Part 9

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Let's call him Hirata. Actually I am always in same class with him at second year of high school. But we never talk in our first semester. We had U letter shape sitting position management in our class. Me and Hirata sit in side of that U letter formation, near the class door.

Hirata sit in the middle from three seat in front of me. When I am in left side behind him. Compared to me, he often talk to my friend who sit in the middle seat behind him. And I am often talk with my male friend in my left side too. Hirata has his first love, it's Sakura who sit just one seat space from me. All of our class mate know this. Include me. Actually I never really care about him at first. He is a good talker, has bright personality (eventough he had bit dark skin tone), he is easy to made friend with women, he never made people angry eventough he has bit sarcastic mouth but he never talk bad about people or mocking them. But for me, at first he is type which made me don't wanna had close relationship with. Cause yeah, I know for sure people like him will never interested being friend with me. So, me and him never really talk actually.

Until second semester, we accidentally arranged become one group for subject task. I forgot how it can be like that, but for sure at first, I am not really care. That time, I am still hide my breast and sleep in the floor, plus I never take a bathe. I am still really uncomfortable show my self to others, so I hide my feeling with that. But surprisingly I don't have bad scent eventough I am never take a bathe. It's strange.

So, back to the story. We are in one group. Include him, I am at one group with that friend who give me fake confession. Let call him Takagi. So, this Takagi always tell me his story without I am asking it. Same with that time too, he just talk to me about what happen and I am just listen to it while still write instructions for our task. I think we are in group with 4 people but I just remember Hirata and Takagi who at same group with me.

Actually girl whom Hirata like sit beside our team. And this Takagi actually like that girl too. So, Takagi sit beside Sakura and me. He choose that seat, so he can tease Sakura. I know this, he tell me about Sakura. Takagi never said he like her with clear statement. But from his talk, I made assumptions he like her from what his talks or his expression. He had wide smile when share his story about Sakura.

Takagi just do multitasking. Talk to me and between that he tease Sakura and laugh happily with that. He even not helping our group, he just sit there and play. But I know this, after all he never being a people which made you can depend on. Eventough before enter this school, he always join some physic competition, at this school we just fooled each other and hide our achievements. Just to made our life easier. But consequence we get are being looked down. Maybe. After all, that's what I am implicated. Cause I hate being always looked down like that, that's why I am change my self and back being ambitious a bit and chase good grade.

That time, while I am still busy with my mind. Thinking about Takagi attitude and how I reflect to my self, Hirata suddenly sit beside me when one of my female friend gone. Maybe she go to toilet that time. My mind that time, he just wanna sit there, so he can look at Sakura. After all, he likes Sakura. But sadly, Sakura already has boyfriend. He is one of the most handsome boys in our school. Remember guy who made me being harrased cause wrong information? Cause people said I like him? Nah, that he is. He had different class with us. So when Hirata sit beside me like that, I am just not really care and busy with my hand and sometimes need to pay attention for what Takagi said.

"You will write that instruction?"Suddenly Hirata talk to me. I just look at him for a moment and then continue writing again.

"Yeah" Actually I am bit surprised. But it's not big thing. After all, at first I am never care with his presence. And he never talk to me for almost one semester. Or maybe yes? I am not really remember that. Cause it's not like important thing to me. For sure, I believe he just wanna see Sakura not talk to me. After all, I look at him when he talk with my female friend in the middle in my row, sometimes he take a peek, just to look at Sakura. It's soo visible even for me, who just being audience.

"You seems close with Takagi"

"Yeah, we are"

"You know, before subject like this is easy" I am taken aback. Look at him for second and then made my self busy again. Why he talk more with me? That idea just walk in my mind many times.

"Oh, it's like that"

"Before, I am always rank first in my school you know" Suddenly his talk take my interest. After all, things like this really my favorite. About other people achievements.


"You wanna prove?" I nodded. He take his phone from his pocket, show me some photo of him wear medalist and hold trophy. That prove made me can't help but look at him with amazement. He is something. So I remember I listen to all of his story which made me focus on him until made Takagi annoyed and feeling abandoned.

"Hey, Maika. Listen to this" Takagi voice made my convo and Hirata stopped. Actually it's made me irritated. But he hold my arm, just to made me look at him. So, I hear his talk again. About his nonsense rebel story in boarding house. It's soo boring compared to what Hirata said. So, many times I just ignore what Takagi said and busy asking Hirata.

"Why are you not really trying study hard now?"

"Cause I wanna have easy going life. You know about Saita?"He mentioned one of our friend. That friend really good with technology that time. He is always first person to go if we had our laptop broken or need to install application.

"He is actually Biology Olympic participant"

"Woah, really?"While he talked to me, I just know he had dimple. It's soo deep. And suddenly with our talk, I know why people said he is a bright person. He really had good energy around him. It's soo addictive. Like when you are with him, you don't need to worry. I realize now, why many girl like talk with him. He is not outdated and he know how to bring conversation more deeply. Its made us feeling special when talk to him.

"You have sibling?"

"I am not"

"Its must be lonely"

"Not really. I have many friend" And we talk many things after that. I don't really remember. But for sure, our convo until rest time just flow slowly like a water. Its soo natural. And I am comfortable with our talk. For the first time in my life, I am feeling weird.

When he talk to me, many times he jokes with me and laughed too. When that happen, I freeze in my place, amazed with his dimple. And I can't help but smile too like an idiot. Soo stupid. Our long convo really live deep down in my heart that time. Like time really stopped. I know using this phrase just really soo stupid if I remember how my priority is study and grade. But that time in my hopeless hole life, I find oase. I find my water. I hide my breast, I harm my self, I am never take a bathe that time, I hate my self until phase I never take care of my self. But his presence made me feeling I am okay, and I need to look at my self more. Eventough I am still not free from that bad habit, I am feeling ease a bit. Like feeling I am special, I am worthy.

"You know, it's give me good feeling when talk to you. I am understand now why Takagi like talk to you"

"Hah, Takagi. We just talk nonsense thing"

"I see" He smiled again to me. Ah, seriously my world just stopped. He is not really handsome. But for sure, he had good smile. I am freeze like a statue.

"Hey, Maika. Hear at me, why you ignore my talk?" Ah, yeah. Takagi still here. Suddenly I think Takagi talk until now just annoying. He just talk whatever he like, not really care I am okay with it or not. Not really care his talk it's my taste or not. Hhh, really annoying person.

"You are busy teasing Sakura, that's why I think you just busy with that" I don't really hear what Takagi response for my answer. But then about Sakura, I just remember Hirata like Sakura too. I take a peek of him who just talk with my other group mate.

So, he like Sakura. She is pretty compared to me. I am not even average. I can't beat her. I am feeling down with that fact. Before I am never really care with that shit. But after talk with Hirata, suddenly I think that "appearance" thing bug me a bit.

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