Part 13

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You know when your dream becoming true? That day, our first tracking day together really made me can't stop feeling nervous. We walk close to each other and I can't stop peek at him while he still hold a measure tools for our team. I hold paper board and write number they tell me. Good things about me, I am really really clever hide my expression. So, I trying stay calm when close to him when actually I jump in my heart. Really crazy.

"How is it?" I ask Suguru who become tools measure holder that time. He tell me the number and I write it. I write it and Hirata come close to me and see the number I wrote. Its made me bit surprised but I stay calm in reality. I am really thankful for this trait of me.

"How do you think, Suguru? About the number?" Hirata just look at it for a moment without too long stay close with me. When Suguru wanna see that paper board, before he come to my direction, I made that paper board bit afar from me. So, he can just look at it without close his gap with me. He bit seems surprised but cause I don't talk about that, he just seems accept it. After all, I am not close with him even we are from same hometown and same alumni from elementary school.

"The number bit odd, I think. But we can trick it when input the number in software and see if it can matched with polygon shape"I look around and see how Matilda condition. And yeah like I guess, she often look at my direction. Ugh, it's uncomfortable. After all, I don't have anything for Suguru, so it's better if I don't stand in her way. I hate non reasonable conflict to be honest.

"Still wanna see it?" Both of them look at me at the same time.

"I will sit a bit. Have this board"Hirata hold board paper I gave him. And continue discussed the number variety. I just walk to the wide log wood and sit there. Pay attention to my surrounding. Sometimes peek at Matilda, many times look at Hirata back. I let out heavy breathe.

Even with advantages God give it to me, I still can't made a meaning move to Hirata. I am naturally shy person, I can't show him my feelings after all. And we are not just two person here. There are Suguru too. Its impossible for me to show my interest to him. I don't wanna be a gossip topic in male dormitory. Hhh. My pride too high to let people judge me. Eventough, its not like people will care for person I put interest on. But still, second time have embarrassing moment in this school, I don't have that much courage to experience it again. I hate my self for that cowardness I have. I thinking deeply after take a sip for my drink.

"Where's my drink?" Hirata look around

"This one, Hirata"

"Oh, thank you" He stuttered a bit before give me his thanks when I give him his drink. Cause it's soo nervous, I take as sip again and look away. I caught Suguru look at me for a moment but then he stop and search for his drink. Maybe he think I will tell him his drink position too. Well, I don't know. I just pay attention for Hirata, so I don't even know where he put his bottle. And yeah I don't wanna have business with men whom being liked by other girls when I don't have feeling for him. I don't wanna made Hirata confused. Eventough, yeah maybe Hirata don't even care with that.

"Maika, lets continue. Is it okay for you?" I nodded with enthusiast when Hirata call my name. Omg, it's jackpot. And then Suguru bring the tool and we walk forward again. Hirata give people in the front a signal to keep moving cause we will record a new track again.

"Its you again who will see the number?" I ask Hirata who just look at the front now. I walk faster beside him, match my step with his.

"Yeah, until five record. After that we will change position again" He still talk to me without even look at my direction. Its okay, can talk with him made me happy. Its enough. And he will stay measuring number beside me who write it. Isn't perfect?

"How's our record? Is it okay?" I know the answer cause after all I write it in the paper. But yeah, I am already made my mind to have conversation with him as many as I can. So even it's already clear for me, I will bombardir him with question, so we still can talk while walking. Yeah, we will walking until our next record place again. And it's Suguru who bring tools this time, so where I can have this rare opportunity again?

"Its bit odd, I think. Suguru think same. But we can change it if it's not give us shape like we wanted. Maybe just add 180 degree in that number" I know the explanation. After all, from all subject we have this year, cartography is one of my favourite subject. I like math, so it's natural for me to like subject when we can manipulate number.

"Hmm, I hope I can have chance to learn how to operate that tool. We had exam about that tool, right?" Please teach me. That's what scream in my head now. Whatever, it's good to put a bait than not doing anything, right?

"You can. But maybe when we can record some track again, okay? But, I think you already know it?" He look at me from aside. I think it's normal if he think like that. After study harder in this semester, I got good grade and sure many people maybe include him notice this too. I am one of people in my class who have good impression for grade. Of course, it's just for some subject, not all of them.

"But seems I am not good with practice. Its different with just theory, right?" Both of us stopped. He look at me and then thinking.

"You are right. Hmm, then maybe after we finish today session. Cause we need to catch up with time. Its good if we can finish this measure activity faster, so we can process data in the night"

"Okay" We walk again. Hirata word made me thinking. So, he wanna finish this work faster. When I want this lasting forever. We have different mind again. And at the same time, I think if he even has a bit interest about me, he will not said that. I look at him who walk in front of me now. Its me who lacks effort to reach him or he can't change his mind even a bit about girl he likes? Its always Sakura? Somehow, it's made me sad. I don't even know I am this greedy about him. I think it's just slight interest and curiosity. I think I am still not sure with my feelings. What is this mellow feeling which come to me now?

"Maika, lets start again?" Suguru call me cause I am just stand bit afar behind them.

"Ok, ready"I write number which Hirata told me. I stand behind him and look at his back. This is annoying. Become person who can just look at his back just pissed me off. Its like picture my progress to reach him now. Human heart really something weird. But yeah, I think we still have some time until this project end, I still have time to made him at least realize my feelings for him. I tell this to my self with hope it's can give me a strength to fight. I still not lose, I will try my best.

30 Year Old Lady Daily LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora