Part 4

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Actually before and after meet my first crush, I am not really this pitiful. Contrast with that, I am easy to attract men. Dunno why and I am not proud with that too and I am not even try. We will take a flashback to my past. I had many thing to tell you about my past which made who I am now but let's just talk for love thing now.

I think it's start when I am still at 3rd grade elementary school. Sorry for my narcissist but that is true. That time, I think there are some men tease me. Like really really tease me, even sometimes made me annoyed. But that time, I am for sure and its normal I don't aware with that. I still remember how important rank for me that time, so being teased by some boy at my age not really my interest to begin with.

It's always happen to be honest and boy who like me at least must be smart or popular or handsome ( all of this category just soo stupid for elementary school like me that time, but now if I evaluate them again, yeah they just not an ordinary boy). I think I am finally aware when i hit my 6th grade in elementary school.

There are two men who intense annoyed me, kick ball in my direction, when I am still talking with my female friend they will disturb us and take my favorite school book and playing with it ( cause for warning: I really really hate when people take my book. This is trigger for me ), they even dance in front of me like b-boy, they even tackle me too which made me near fall from stairs cause that time my class at the second floor of school building.

Actually I will just let them go, but when they play with my book that time, I am really upset and trying hard hold my tears. I hate them for that. That mind haunt me when I am already at home. My face just can hidden my upset. So, after dinner and cleaning table, I walk back and forth thinking about reason why they are doing this shit. When my sister see me, she ask me and finally I open up about that. She at her end of her middle high school, so she really give me weird idea about the reason.

"Maybe, they wanna your attention. Men act like that cause they maybe like you"She said that with funny smile, when I am still confused with that. It's not like I don't know that "like" phase, after all I read manga and watch anime too at that age. But eventough that anime had "like" hint, I just focus with how they transform become strong. I am really obsessed with how to become strong and kill evil people when watch anime or read manga.

So, its take more than 30 minutes consultation with my sister. She even said to me to pay attention for them. So that annoyed attention just stop, she even tell me to report her about progress.

So, next day we had early hours study for exam preparation. But our teacher absent and boy in my class playing football. I look at them (especially that boy who tease me) from terrace in second floor. Intensively. For sure, I can said how he become more energetic but then my other male friend who close to me ( he nearly like smooth boy, I mean boy whom act soft like women, I befriend him cause that too. He is hilarious and easy to close with. In short, he is better than boy in my school. I prefer befriend with this category than normal boy in my school ). So cause he come and talk, of course I look at him and talk with him. My focus just averted to him. And then, that incident happen. Ball come to my way, its nearly hit my face. It's soo hard which made me surprised and wanna cry. Boy really scary. And still when I report that to my sister, she just can't stop laughed and tell me that is called jealous. When i hear that, I can't stop yell at her and tell her to stop made fun of me. For me, even that called "form of liked", I still hate him for that.

But there are one thing which made me surprised. Actually there are boy who like me too from 4th grade until we graduated. We always in same class but I don't noticed him. But when I am in my 5th grade, he always come with his gang to study in my house without warning. Sometimes cause our homework and sometimes they just come to my house with random reason. It's almost near everyday. One of them is boyish girl. They had three members include that boy. Actually I don't realize this, until I meet again with his sister whom my classmate in universities. I take nurse school in my town. I had gap year so I meet with her sister.

When she ask about my profile. Like my age, my elementary school and I just happened know her brother or not, I said yes. They are my classmate. They often come to my home without reason and thinking too much. She soo surprised and she ask where I live. When I tell her, she gasp and close her mouth.

"It's you. I understand now"

"About what"

"So you are the girl who made my brother always out and rarely at home after school. He busy hang out in your home. So, you are the cause"


"So? At this stage, you must be understand why he is being like that"

That time I am already 22 years old. I am surprised about this fact. I even not have a clue if his sister not tell me. That time my world just full of my self and my study time.

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