Part 52

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I let out a big sigh. When I see Fifi give scout lessons with her eyes bit swollen, I can't help but get aware. I have a role to make her like that. I am always look away from her, but that's not always the case.

"What's wrong with you, Senior?"Yuichii came to me when I was sitting down at the entry door of the hall. Oh, please! Why does he need to come when I need my alone time? Actually, I am already saying can't make this afternoon's practice with fake excuses as I am sick. But Siri dragged me out of our room and said she would report me as a liar.

"It's weird to be called senior when we were actually a peer in the past"He sat down beside me and I glared at him.

"Go to practice! There!"He just looked ahead, not even care with my squawk.

"Didn't I tell you, I don't have intention to practice here? Senior?"Damn it, this stubborn guy! He ended his words with a forced smile.

"But don't you notice, senior Fifi's eyes bit puffed up?"I take a glance at him. See? Everyone can saw it. How long she cried out last night? That thought made me restless.

"You know something?"I look away when he tries to evaluate my expression.

"Even I know the cause of it, I won't tell you"

"Maybe it's because Suguru?"I'm gulping. Oh, gosh. I feel like my breath get taken away.

"Suguru likes you"

"Many people know that?"I glance a bit and look ahead again.

"Surprisingly no. He hides it. People just know he likes senior Fifi. Seems it's right. You bad as a liar, didn't you?"He laughed a bit. Can he just go practice there? It's feels suffocated when he is around me.

"I wonder why Suguru wants to hide his relationship with you. Maybe he doesn't take that as important things? I mean, maybe it's him who is played with you. Don't you agree, Senior?"I glance at him and he is smiling again. If that is the case, I must be relieved with that. If Suguru just plays with me, I don't have to feel heavy in my heart. But this Yuichii, why does he persist in making Suguru have bad intentions? He thinks I would be disappointed by that? I blinked and stared at him.

"Stop staring at me. It's making me can't help but blush"Huh? He peeped at me many times. What the hell? Just a second ago, he talked like a pro manipulator.

"Why do you need to get blushed? So weird"We still sit side by side. I see how his peer is busy learning about rope knowledge now. Ah, as his senior, I feel bad making him stay beside me like now.

"Hey, go there! Or go to another place. Don't make me feel bad to keep you here!"I raise up my hands to the front, repels him.

"I don't want it. I am different with Suguru. If he wants to hide his relationship with you, I'm the opposite. I want all of people here know I likes you"I stare at him again from aside. Ah, why? I am not that worthy.

"Go likes another girl, Yuichii. There are many girls in your grade who likes you"My eyes roam around and see one girl in scout team peeping to our position. She must have had a crush on Yuichii. I don't want things which happened on Fifi repeating to other girls. It's giving me headaches.

"Like that girl, you see? She likes you. She peeping at here many times. She is cute too"I pointed out to the girl who peeped at us before.

"I don't care"He talks very fast to me.

"I just likes you"

"It's just some delusions. Just look at her face, she is cute"I keep persuading him.

"She is not you"Tch. I'm starting to get tired of talking to him.

"I am not that good. From face, she is a winner. See my face?"I pointed my face with my fingers. And my action makes him gaze at me while hiding some of his face by folding his knee until near to his chest.

"Don't talk like that. It's the same as provocation, don't you know that?"He still stared at my face and that make me puzzled. Why does even him act like this too? I start getting freaking out for this condition. I am not that great to be liked by someone. I am even still destruct my body by repress my breast. Which means, even I don't favour my self too much. I can't process why all of them are being like this.

"Then stop, I am not that incredible as a woman to make you chase me without looking around. You can get another women who is better than me!"I shout a bit. But Yuichii pulled my body closer. Even I was surprised. Huh? For what is this? We are still in the hall now! What does he think?

"He-hey"My knee hit the floor as cause of I am trying to get off from his grip. It's hurts a bit when I am trying to pull my body as the cause of I lost the balance of it. My hands on his knees when one of my arm gets pulled closer to him. I hide his body now from the sights.

"If you talk like that, it's the same as you unsure with my feelings towards you. Wanna a prove?"Like what? His face get closer to mine. Yuccks, don't tell me he wants do anything weird to me.

He still pulls my arm to him. I am trying to resist, but I am just a women. I can't match with his strength. I can see his face getting closer to mine now. Uh, can someone help me? This is too much. We're still in the hall now. I turned my back from the people who are still in practice now. Ugh, what if they look at our position and think something weird with us. Please, whoever! Help me!

And it's like someone granted my wish, my body gets pulled out from my position now. Someone pulling the collar of my shirt. And it's bring me back several steps to the back. Thank you! I looked above and it's Futaba. Ah....

"What do you want to do to her?"I can see Futaba glare at Yuichii. My eyes roam around and no one notices us. Seems they are still busy with practice. But accidentally, my eyes caught by that girl who seems like Yuichii. She seems surprised. She looks a bit and then look away from me again. I am gulping by that condition.

"It's my business! Why were you interrupt on our business?"I glare at Yuichii now. Our business? Don't include me! It's just you who want this to happen.

"She doesn't seem to like it. I ask you again, what are you going to do to her?"I glared back at Yuichii. But wait, Futaba still holds the back of my collar. And that's made my clothes went up, exposing a little bit of my belly. I still wear inner shirt, but still...

"Coach Futaba, can you let go off your grip? My belly exposed"I closed my belly with my hands while tugging down my clothes too. Ugh, why do I need to experience this?

"Ah, sorry"He let go his grip from my collar now and it made me suddenly in sit down position. My butt feels hurts.

"Go to practice now, Yuichii!!"

"Gosh, alright! Huh, why is it too much interference when I want to have my time with her?"He stood up and walked ahead, leaving Futaba and me.

"Why do you always end up with problems, Maika? Does that hurt?"He squatted beside me. I make safe distance now. I'm bit shocked for what happened with Yuichii earlier.

"It is. But I think the pain less now"I waited until Futaba went from my place, but this guy stared at me instead. I'm backing off.

"Ah, wait here. I will buy something to restore your energy"Futaba leaves even after I shout I am okay to him. He doesn't listen to me. Ugh, why is it so hard to get my alone time? I let out a big sigh.

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