Part 45

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"Why did you come here when the team had a break?"I rebuked Yuichii when he sat beside me on the floor.

"I need to use all of my opportunities, right?"Me and Siri look at him with a faint look.

"Back there, Yuichii. I wanna to talk with Maika now"Oh please no! Siri must tell me her affair story again. Can someone help me from them? I squealed inside.

"Maika, accompany me to buy some snacks for another coach"Coach Futaba comes to our way when Siri still kicks Yuichii's foot, prevented him to come closer to our side. I am who heard it for the first time, get surprised. Yeah, this is the first time coach Futaba came to me in a direct way.

"Coach, you can ask for our leader, Senior Fifi or another coach"I looked back and forth Yuichii and coach Futaba. He is right. I am not the option here. Suddenly, my stomach get sick. Pressure nowadays, when all of boy comes to me at the same time, made me exhausted.

"I am sorry, Yuichii. But I want Maika. So-"

"Why?"Ugh. My stomach crumble when he fishing coach Futaba vexation.

"Can't I? She is yours?"Oh, gosh. Help me! I look at Siri, ask for help but she look at another way now. Don't want to interfere in my business at all.

"She is not"

"Let's go, coach"I stand up, can't bear to see another fighting in front of many people in the hall. So, both of us walk out of the hall. And ride his motorcycle. I hold rear handle tightly. And seems it take coach Futaba attention.

"Are you serious? You can keep sitting behind me without holding on that"

"Let me be. If coach doesn't like it, then you can go with another student"He grinds his teeth and takes a deep breathe. Of course, I need to keep distance if he would intentionally take a brake.

So, we rode his bicycle for almost 5 minutes and arrived at the minimarket. Both of us got off from it and walked to that place.

"You always like this with everyone?"I glance beside me when coach Futaba talks to me. I take a peek again and his face is flat, making me can't detect if he is in good mood or not.

"I am always the same with them. What is my reason for giving different treatment?"If it's Hirata's case, I would have different vibe when walking with him. Nervous, tense and fluttering.

"You are cold one, didn't you?"I am gulped. This strict cold question one again. Made me want to run from here. Ah, I hate questions like this.

"I don't know. Sorry"He stopped and it made me stop too. We already inside the minimarket and take the cart.

"Why did you say sorry? I put you under pressure?"Yeah. I exhale deep. Start to get annoyed. This is how adults react when teens like us don't put them in their place of honour ? I grumbled to my self.

"Not really"

"Then, you feel like that"I pouted. Then, why does he need to ask if he knows the answer. He moved forward while pushing the cart and I walked behind him. Giving some distance.

"Sorry. I don't wanna you to feel like that. To be honest, I don't know how to act around you. You are hard to be friends with, didn't you?"

"People said that to me. A lot"He stop and turn around, gaze at me for a moment. Get that surprised move, made me look away from him.

"You are pretty. Didn't you know?"Ugh, I feel my stomach hurts to hear that praise.

"Ugh. What to say?"He snickers to my sarcasm question.

"Thank you and be fluttered by my praise for you"Excuse me? I glance to another side. Feels uneasy.

"I am already predicted that's will going to fail"

"Then, why trying, coach Futaba?"

"Call me, Futaba"Uhh. No. He takes some mineral water from rack and puts it into the cart.

"I can't"

"Call me, Hiroshi then"

"I can't too"He laughed again. He took some biscuits from the rack and put them into the cart again. By the way, if he can do that alone, why need to drag me with him. I am feeling useless here.

"Pick one. Hiroshi or Futaba"

"I don't like to pick. Sorry"He sighed with my answer.

"Girls usually fall for me when we have a stroll like this. You are not ?"Huh? I glance sideways again. He's a pushy, isn't he?

"I have too many things in my head now"

"Boy?"I grind my teeth. Offended. My life isn't just always about boys. I had an exam to face ahead, I got bad at English. More than having space about it in my head, I will call it's those who force themselves into my brain!

"Excuse me?"

"Haha. You are angry. So this is why they like to be around you"I don't feel offended at all. So what? I never wanna collect them.

"They can be like that. I don't care, Coach"

"Futaba. Call me that"He smiles at me.

"You are my scout trainer"

"You are third year. I am not technically your coach now"It's right. But I don't want to leave it.

"Remember how you threw back my jacket before?"Yeah there is a time like that. When he gave me his jacket which shouldn't be given to anyone else when our scout event. But I gave him back at the same time. Actually, I threw it at him. My feelings that time are confused and I don't want to get included in his business. It's a relief I did it that time.

"Why you did that?"

"It's your precious jacket, coach. I don't have the right to have it"He stop again and put some snacks in the cart. I sighed. Until when we need to go around at this minimarket? I want to go back.

"I gave it because you are precious. I didn't tell that? Of course, you need to give it back to me. But I want you to know, you are precious to me by giving you that"Oo-kaay. This feels not in the place now.

"That time, you broke up with your girlfriend. It's understandable. But with your face, you can get another more gorgeous women, coach"

"Can you call me Futaba? It's just us now. I feel afar when you call me coach. Please?"He stopped and looked me in the eyes, made me move back a bit.

"Fu-Futaba. Uh, my mouth feels strange. This is not right"He smiles again. Nearly laughed actually.

"Like you said, maybe you are right. I count you as one of them"I blinked. Don't wanna believe it.

"Err, maybe you are in the wrong choice to pick, Co"He widened his eyes, tell me to say his real name.

"Futaba"I feel. Weird.

"Why not? You don't know you have nice eyes? I like it when you pay attention to me when I am talking to you"I listened to his broke up story before. But is that enough to likes someone? The world just getting crazier.

"You like my eyes, not me"

"Wanna bet?"I frowned.

"No. Thank you"

"Having a date with me on Sunday"Bad idea.

"Bad idea. I don't like being involved in gossip with you, Co"Ugh. He give me a sharp gaze.

"Futaba"This person is sick.

"Why not? I can give you some advice for your love life too"It's give me a paused moment. He can? I am already torn now, can I ask his advice? Isn't bad, right?

"Oh, No. It's disaster"I shook my head. What if people saw when we walking together? Gossip. I am sick of it!

"Why not? Doesn't risk your life in people not bad at all?"Why I am feeling like I've ever heard this word?

"Like someone and be liked by someone. It's not bad at all"I gulped. His words have similarity with Hirata's. Somehow in my head, I know it's not appropriate as a girl. But this person, maybe can give me an answer about Hirata's intention. After all, they said the same thing? Not the same, but similar. There are words saying, your heart will not always aligned with your brain. That word made me wonder, is it happen on me now?

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