Part 15

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And morning just comes. After brief explanation, we will hike same route with Fifi team and one team too from another class. I don't even have many spirit like before.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Ha? Ah, nothing. Just bit tired"I answer Fifi question with as diplomatic answer as I can. Its right I am tired last night, but it's cause sleepless night I had after thinking too much about heartbroken I will got today. I peek at Hirata and Suguru which tidy our tools. They will bring that heavy object through this route.

"Lets go, everyone"Suguru tell us to start follow another group and hiking together with them. And yeah it's really made you tired. That route has sharp slope and its bit hard to hike it. Its made women in every group left behind. Include Sakura too. I look behind and there she is. Seems difficult to climb the slope. But of course I can't help her cause even me find it difficult to do same.

Men in the group climb faster than us but there are still bunch of men friend too in our back. Like they guard us, wait behind us until we can reach the peak of that slope.

After looking at Sakura, I just focus at my front again, give strength to my self to continue climbing again. I see Hirata in the front already give our heavy tools to Suguru and after that I see him look at our direction. Its must be Sakura. I said that to my self. Its not like I am surprised but I think there are not plot twist here, so I just ignore his eyes and just start climbing again. He seems will go back again to our direction and help Sakura which behind me.

Until I got stuck in some part of that slope. I don't see another foothold around me. Same with people behind me, Sakura and Fifi get same problem too from what I see when they see around themselves, search same thing like me. And then when I am still confused with what will I do next, in front of me there are Hirata, look at me in the eyes.

"Give your hand" His voice made me back to reality. I see him give his hand to me, so I can reach it and walk together with him. But its so sudden until made me don't know what to do.

"I think I can do it alone" I said that with mind it's just his bait to Sakura. But why he need to ask me if there are Sakura here too? That's mind run in my head. Why just not directly talk to her? I am confused alone.

"See yourself, your shirt bit dirty now cause the mud. Give your hand, I will guide you to the next foothold" My mind just goes blank when Hirata ask me that. Why he soo persistent? He wanna made strong impression in front of Sakura or what? Hey, stupid. Women will lost their feeling if you give another women more intensity attention than her. They like being special. I don't understand why he need to give me help first than Sakura. That's mind really made me ask what actually happen now. This is bait or what?

"Why you spaced out, hold my hand" I look at him, in his eyes. Its focus on me, not look in my back. What the hell with this?

"Just ask Sakura. I can climb it my self"I give him my answer. When I think again, my voice just sound annoyed when I answer his bid that time.

"What do you mean? I am asking you. What the hell?"His face seems annoyed, made me bit regret for what I have done. He must hate me for that, I mean ask something to embarrass him? That's what's in my mind now. But I don't care and just climb beside him, I give your chance, stupid. Just using it. When I said that to myself, I am feeling hurt inside too. I don't know exactly why I need to decline that offer. Its just I have too low self confidence if it's comes to Sakura presence.

When I am finally leave that spot, another men from another class come and give me a hand to help. Without hesitation, I take his hand and he help me climb that slope. When I finally have stable position to stand in the end of that slope, I look again for what happen behind me. There are Hirata helps Sakura. Good, like always predicted. So, I am just a bait? I am annoyed with that mind.

"Where are Hirata, Maika?"I look at my side. Suguru stand beside me and together with him, we look at same direction when I pointed it.

"Oh, help Sakura team? Or maybe Sakura herself?"Of course cause it's Sakura. I just save that idea in my mind. Feeling annoyed but what I can do? But moment when he lend his hands just made me confused. Why he need to do that? Its not necessary.

"Fifi, let me help you" Suguru lend his hands helping Fifi to climb until the end of the slope. After that, Suguru stand in the end of that slope, seems trying to lend a hand help them reach the peak.

"What route your team take, Maika?"

"Its normal route. And your team?"

"Its reversed. Its a pity we can't have a chat in our way to measure this forest"No, it's good for me. At least, Hirata doesn't have to look around again and our task can be finished early or match with our schedule.

And after some minutes, all of people who climb reach the peak and gather together before we parted aways. I see Hirata had annoyed look when we look at each other coincidentally. What's made him look at me like that? I am wondering around.

"Seems we parted now. Let's do the best for our work" One of team leader from another team said that and our team finally parted away and starting go to the point area when we left yesterday. I look at Hirata when Sakura team go to the different location than us and he not even look at her. Hmm, what happen? Its not like usual term from him. I look at him from aside and suddenly he look at me too. Seems my glare just too intense or what, until made him aware and do the same.

When our eyes meet, I look away first and walk faster than him, go to the Suguru side.

"Still afar from our point?" I just randomly ask Suguru. I bit panicked with his response. When I am thinking again, I am bit left behind when our team parted away with another team cause I am busy look at Hirata reaction when that happen, but why he just stand there too? Its like he waiting for me cause I am left behind? I shake that mind, yeah maybe just my overthinking again. Its impossible for him to wait for me.

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