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A'habbat pov:

I was looking thru the pictures on the phone that Y/N found during the time me, Y/N and the others broke into my father's palace/kingdom.

Y/N let me keep the phone with the pictures of some of my father's plans (incase you forgot it was from part 55).

Like I saw and examined before The first one looks like layout of my village and the other pictures are the layouts of multiple foundation sites.

I started looking at it more indepth and noticed that the pictures that Y/N took of my father's plans that were about the SCP foundation were about certain SCP foundation sites' layouts such as site-19, site-17 and etc.

In the pictures of the files my father had, the first file had pictures of the layout of my village, along with a small description of the layout such as the weak points of my village and things such as how he's going to attack my village and etc. Same thing goes for the other files about the SCP foundation sites.

But after I relized I didn't see 1 short sentence at the bottom of each of the files.


The sentences says when they're planning to attack. They are about to attack my village in a week. I remember Y/N said that she and the other SCPs are in site-19 and it says the day they're going to attack is tomorrow!

A'habbat:(I need to warn Y/N!)

After that I started packing necessary items for me to take to the mortal realm along with weapons, change of clothes and other survival gear.

I quickly called Xander and told him everything and that I'll be back as soon as I can.

Xander argued against my decision at first but soon gave in and did everything I told him to do while I'm gone.

I created the portal to the mortal realm by myself and it drained a lot out of me.

After a while I found the foundation site-19.

When I got there there were lots of questions regarding me and why I was here but after a while I told them all my purpose for being here and who I was. They managed to confirm I was telling the truth.

They had me meet the 05 council and had me explain everything. They put the site on full lockdown and got all the guards and MTFs to work.

Because of this I was able to get permission to visit and personally tell Y/N along with other SCPs and SCP researchers(doctor Bright, Kondraki, Gears, Glass, Iceberg, Alto Clef and Gerald) and I also visited Johnson.

During my time there I visited the researchers first, then Johnson, then the SCPs and then I was going to visit Y/N last.

When I finished visiting the others I was about to visit Y/N...... But when I opened their containment cell...... They weren't there.......

I asked around the foundation but apparently no one even knew Y/N was missing. They informed security about it but most of the aren't worried because they said this wasn't the first time Y/N went missing without explanation and that they always comeback at some point.

Y/N pov:

Currently I'm no longer in the foundation and I'm hiding under a desk in the scarlet king's office with A.

But first I'll explain how I got to this point.

At first it was just another day in the scp foundation. Today the foundation was going interview me. Things were going fine until......




It turned out that the person in charge of interviewing me was just A'tellif in disguised.

I guess she couldn't keep her cool when she saw me cuz she immediately attacked me. I didn't know why she was here in the first place but I knew it wasn't for anything good or at least not anything good for me specifically.

I dodged all her attacks while also fighting back.

She threw multiple punches, kicks and tried stabbing me with her pocket knife and I either blocked or dodged her.

After she tried and failed to stab me for the 15 time, she gave up created the portal to the void and jumped in.

I foolishly jumped in after her without thinking things thru.

We were in one of the hallways of the scarlet king's palace/castle.

The hallway was dimly lit, there was a fancy patterned red carpet. The design and architecture of the hallway looked like it was from the medival ages.

And after I jumped in the portal. I started running after A'tellif.

At the time I was still not thinking straight. I didn't realize the severity of the situation. So I kept chasing after her.

I chased A'tellif for a long time while slowly closing in on her. When I was finally close enough to her I tackled her to the ground.

We started fighting each other while on the ground. We tried throwing punch after punch at each other we also tried to strangle each other too.

At some point during our scuffle I kicked A'tellif..... In her face....

She was furious..... But I didn't run away I summoned my scythe and got ready to fight.

She griped her pocket knife in her right hand and attacked. I blocked her knife with my scythe.

The fight mostly consisted of me blocking A'tellif as she angrily attacks me.

I really wanted to punch her but she kept trying to stab me without pausing for a single second so I couldn't. And I don't have the energy to keep this going any longer.

???:"Y/N! LOOK OUT!"


out of nowhere A attacked A'tellif with her scythe!

I could only stand there frozen in shock at what was happening.


I snapped out of it and helped A knockout A'tellif.

After A'tellif got knocked out, me and A sighed of relief and started calming down.

I was about to question A about why she was here and ask her a whole lot of other questions.

But soon after we knocked out A'tellif we heard people talking in the distance.

Me and A rushed into the nearest room to hide from who ever was there.

We entered a room that looked similar to a office but it looked medival styled. There was a knight's full body armor displayed in the corner of the room. Candles and torches lit up the room. The same fancy red carpet as the one in the hallway. A fancy desk and chair set, with a small container full of ink and a fancy quill (most likely used for writing). We both assumed it was the scarlet king's office based on the office's design. Thankfully the room was completely empty.

We heard the people that were talking scream at the top of their lungs and we heard more people coming to them.

So now me and A were traped in this room. After about 25 minutes of listening to the commotion outside things sounded to have dialed down.

But then it sounded like someone was walking towards the door so both me and A hid under the desk.

The door started to open and then.....

Author's note: hey guys I hope you enjoy part 61 and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night.

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