Part 60

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"Where is Yuichii?"I look up at the source of voice and it's Futaba. I sigh. Hhh, I don't have energy left for another love thingy.

"He went in that direction, maybe went back to the hall?"

"Hmm"Futaba still doesn't go to another place. Instead, he walked to my side.

"You search for Yuichii, right?"He stopped and looked at me, then looked at another direction.

"I see"And he sat beside me. I let out a deep breath and show it clearly to him.

"He's not here"

"I don't say I want to search for him. I just ask"

"Oh"I look away from him and be silent.

"How's it going?"

"About what?"I answered it lazily. I hope he got my message that I wanna to be alone now.

"What is he saying to you? Want to make sure of his intentions?"There is annoyance in Futaba's tone.

"Well, he admits it. He purposely did it"

"I told you"I got silent again. Well, what does he expect me to say then?

"He says sorry too and promises that would never happen. Again"Both of us got silent after that.

"He's brave. I don't expect he would say that. I thought he's just a brat. So, what's the meaning of his words?"

"He gave up on me"Futaba doesn't talk again after that. I wonder what's in his mind now. But if that's what he means he has something romance for me and wants to say it now, I'd rather he keep his mouth closed.

"Team would go at camp this Sunday, don't you want to come?"Hmm. After what happened between me and Yuichii? It's hard to face him for some moments. I need a time to face him in a normal way. At least, doesn't run when he comes to me.

"Maybe not"

"So like that. Then"I glanced quickly at him from aside. What's that mean?

"I think I don't have a choice. Maika, I like you"Gosh. I close my eyes with peeved feeling. This is the worst case when I expect him to understand.

"Men can be really egoistic, isn't it?"

"Well, that depends. But if I wait for a chance -"I take a glance again when he just faces the front of him now.

"You wouldn't be ready and I think you should already know, right?"

"Siri told me. But it's hard to believe. I mean, we have a lot of pretty girls. I'm not one of it. And I'm not chic and popular like other girls too. Don't you know? Girl at my age likes older guy. You got to be popular among them"

"Of course, I know that well. I'm not stupid. But I think you got my message from all our interactions before?"I know. But I mean. I sighed. Well, I know it well, I have to admit it. After Siri told me that, I became anxious whenever Futaba was around me. But for sure, it's not in a good way.

"I ask for consultation, you know"

"I'm glad you did. I can give some action through that. I did tell you before, right?"Yeah, he told me. This is a terrible time to confess, isn't it?

"I plan to say that again at camp if you come as I want you to think it carefully. But if I'm always like that, chance wouldn't come"

"But I'm not ready"I said that bluntly. It's too sudden to give an answer.

"Well, it's the same rule as my statement before. And I know you well. It's from your first grade at second semester? We met and I paid attention to you. But I know you avoided me"

"I thought it's just a teasing"I can hear he sigh.

"I know you would think like that. And maybe it's right too. But something can become true in the end"

"Doesn't that sound scary?"

"Haha. Gosh. You never expected that? Men always like that if they're serious. Me, Yuichii, Suguru and your crush too. All men almost the same. Of course, if they like a woman"Did they? But Hirata is not the same. He still doesn't talk to me. If I'm important to him, he wouldn't let me hang in doubt like now. I wonder how Hirata acts if he has problems with Sakura? Did he want to come straight to her and apologize? It's annoying.

"Why did you always avoid me from the first time I made a move to you?"I caught he staring at me, so I looked away.

"I don't like around popular people. Especially men, it will create a mess and I want a calm life at this school"

"Hmm. Doesn't it sound you hate this school as well?"I am gulped. Did I? At that level? I think deeply.

"Well, maybe"As I'm almost alone at my entire year before until now. And we're in third year. I endured that alone before but I know it for sure, that's lonely. I don't have any friends, don't even have family to share my story after suffocated at this place. Even crying, I did it alone too when everyone slept. If I can get out of this school easily. Although I have some good memory at the end of my time here. But if I could choose again in the past, I wouldn't let me choose this school and ruin my youth here as a loner.

"I just know how to survive here. Although I have some friends now, but it's hard to believe anyone again. Am I bad, Senior?"I faced him with stern face and he still stared at me in silence.

"This is bad, Maika. I want to hug and kiss you right now"Huh, excuse me? I'm serious here!!

"If you do that, I will pull out your hair and scream pervert right now!!"I said that angrily.

"Haha, gosh. This is really bad. Why do you need to hide when you're this sparkling, Maika?"Eh? My eyes got big when he said that while laughing.

"Am I look like a joke for you?"I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. It's not even funny at all. Sparkling? Ugh, it's so much a lie.

"I am serious. And be careful showing your weak side to man, I think they would attack you directly. Like what Yuichii did"It's seems different case.

"He said he thought I provoke him when it's not. I say this to you as I believe in you now, Senior"

"Futaba. Call me that"Hhhh. I let out a big sigh again. This man can be seriously annoying.

"It's normal but I think he needs to control himself more. It's makes you scared, right?"

"Um. But in the end, I agree to forgive that and he prefers we stay friends. Isn't it weird? I'm so defenseless, isn't it?"Futaba kept silent for a moment.

"Well, if you think it's the right thing to do, maybe it's the best for you two"I looked down, thinking for what Futaba said to me.

"I think you have your guard down nowadays. Doesn't that feel good?"Both of us look at each other again and I looked down after that, processing what he said to me.

"I think it's not bad. But I'm scared to believe them so much. It's going to hurt in the end. But have someone I like at this hell, is it sound possible?"I tilted my head. If I think again, why do I have time for that?

"You seem to say whatever you want to me now, huh? Somehow, I feel more like a brother to you?"I look at him again. So, what do you want me to do?

"It's hard to think another way. But if you hate that idea, I can't do anything about that. But I will admit, it'll be more lonely if you leave me as I don't reply your confession seriously. But I am used to it"I look aside from him again, is this an older men persona? But why can't I fall for type like this? And I found it surprised I could talk a lot with him. Weird.

"Woah, see your eyes!! It's like a dead fish!!"I glared at him and he laughed.

"I wouldn't. Don't worry"He says that while giving me a soft smile. It's feeling heavy on me now. How to repay his kindness?

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