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Y/N pov:

After waiting for a while it's 5 minutes before 18.00. and I'm starting to feel nervous.

After 10 minutes A entered the room.

Y/N:(frustrated)"I thought you said you'd be here at 18.00"

A:"yes I thought I could make it here by 18.00 but something came up. Plus a was only 5 minutes late."

Y/N:(annoyed)"whatever! You owe me an explanation."

A:"basically we're in th-"

Before A could finish, she was cut off by a knock on the door.

A:"come in"

I was about to yell at A and demand for an explanation first. But.....

When the door opened my face went almost completely pale...... I felt like I was either going to pass out or throw up....

A creature with nothing but a skeletal figure, that is wearing thick black robes entered the room.....

Soon 2 others followed behind him.

One of the 2 that just entered had skin but his skin was twisted and it also looks like some chunks of his skin and flesh were missing, he also had 6 red and unblinking eyes.....

The last one stood hunched over and had rings spinning on top his head.....

When they entered I smelled the stench of death. The smell of rotting flesh and ash was unbearable.

I felt like I was about to throw up.

A:"Y/N meet the brothers death"

The second I heard that I froze and a large lump formed in my throat. I wanted to speak but felt like I was going to choke on my own spit trying to say something.

I heard rumours about the 3 of them in the foundation and heard they weren't exactly the friendlies people or should I say SCP.

Y/N:(in a nervous and shuttering voice)"w-what.....?"

A:(sigh)"they are the brothers death and we are currently in their realm. They also helped with our escape by killing the guards in our way to the portal room."

Y/N:(mutters)"so that's why they were dead......"

A:"anyway meet small death. He is the death of individuals, and is both the weakest and youngest among the Brothers Death. He has the most human-like shape among the three brothers but is still greater than most low elder gods."

When A finished one of the brothers death most likely small death, gave a small wave.

A:"this is great death. He is the death of every finite quantity, and has power beyond the understanding of all lower beings. Yet, compared to his brother All Death, he is merely a shadow."

I looked at the brothers again and one of them most likely great death, gave a small nod.

A:"and last but not least all death. He is the end of all things, the oldest being in creation and by far one of the most powerful beings in the whole of creation. He wields the full power of darkness which is greater than any of his brothers."

As A finished all death walked up to me. He started to walk around me in circles as he carefully scan me from top to bottom.

It made me feel uncomfortable and nervous.

When he stoped, he comment:

All death:"I thought you'd look more.... Powerful and maybe a bit more muscular......"

Y/N:(confused and slightly offended)"excuse me......?"

A:"he just thought that the person that might help them defeat the scarlet king would look a bit different"

Y/N:"wait they're trying to stop the scarlet king?"

A:"yes the-"

All death:"of course. We wouldn't have used our powers to create A and train her to defeat the scarlet king if that wasn't our goal."


My eyes widen as I looked at A. She was silent, her arms were folded and she kept her head down.


All death:"yes, we created her like how we created SCP-049"


Great death:"049 was supposed to create the cure that would defeat the scarlet king. Unfortunately since his cure hasn't been successful and since the scarlet king has been growing stronger and stronger, we created A and instead of having her create a cure, we trained her in combat to get ready to fight in the war."

Y/N:"wait so.... A, why did you help me....?"

A:"it was just the brothers death command. And I can't exactly disobey them."

Small death:"yes, we heard of rumors of an ancient prophecy that a powerful being that could defeat the scarlet king will be born. Since then we had A find, spy and look after you from when you were a kid."


A:"protecting not stalking. Plus who do you think was keeping you safe all this time?"

Y/N:(Y/N with an 'are you serious' expression on their face)"..... I don't even know what to say to that....."

A:"well you don't really need to say anything. Just know that I'll always be there to protect you."

Y/N:"thanks..... I guess.....?"

All death:"we heard that you managed to get a hold of the scepter. Correct?"

Y/N:"oh yeah, I forgot about the scepter. It should be in my pocket dimension."

All death:"good, use the scepter to your advantage and make sure it doesn't fall in the wrong hands"

Y/N:"got it"

Great death:"you might have been stuck here for just a few days, but in the mortal realm it's been at least 2 months"


Small death:"no it has definitely been at least 2 months. So I suggest you better get going."

Y/N:"yes..... I can use my powers here right?"

All death:"of course"

I quickly use my powers to create a portal back home.

Y/N:"come on A!"

A:"sadly, I can't join you in heading back just yet. I have some things I need to sort out before hand."


A:"don't worry I promise I'll be there to help you soon. But you still need to go ahead without me for the mean time."


At first I was hesitant but I jumped in the portal back home.

The second my feet landed back home...... All I saw...... Was CHAOS.......

Author's note: hey guys I hope you enjoy part 66 and I hope you have a wonderful day/night.

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