Alt ending 1 (tourture.....)

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Y/N pov:

This is it huh?.......

After everything I did..... It's now useless......

The scarlet king was gonna squish me like an ant..... I guess this is the end for me......


Y/N:"ugh..... Where am I....?"

I woke up in a cell....?

I looked around and I was in a jail cell..... How did I get here and why am I here....?

?:"Finally you're awake. I thought that you might have actually died."


I look towards the direction of the voice, only to be met with an unwelcoming face. A'tivik......

I looked at her coldly. That only made her smirk. I really wish I could bash her head against a wall now.

A'tivik:"I'm sure you're confused about what's going on, so I'll cut to the chase. My father tried to kill you but failed. For some reason even my father can't kill you. However I can't say the same for the other SCPs and those SCP foundation staff, or anyone else in that world honestly."

Hearing that my heart stopped. Are they really dead.....? Did he really win.....?

Y/N:"what about A, A'habbat and the brothers death?"

A'tivik:"A'habbat is in the cell next to you. You can probably still have small chats but I don't think you'll ever see each other's faces ever again. As for A..... She's talking with my father right now, she came with us willingly after hearing that you were captured so she's trying to work out a compromise. And as for the brothers death, they're still at their dimension. Apparently small death and great death are too injured to continue fighting for now and all death is taking care of them."


So this is it huh? Unless A somehow works out a compromise it's over....


At this point.....
I guess death wouldn't have been that bad.

A'tivik:"anywho now it's A'ghor's turn to guard you. You better not try anything just because I'm not here."

Y/N:"yeah but A'ghor would be here. Why would I try anything?"

A'tivik:"A'ghor might be my sister but she can be idiotic at times. Her stupidity can also get a bit annoying from time to time."

A'ghor:"hey! What did you just say about me!?"

A'tivik:"am I wrong?"

A'ghor.... I didn't even notice her walking down the stairs to the dungeon.

A'ghor's face was bright red either out of embarrassment or anger whereas A'tivik looked calm.

A'ghor:"so what you're saying is that I'm incapable of handling them!?"


A'ghor:"oh, so you think that just because your father's favourite, your 100% perfect!?"

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