Part 41

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Together with Suguru's confession which became warning to my self onwards, our field trip on the forest ended after our second task cleared. The day I collapsed and Suguru nursing me is the last day I ever talk with Hirata in our field trip. If we accidentally meet in dinning room, it's must be me whom turn away or search for another road from him. I know it's sound like I am a coward, but like I care. I am wounded because of him.

We got three weeks holiday after that. And guess what? Suguru come to my house almost everyday. We are from one hometown and live in city area. So, it's easy for him to meet me. We goes at the beach of my town, he treats me a delicious food and even just talk at home if I can't get out from the house. But surprisingly, he is not touchy like when we still at our school. Maybe he feel anxious when I am there. But I never wanna ask him although I doubting his answer. For me, my wound still fresh and let one guy heals it, seems doesn't fair for the replacement?

That's maybe just my reason. Honestly, I am still can't bring my self to put romantic feeling on him. It's hard. If that easy, I must likes Takagi than Suguru. After all, Takagi with me since the end of first semester at my first grade. He comes to me when I am in my lowest condition, when I can't even believe another person in our boarding school. He tells me I am coward. Since then, he always stay by my side. Although we are at different class in my first year, I still can find him around, mock me or told me a story. Even it's not funny or boring for me. We build a bond, but it's never same with how my feelings growing towards Hirata. 

When our holidays ended, I transferred to another class, same with my first year. Takagi with me, but Suguru and Hirata stay on their class. It's maybe for the best. I can't calm with Hirata or Suguru are around. I am in one class with Fei and Siri too from our last field trip.

"Ah, seriously this is so boring. Why we need to gather around again in scout organization when we are at our third years ?"I and Siri join scout organization with forced. Majority of our peers choose leader and vice leader. It's Fifi as our leader. But then, strangely Fifi choose me and Siri at the end of my first year. We can't reject that offer. To be honest, it's so annoying for me too. I hate outdoor activities. And many of our time, we spent to prepare for the contest. Although I am not participant because I made fool of my self. But I am still go there to support them, like cooking or even bring water supply to our camp.

But we are now at our third years and our role just as senior who monitoring our junior which will participated on contest. Even it's just like that, but still it's bought me a trouble too. I sighed.

"But Maika, you had many fans, didn't you? So jealous~~"I glare at Siri which talking to me. That's right. I don't know why, but when I am at my second years, there are three new instructor help us. They still young, maybe at their college years now. But one of them show interest on me. Many times Siri told me, but because we are not close that time, I think its just a joke from her. But now, I can see it clearly.

When we have our contest and they join us too as coach, he often sit close to me and even give me his jacket uniform. He is a main forces member from a scouts team too. It's under Police organization. And they forbid to give their jacket to others. I think again about that incident and it's just give me a headache.

"Can I just quit?"

"You can't!"Siri angry at me when I am desperately complaining.

"I don't have friends there!"

"You had Fifi"

"I am always talking to you in that group. You are easily to talk with. And friendly"Ugh. I am not. I cursing Siri on my head while we still walking to our dorm.

"By the way, how about you and Suguru?"I am gulped. To be honest, I don't wanna asked by this question, so I turn away from her. And unfortunately, I caught on Hirata jogging alone now. I can feel sweats on my necks, so I turn away back to Siri again.

"Hey, you already had three problem to faced now. Can you manage it?"

"Three? It's two, our scout trainer and Suguru"

"You forget about our junior? Yuichii?"Hah? Who is that? My brain seems scrunched, search memory about the guy Siri addressed. But at the same time, my eyes keep peek on Hirata, is he still there or not?

"Oh no. You have Takagi and Hirata too"

"Takagi is my friend and Hirata-"I stopped. He just not my business now. I let out a sigh. Is it right?

"Be careful for every side, Maika. Takagi seems not a friend from my perspective"

"He is. Don't put problem in my cup. And who is this Yukichi?"

"Yuichii. He must be sad if you forget his name"Not my concern.

"He at 2nd grade. It's mean they already with us for 2 years now. At least, remember your junior. He at our scout training today. Don't you remember, he asked you many things earlier?"I get asked by many people today actually. And I am not really pay attention to them, except that scout trainer.

Damn, him! Until when he wanna tease me? I bet with that handsome face of him, he already had pretty girlfriend. Why he come to me again? Let me in peace! Suguru's terror already made me sick. Nowadays, he can suddenly come and put his hands on my shoulders like it's nothing. When I am already warning him to keep distance when people around. That bastard!

"Hey, you hear me?"Oh, Siri talking to me? I lost focus again. My eyes take a peek on the road. Hirata seems already left and keep jogging alone now. We are at our third year now, it's mean we have loose schedule than before. We just gather on class if we had supplementary subject. We will got our final exam and teacher prefer us to focus on exam subject. It's mean, another subject will erased from curriculum. And our teacher give us many self-study hours too, which mean many free hours. And that's why I am still hold for this scouts things too. Damn.

"Yuichii is popular in our junior. Many girls, even girls from our peers too, wanna date him. But you seems steal his attention"Excuse me? More guy like Suguru again? I am fooled. I need to keep my guard from that Yuichii.

"Okay, if we meet up tomorrow, you must told me. I will avoided him for my sakes"

"Are you sure? I can sense he is tough. And you tell me, you just agree with Suguru confession last time, right? You can use it"

"I agree with Suguru not mean I date him"

"Why don't you date him? It is easy that way"I looked down. Right, that's the way out from my problem now. But for some reason, I can't do that!

"I need to take another route now! Bye"

"Hey, let's go back to our room together!"I just wave my hand at her. If I go back with her now, she must give me lecture again. I am already aware with my problem, don't need to reminds me again. I mean, give me a rest! Siri always come to me at the hall earlier and talk about how I deal with Suguru, even when Fifi is around.

I still doesn't tell Siri this, but since Fifi walk away when Suguru take care of me, it's give me a chills whenever she is around and people asked me about Suguru. I had feelings she had something for him.

"I will walk alone to my dorms. Need to cool down my head"I talk to my self. Yeah, after all Fei, Siri and Lusia is my room mate now. Don't count the fact that, Misaki often sleep with me in my one-person bed. Have many people which knows your secret even when you wanna rest, can made you terrified. I guess it's just a matter of time, Fei and Lusia would know it too.

"Eh"I look at my left side. At the voice source. Hirata startled when he sees me while still tie his shoelace. I think he already left and jogging forward.

"Oh, wow. Pardon me then"

"Why? You will avoid me too at this school? We had one dinning room, one route for jogging"

"I hate jogging"I cut off his words, deny possibility. It's made him taken aback.

"That's not the point. You know it yourself. Third year in different class same as nothing. We often had unrestrained study time. Even we had different class for our subject sometimes, but it's possible we gather together for supplementary class. Don't you get it? You can't always avoided me!"I look away from him. This is why I hate him. Don't we already get an agreement? Even it's one side from me, what's the difference?

"You coward!"

"Excuse me?"I bite my lips while glare at him. Fine, it's just a walking in the afternoon. Let's test my feelings. I don't have it at all now! So, I walk beside him with confidence.

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