Chapter 40 - Are You Serious Right Now, Bro?

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After that weird ass confrontation in Rindou's bathroom with Rindou himself, I've been looking at him kind of differently. Well I was already looking at him differently to begin with but that's besides the point. Now I couldn't help but see a younger brother who had somewhat of an inferiority complex when it comes to his older brother. I mean I could understand this if he was 12 years younger or something but he was an adult now. "Well I don't have an older sibling so I wouldn't understand" I thought as I was sitting on the couch. I could hear Rindou's bedroom door open and close.

"I'll be back" Rindou said as he walked over to his apartment door.

I looked at him and could tell he was going over to Bonten's headquarters. "Do you think it's wise to leave me to my own devices in your apartment?"

"No, but I know you won't make it that far if you try to leave." He opened the door and left.

"Watch me prove him wrong." I got more comfortable on the couch and browsed through one of the streaming apps. "He'll be surprised when he comes back and I'm nowhere to be seen." I found something to watch but half way through it, my pettiness reared her ugly head. "You know, I think I'll take my chances on escaping while he isn't here." I stood up and went into his bedroom, I grabbed my bag that Kakucho brought over a while ago and made sure I had everything I needed in it. "I have my phone, my burner phone, the left over money from Koko, and a couple of Rindou's rolexes."

Why did I have some of his rolexes you may ask? Baby, mama is looking a little low on cash even though she still had quite a bit from Koko. She also had to think about where she would stay for a couple of days once she left.

"Okay. It's time for me to leave." I put my bag on my shoulder and walked out of his bedroom towards the apartment door. I then grabbed the handle and took a deep breath. "I mean it's not like he has guards around watching me." I opened the door and took a step out. I looked around and saw the hallway was empty. "So far so good." I closed the door behind me and headed for the elevator. "Wait, maybe this was a trap that Rindou set up and I'll probably see him down in the lobby or something." I took a moment before I pushed the button for the first floor. "Fuck it, I'll make a scene if he is down there."

I arrived in the lobby and sure enough, Rindou was nowhere to be seen. "Hmm, so he really did leave" I thought as I walked out of the elevator and towards the front of the building. "You know with me leaving, Rindou's apartment door will be unlocked" I thought to myself as I walked out of the building. "Well, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to rob someone who's apart of Bonten."


I stopped in my tracks when I heard that voice. "Fuck, not him" I cursed and slowly turned around. "Hey, Satori..."

Satori walked over to me. "Hey? Are you going somewhere?"

"No shit Sherlock" I thought. "Kind of."

"Where were you going?"

"Okay 50 cent, over here asking me 21 questions and shit" I said to myself. "I didn't really have any particular place I was heading to. I was more of taking a walk" I lied.

"Can I join you?"

I hesitated in answering him. "Sure." I started walking down the sidewalk with Satori right behind me. "Great, now how am I going to make my great escape with dingus following me" I thought as I already knew it was pointless in telling him no I didn't want him to join me. He would still follow me regardless. "I guess we can just walk around the area and hopefully I'll lose him along the way" I continued to think.

I kept making random turns here and there thinking this would help me get rid of Satori but it didn't work. In fact, he made sure he two of us were walking side by side so he wouldn't lose me. "Hey, you want to get something to eat?" Satori asked me as I was siting on a random bench with my head in my hands.

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