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Carlos frowned and sent the matter to Ibel.

After sending the message, Carlos returned to Shen Qingzhou's live broadcast room.

Just when he was about to taste the delicacy that Shen Qingzhou had been forbidden to eat, he found that after Shen Qingzhou chatted a few words with a smile, it was broadcast at the speed of light.

Even in order to appease the rioting audience in the live broadcast room because of the fast broadcast, Shen Qingzhou also agreed to live broadcast the next morning and cook breakfast for everyone.

Seeing this, Carlos, who had been busy for a long time and didn't eat a bite: ...

Shen Qingzhou walked out of the kitchen.

He ignored 001's tearful retention in the kitchen just now and forced the broadcast quickly, just thinking that Carlos was in a bad mood today and came out to accompany him.

Shen Qingzhou entered the living room and saw Carlos staring blankly in his direction. In the big lake blue eyes, there is a trace of grievance that is almost imperceptible.

Oh, poor little one.

Seeing this, Shen Qingzhou stepped forward quickly, rubbed Carlos' golden fluffy head, and thought with confidence.

He will do this! He knows what Carlos thinks!

He also looked at him this way when he was occasionally thrown at home by himself.

Therefore, children are afraid of being alone!

Shen Qingzhou briefly and rudely concluded this matter, then he rubbed Carlos' head, and said in a warm voice,

"Good Carlos, I will definitely go out to find ingredients in the future. You are alone. Be good at home, don't be afraid, the cabin is very safe."

At the beginning, Carlos was happy and awkward at the same time by Shen Qingzhou's strange way of comforting.

But after hearing that, Carlos widened his blue eyes and looked at Shen Qingzhou with disbelief.

What does this man mean? Although he was not really afraid of being alone, but since this person thought so, why would he leave him and continue going out?

Don't you like me the most? !

He frowned, feeling a little irritable.

Carlos could feel that the relationship between him and Shen Qingzhou was not quite right.

Shen Qingzhou's care and love did not seem to be what he wanted.

He is not satisfied.

But what was wrong, what exactly he wanted, Carlos himself didn't know.

The care and love that Shen Qingzhou gave him was the greatest kindness he had received in his more than 20 years of life.

There are many kinds of kindness and love, but he doesn't know them all.


Facing Shen Qingzhou's helpless whispers, the cold-blooded king in the interstellar space restrained his stubbornness and made compromises and concessions for the first time in his invincible king career.


Even though it's just a small matter, it doesn't taste good at all.

However, Carlos stared at Shen Qingzhou's soft brows under the light, the sullenness in his heart shook, and in the end it was a 'biu', which slowly dissipated reluctantly.

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