Part 11

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One of the most unforgettable memories about Hirata is when I am luckily in one team with him. We form a group with six people. Two girls and 4 boys. We need to measure some distance, so we can made a map in application. It's like field trip in forest and that's our location. We need to surround some area in the forest and enter coordinate from our location coordinate we taken. And good news about this field trip is, to take coordinate, it's need some day to finish this. Maybe for one week, so in that one week I can be together with him. Like chat or discussion something with him.

So, when I know this fact, I cant help but get excited. And for sure my mood just going better everyday until our field trip happen.

"Nowadays you seems happy. There are good things happen?" My room mate ask me this question when we pack our clothes. Same friend with my running mate before. Made me blundered cause I think I am humming some cheerful song when busy with my packaging activities.

"Not really. Just wanna humming song I liked"

"Hmm, seems it's not your genre. You like bit rock style music right? Or anime ost, cheerful love song melody not your thing. Remember how you mocked me when I play some of that genre song when you are still study in your bed?" I gulped. She is right. Actually now I humming her cheerful lovely song she ever played before. I just know that cause just that song I can remember from listening to her favorite playlist.

"You said it's cringe. Change it!!!" She mimicked my tone when said that word. Exactly same. Made me quiet for a bit.

"I just wanna change some mood with that song. Is it wrong?"

"It's just like you humming that, refering to your mood? Love song mean you are in love?"Both of us keep silent and gaze to each other. She raise one of her eyebrows, made me little bit anxious.

"Like hell that will ever happen. Me, being in love with boy in this school? You know how disgusted they are with me. Remember how one of them said I am boring? It's impossible" I am continue enter my thing in big backpack I have. Avoid eye contact with her. Suddenly, after said that, I am feeling bit sad too with that fact. Maybe Hirata has that image to in his mind about me? I bit my lips and just focus enter and enter clothes in my backpack.

"You like wanna move all your thing in your backpack, Maika?" I stopped and look inside it. She is right. I lost my mind again. Knowing this, made me take out my thing again and sorted it.

"But it's just from one person right? You don't know maybe some of them had feelings for you?"She still talk to me while both of us busy pack our thing.

"Hmm. Like they will. All of them is same. Maybe if I am pretty like you, they will look at me" Let's just keep that mindset, so I don't have high hope for Hirata too. But why I am feeling sad tell this to my self? I sighed for that sorrows empty feeling I had.

"Let's talk about Takagi. Don't you think he had something for you" I laughed with her words.

"Like hell. I am just his trash bin, when he need person to talk with. You know that for sure"

"But you don't have to feel small with that word, Maika. Maybe they still not look into you. You are kind and warm hearted girl. Just in time, there will be person right for you. Like me" I finished my packaging. I put my backpack near my bed. And look at her who still struggle put many thing in her luggage. Hers really big and she still not have idea until when she need to stop put anything in her luggage.

"Don't put me in same place with you. You already popular. You can get whoever boy in our school if you put your mind in it"I look at her from my bed enjoy her confused face which unsure what thing she wanna put in her luggage again.

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