Part 10

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Actually after that day, we not really have too much coincidence to talk with. Sometimes when he talk with my friend, I will look at him, mostly stare. So, maybe he doesn't have choice than talk to me too. Before I never really care enough when he switch his position and talk to people behind him. But after that time, I am always made eye contact with him, and have high hope he can talk to me too. I am soo desperate to get his attention eventough Takagi mostly always talk to me in the class, if he accidentally talk to people behind him, I will always ignore Takagi and focus on him.

There are time too which made me really remember. That time it's running activities in the morning. I run with one of my closest friend, which had same room with me. She had different class with me. But cause I am too weak for sports activities, so I stop running and just walking together with that friend.

So, that time there is still no one know about my feeling include that closest friend of mine. We already in the back of the running line. So we just walking and talk.

"I am tired"


"I hate running morning session"


"How your relationship with your boyfriend?"

"It's hard"

"Woah, both of you just chatting?"I am gasped. Quietly in my place. Taking a peek many times when my friend casually talk to him. That time I am really hope I can stand beside him, not my friend.

"Eh, Hirata. How many your lap now?"

"3. And you?"

"Two. We already dead now. That why we just walking"

"Eeeh, really?" Our eyes meet. He smile to me which made me dumbfounded. And I just quiet again, just with that I can feel my heart jump from it's place. Suddenly, I am feeling like my surrounding like give me flower feeling. Haha.

"What's wrong with you?" My friend whisper to me with as small noise as she can.

"Nothing. Just mind your business" I just look at the front cause scared my friend will caught my expression changed. That time I am scared even one people will notice my feeling. I am just outcast and even in low standard of women, which made men in my peer wanna date. That's my status. I know that very well. That's why I am scared my feeling towards Hirata will being laughing stock. I don't care with other opinion but if Hirata will feeling weird to that, I will prefer die than tell the truth.

"You still here?"

"I wanna run a little late"


"I just wanna. You got the problem?" I give a little smile with their convo. Actually Hirata close with many of female in my peer, include my friend. But he know how to sort his action which will made people misunderstood. That's why there are not gossip about him flirting with other female than Sakura. For that, he never even denied it. More I know about him, more I am being amazed and like every side of him. And there I am, just look at him like a stalker, peek many times. If I think about that moment, I am feeling it's must be creepy.

And then, my friend being called with her other friend from behind. And she left both of us. In silent mode. I am too nervous being just together with him. Until I can't speak anything. I am thinking, but there are not words comes from my mouth. So, I just looked down. In the sewer. With hope I can just hide there to avoid this awkward situation.

He still run with little step beside me. Adjust my step. For that little action, I am feeling like my face being hot than before. I am feeling like I got a fever. With karate belt in my breast, it's made me bit hard to breathe. But after some silent awkward situation, he just run again, leave me in behind. I am still walking, and pretend to scratch my body, in accurate is area near my neck to made it hidden from my friend behind me. And then I touch my heart, it's beat like crazy. And I am feeling dizzy plus little fever.

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