073/Cain:"good to know your ok Y/N"

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