Chapter 46 - Emotional Damage!

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We arrived at the hair store and I took no time in getting out of the car, speed walking inside the building. "Finally!" Some of the other customers heard my outburst and looked at me. "My bad." I felt embarrassed and slowly disappeared into one of the aisles. "Real smooth, me" I thought as I started looking at the wig display mannequins. "Oh yeah" I said to myself as I walked towards the entrance of the aisle. "Did Rindou come in?" I looked around and didn't see him right away. "I'm pretty sure he's in the store somewhere" I thought as I went back to looking at the wigs that were in front of me.

As I browsed around, I ran into a familiar looking person. "Okay, can confirm. This man has a tracking device on me" I thought as I saw Satori down the same aisle I was in. "Because I know damn well he's not in here looking for a wig for himself." I called myself trying not to move, thinking that his vision was based on movement like the dinosaurs from that one movie.


"Fuck" I cursed and pretended I didn't hear him. I kept staring at the wig in front of me.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/n)." Satori waved his hand in front my face and I let out a sigh.


"What brings you here?"

"I'm looking for a wig." I turned to look at him. "More importantly, why the hell are you here?"

"Whoa there." He held his hands up. "I'm here because they sell the hair products I like to use for my hair."

"Hmm, I smell cap but okay." I went back to looking at wigs. "I already know he's going to follow me around the store" I thought as I left the aisle I was in and went into another one. "And sure enough, he followed me" I continued to think as I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Satori. "Is there a reason you're following me?"

"Not really."

"So why don't you buy your hair products and leave?"

Satori ignored me and grabbed a mannequin head that had a long black wig on it. He left the aisle and came back a minute later wearing the wig. "How do I look?"

"Like an idiot." I watched him flip his 'hair' and walk over to me, striking a pose.

"What about now?"

"You still look like an idiot."

He took off the shades he was wearing and raised his hands up. The way he held his hands remind me of a girl trying to show off her nails. "But (Y/n)" he slow blinked. "I'm a material girl."

"Pfft, boy..." I shook my head in disappointment. "I can't deal with you." I waved him off and tried to continue looking for a wig or two.

"You have to admit that was funny." He took the wig off and placed it on some random shelf. "I saw you laugh." He came over to the spot I was standing at.

"I mean it was..."


I rolled my eyes and tried my best to ignore him.

Needless to say, I couldn't successfully look for a wig in peace. Satori wouldn't stop trying wigs on and acting a fool in them. And I will admit, he was making me laugh and I even tried a couple of wigs on with him. "Look." I put on a blonde bowl cut shape wig and a pair of black shades. I then got my phone out, looked up a song, and handed it to Satori. "Press play when I give you the cue." I grabbed a bottle of shampoo off the shelf nearby and held it in my hand. I then gave Satori a nod in order for him to press play on my phone.

For real, for real this time

For real, for real, for real this time

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