Part 18

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"I think you wanna take care of our tools"

"I said that?" Hirata and I look at each other eyes and then I look away. How he still can look at me without feeling awkward at all for many minutes like it's easy for him?

"I never said I will always take care of that tools"He talk again. Suguru left both of us alone when he goes at the front and follow Lin to clean our way, when both of us still in pillar holder position, wait Liam and Matilda finish writing our coordinate.

"How is it?" One of my eyebrow raised up. Where this question will go again?

"Your elementary school"

He look at me, I can see curiosity in his eyes. But I am too stunned to answer that sudden question. So for some minutes, I just keep silent.

"Is it too hard to answer it?"

"Nothing. Its just too sudden. Why?"

"I need reason too for asking you?"

"Nothing. Its just I am bit uneasy to explain my self" He stopped asking me and look at me in silent mode. And then he look away and stretch his nape while still hold that measurement pillar

"You never asked me, soo"

"And I don't get why you need to know that, right?" I give some space before finished my word. But after some moment, I realized how my word can be interpreted in another way. Ah, I hope he just get the normal side of my statement cause its sound like I asked him his intentions which maybe can misleading him to think I have weird idea about his intention. Ugh, my God, I need Suguru now. This situation kill me.

"Nothing. Just wanna talk. Can we have proper chat?"

"Hmm" I got weird feeling after he said that. I must feeling relief but why there are sad in it too?

"Okay, we finished. Move now" Liam shout to us.

"We need to move"

"Yeah" Our convo just made situation more awkward. So, we walk side by side again. Look at the front.

"Suguru is nice"

"What's that mean?"I look at him from aside.

"Just in case"

"What?" We stopped and face each other.

"If you like-"

"I am not" I answer it even before he finish his word.

"Ah~~like that" He smiled to me while said that. Made me freeze in my place. His smile with that dimple just - just good to see. I look away from him with this embarrassing mind I have in my brain.

We walk in silent mode until reach Suguru place.

"Seems we just take less point than yesterday. Seem it's will be raining today" Suguru eyes fixed on Hirata when said that. I follow their eyes to the sky, it's dark. He is right. We need to finish this sooner than yesterday. We already have more than 75% from our target. So, I think it's okay.

"Good. We can rest early today" I said that a bit loud. Maybe cause I am too tired, that's why. We already work for 4 days, day until almost night, eat in the forest and sometimes can just drink from water source in the forest. We need to hike and sometimes there are some scary experience we will got. Like someone just passing us and then suddenly disappeared after just some minutes pass our location. And its good if today we can have a nap in the afternoon, cause it's already twelve now.

"But Hirata must be happy today" I look at Hirata when Suguru said that. Curious.

"He can help Sakura today. She must remember you vividly now. Its must be good" Ah, right. I even forget that. Why I even feeling happy today. I need to let out that 'special' feeling I had before. Today just like rollercoaster. Its made me wanna vomit in the end.

"Its just coincidence"

"Eh, really?You even go back to help her, right? That's what I hear from another people in the hike last time" He go to me first, but after all it's for Sakura, I think. I follow what Suguru said to him in my head.

"Hh, not. At first, not her" We look at each other again. He just peek a bit and I just look at him from aside of my sight.

"Then who? Fifi?" I look away, not comfortable with Suguru talk.

"All of people in this school already know you like Sakura. Of course, it's Sakura" Lin reply Suguru talks. Tease Hirata

"My life not always about using opportunity to impress someone, you know" Hirata tone bit higher when said that. Made all of us suddenly quiet with his serious face he had when said that too.

"Hey, hold that pillar carefully. Its shaking!"

"Yes!" Suguru talk back to Liam who shout to us. Thanks to Liam voice whose just save that awkward moment.

"By the way, me, Maika and Lin just from same elementary school, right?" Suguru look at me who just stunned. I nooded and accidentally look at Hirata side. He seems annoyed. I look away, he bit scary for me now.

"Hoo? Really?" I am gulping when Hirata said that. Its really annoyed tone when he talk. But why he need to sound annoyed like that? I don't understand.

"But Maika that time really high class. She is soo smart and hard to be close with. We even named her icey cause not even a man can be close with her"

"Hah? Don't made stuff" I talk back to Lin when he explain true things about me. Yeah, it's right. But still, talk this matter now, at period when I am not even nobody just like an insult for me. Its like a pity. I don't like when that situation happen to me.

"But look at her now" I give a glare at Lin. His face just really look down on me while talking.

"What's wrong with her now? She still good"My eyes got bigger when Hirata said that word. He said that while give Lin intense glare.

"Eh-Ah. He is right, Lin. Look at yourself first. You not even smart as her in our elementary school. Even now, you worse" Suguru give his word after stuttered before.

To be honest, at first semester I have problem with Lin. That happen at first semester, I wanna attention soo much, so I made things with Lin. Like said he tease me, pull my hair. Its made weird rumour like maybe he and me like each other. That time I am still remember how disgusted his face when that rumour happens and it's became worse cause he showing it with his attitude like he wanna said "me and her? She is not even pretty and incredible" to all of people who create that rumour. Its really hard time for me too. Cause its give me low confidence more and more.

But if I can be honest too. Suguru word is true. At elementary school, he is not even people which in 'must watched' list for smart people in our era. But yeah, he got highest position at my middle high school as main leader. Maybe that's why he hate the idea about paired with me. Even if it's just for fun.

"You need to apologize, Lin"I look at Suguru who seems pushing Lin with his word.

"Hey, no need"

"Suguru is right. Its not good to said that"Hirata cut off my word, defend me

"Sorry" I nodded when Lin said that

"Ah, and this morning. I come back to that hill to help Maika. But cause she said she can did that alone, that's why I am helping Sakura. But actually it's not for Sakura. So, drop that too" Hah? Why? I look at Hirata who just suddenly drop the bomb. You don't need to clarify anything about your behave.

"Oh, wow. So, it's cause Maika. Hmm, how your feeling about that, Maika?" Suguru and Lin look at me when Suguru fish my answer.

"Eh, it's-"

"Cause she is our team mate, right?" Hirata talk again, stop my sentence.

"Like he said"I smile to them with pain inside. Haha, yeah. Its cause that. What I am even thinking now? Beat Sakura place? Haha, my mind just hilarious. Ugh, I just wanna our work ended faster today, so I can rest and crying in my bed.

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