Part 2

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This week just really hard for me. I got many things too tangled. I am already finish my business with my first love and I had unfinished business with my sister.

And then I think I need to tell you about my sister business first. Hmm, actually she introduce me with her colleague. In short, it's men. He wanna close with me, just in clear he wanna married and he choose me. That's the scenario.

"He is handsome. Already had a job. Not a glamorous and stable job but it's decent for living expense. Many girl wanna know him but he choose you. Ah, one again. He is younger than you. 4 years apart. Perfect, right?"

"Perfect my ass" I just answer her chatty talk with that. Too tired to explain more.

"Hey, hear me. You in your 30th yo. Old virgin. You wanna, sorry masturbate everytime?" Crazy. I just curse her in my head

"Hhh, I am tired with married talk. And he is younger than me. I hate younger man"

"Age just number. You think you are mature cause your age?"

"Actually it's just one of reason. Wanna hear more?"

"You still can't move on from your first love? Soo childish" I bite my lips

"Yeah that one of the reason too. Wanna hear more?"

"Ok. Let me hear"I take my breath deeply.

"I had goal in my life. I wanna escape from office work and search for remote job. I wanna focus on that. I don't have more room for men and married life. You understand?"

"Hmm, sorry. I am already send your number. Be good to him"

"What?Hey!"Our convo stopped. My sister hang up on me. Shiit

My phone vibrate again. It's message. I open it and that younger man photo pop up with message "he is handsome, right?". And I just reply it with Fuck you. My message just had one checklist sign. My sister just don't read my message at all. Double shiit.

But after two days waiting, that men still not message me. Whatever. I don't care. Actually I care a bit. I mean, I will be honest. He is cute and handsome but seems its always like this. When I am being my self, my image as naive girl just disappeared and they began labelled me as 'hard to handle' girl type. Many of men actually just a coward inside. Tchh

So, I delete his photo and forget him. It's better like this. I had many goal too. I need to achieve them, men in this situation just same as with trap for me. No for sure. I comfort my self. Eventough to be honest, I bit feeling disappointed. Many times I got situation like this, when I need to face condition which push me to lower my standard and criteria. Or being understand other feeling. I am feed up with that. So, here I am. Still single for many years cause I just wanna being my self.

But next tragedy just happen. After that weird situation, worst thing happen. At the good Tuesday morning, I see my first love status. Let me call him A. This A post WhatsApp status which had his foot together with women foot. How I know it's women foot? Of course it's cause their size difference just too big.

I look at that photo for sometime. Okay, I think it's nearly 1 hours. That time, I am already prepare my self get ready for work. Already put my sunscreen too. Actually I wanna go to the hospital that morning but I just change my plan with go to the office. But then after that "post" incident, I just back to the first plan.

"So, he dated someone now. And seems they will be married"I rumbling word from my mouth with empty eyes and "don't know what to do" attitude when mumbling that word.

But how can I assume they will be married? It's still probability but it's big. A is my first live for nearly 11 years. He had some ex, but he never post hint about them in socmed. So, if he post them, it's mean that girl really special.

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