Part 32

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I walking enter our room with a sigh. It's soo soffocated. The idea to stop him just can't leave my head yet.

"It's for you?"I look at Fei who sit in her seat, still continue eating her food. She stare at me. In exact, my black plastic bag. I am dead.

"I look at Hirata which bring a little black plastic bag in his hand and wondering for who's that bag for. He hide it many times from me. But I just still can see it"He bring it? I don't see it until he gave it to me. I just walk and put that plastic in my bed. Trying to pay attention for it. For first, just trying to calm.

"He give you a medicine too?"Fei bring more question while I sit in my bed, take my bottle water and drink it with the medicine. I can't help, I am really in pain actually, cause the period.

"There are something between you, right? Don't tell me both of you-"

"What's in your mind! Stop it!"I raised my tone a bit high. After all, Hirata has girl he liked, so it's easy to trick people if I don't like him.

"So, and about what Suguru said, he accompany until the dorm"

"I am in my period. I am in pain that time and he give me a help"

"Just both of you"

"There are Siri too with us"She narrowed her eyes to me. Still seems suspicious.

"Then, what is that?"I follow Fei direction to that little black plastic. There are four drink in it.

"Maybe responsibility? Cause he accompany me and know I am in my period? I said I am in pain. Maybe that's why. It's just drink for decrease the pain and this medicine"I hold up my medicine and show it to her. She seems calm down now. Not asking more. But she still quiet.

"Don't think too much about it. After all, he likes Sakura"I can feel pain in my heart too. But I am trying look calm in my face. I know its easy to trick people, even Fei about Hirata. One, cause he likes Sakura for sure and all of people in our degree knows it. Second, he cares to many people, include girls. He listen to their story, sometimes buy them a drink. He always has responsibility for his friends and take care of them, so it's normal things.

"Right. But he seems different last time. He suddenly angry and looks annoyed. Even have fight with Suguru. What's wrong with him? He always seems composure. Are you sure there are not wrong things between them?"I sighed. I am agree, why he must act like that? I don't understand and it's just give me headache. I even glare at him that time. He looks like mad at Suguru.

"Dunno. In our team, they just in good term"I think again while answer it. Actually, Hirata starting acting weird in our team. He bickering with Suguru in front of me. Maybe it's just how's men play? It's must be.

"But remember when Suguru said he, Hirata and Takagi at same level in front of us, why I think it's as a warned to you?"

"He said that?"I really forgot what he said last time. I just too flustered with his action. It's give me confused too when trying to figure what his intention. What's wrong with him?

"Yeah. Woah, you forgot it?"She seems disbelief with my word.

"Maybe he said it. But it's too much input, I am in pain too. Don't made me remember little things like that"After all, it's not important. He likes Fifi, right? Maybe suddenly his brain cord broken, he even wanna whisper to me? I remember again how he seems wanna did that if I don't move a bit. It's crazy, what's into him?

"Why don't think it's as something romantic? Three person catch for one person? And maybe it's you"Ugh, I got a goosebumps when Fei told me that with annoyed expression.

"Don't assume weird things. You will made me have many enemy with that mouth"I move to my plastic bag and see the drink. I take one and open it, ignore Fei words.

"Like who? Even three of them like someone, it's not they will like them back. It's still possible"I laugh a bit before drink it. Just one already made me tired. I mean Hirata. I don't like playing with another person feeling cause I know the feel. That's why, I can sensitive about Hirata, but about these two? I don't have time.

"It's mean, who became their girlfriend just a pushover"I sighed while looked down after take a sip of the drink. I think about how I became pushover if Hirata likes me back. Like it's possible. Even it's like indicated he has something for me, I remember our talks in forest last time. After all the girl he likes is Sakura.

"You watch many drama or what?"I laugh a bit again when said it and Fei faces became gloomy after that. Suddenly, I am feeling not good after said that. Fei boyfriend cheat on her many times too. It's his girlfriend from middle high school. Even he apologize many times, it's still repeated.

"Sorry, about pushover word"I am gulping. Both of us looked down.

"Yeah, maybe it's good became single like you. Have boyfriend sometimes just made me feeling miserable"I just keep silent and sighed. I can't find nice word to comfort her.

"I mean, at least became single like you can close to whoever you want. It's like you free. At this school, when we have boyfriend, we need to pay attention to our circle too. I have hard time, you know. Like my boyfriend sometimes forbid me to befriend with someone whom I think it's nice and interesting. He became jealous too"She sighed. It's must be good if Hirata jealous at me. If we became an item, I will just look at him. Listen to his story. For me it's not bored at all, but how if it's reversed? He seems like a free spirit guy. Not like when someone tied him at all. That's why if he just feeling something different with me while he has strong feelings towards Sakura, what's the point if we became together as an items? Just in time, he will lost interest in me and run to Sakura again. And if we became item which he still has Sakura in his heart, of course in the end he will abandoned me. That's why. It's the logic. But why heart always difficult to understand this!

"Don't be greedy, Fei! At least, your boyfriend still wanna back to you. His heart yours. Like you said"

"His words? Maybe it's just a lie. I am crying many times cause that, you know! I tell him to break up with me but he said he can't with that"She crying in front me now.

"If he can't let you go, it's mean you have his heart, stupid!"Not like me. I believe if that my condition and Hirata likes Sakura, I will must be pitiful.

"So, I must be grateful for that!"I just stare at her for a minutes. She already ramp on me again. Hhh.

"You said last time, it's that girl who trying to seduce your boyfriend again. Not him!"She suddenly stop sobbing cause that. She wipe her tears and thinking. I take a sip again from my drink. See? It's different case. Be grateful, stupid. But this topic just good to mislead her attention. It's must suffocated if she keep push me to answer her question about what happen in the terrace. Thank God.

"You right. That bitch, why she can't leave him!"And her rant about her boyfriend past girlfriend just continued. And I just lend my ears to her story.

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