Part 35

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"You need to climb one stair again, Maika"

"I hate this"I grunted when Siri give me an encourage word. Last night after tired crying, Siri told me we need to hike a watchtower in the forest. It's not afar from our dorm. But we still need to walking and hiking. So, this morning when everyone in the room still sleeping, both of us goes there. Together with some guy friend of her. Siri known as her outgoing personality, so she close with some guy friend in our peer. Include Hirata. So, when she said she know Hirata than me cause she know him much longer than me, maybe it's true.

"OMG, it's tiring. Remember to never invite me again for your hiking activities"When we climbing to this tower, she told me she had hiking hobby and at this school trip she already goes with some of her friend which together with us now for some of that activities.

Just two of us girl now. And four of us is men. And not even one of them close with me, not my team mate too. After all, I am always clingy to Siri now cause that fact.

"Maika, sit here. Let's wait for the sunrise"I follow her words and sit beside her. One of our guy friend, his name is Yun give me one cup of hot tea. I accept it and nodded. I just know his name but not close with him, so it's normal reaction. After give me a tea, he move to another person and did the same.

"You know many people"

"I love to know many people. I think it's a good trait"

"Hmm"I take a sip of the tea after hearing Siri boast about herself.

"Some people ask me about you, Maika"I look at her while my mouth still take a second sip of the tea now.

"One of them is Yun"Uhuk. Uhuk. Her words almost made me choked. I look at Yun's back when Siri said it and then to my cup.

"You almost kill me"

"They are curious, Maika. Not more than that"

"It's not like I want it. But still, it's made me scared. Stop joking like that!"

"Scared? Cause you feel anxious about Hirata?"I look away from Siri. I don't know the reason. But when Siri said it, maybe she is right again.

"Don't wanna try with another guy, Maika?"I just let my ears listen to her. Too lazy face her. Last night, she spit out Suguru name out of nowhere. It's enough to made me choked cause surprised.

"I am lazy. Stop bring another name guy, Siri. It's too sudden and annoying"

"Okay"Both of us keep silent again. And just some minutes from it, the sun is rising up. It's soo beautiful. I take a deep breathe when that scene happen in front of me.

"It's pretty"

"Your first time see this one?"Siri asked me with excited tone.

"No. But from high place, yeah. Especially from the forest"I can see from aside, Siri is smiling when I said it. So, I am smiling too. I don't lie, it's a beautiful scene. Suddenly, my worries lifted from my heart. My heart feel soo light. I don't know the reason. But maybe, this is the reason why Siri likes climbing. Its can lifted your worry when you arrived in your final destination. But it's just temporary, right? I am thinking again. Even it's just temporary, it's still good.

"I am understand now, why you like climbing activities"

"I am usually climbing or running when I am in stress condition. It's refreshing"

"Hmm, I get it. I am feeling better. Even not totally healing with this. After all, I will see him again"I sit while bend my leg and hugging my knee.

"You can jump from here to forget him. But we can't guarantee your safety. You can die too"I face her now this time and Siri give me an annoying smile.

"I don't wanna die cause him. It's too much"We laughed together cause that. Yeah, right. I can't forget my problem, but I can face him in normal way now. Even it's not guaranteed, at least I can said goodbye to my feelings. It's too hard for me. I wanna stop this feeling, before it's give me more pain than now.

"Siri, can I said goodbye to him? I am tired"I look at the sun. My lips curved below, trying held my tears.

"Are you sure? I think you can't. But if that's what you want, then do it"I nodded. I take a deep breathe. Maybe it's impossible. But after see this view and calm down because of it, there are some weird strength come to me.


We assembly at the hall tonight for final changes of our task. We need to check the coordinate before made polygon at the computer application. I am arrived a bit late and all of my team member already there. Hirata busy with the computer, while Suguru seems read the coordinate and discuss it with Hirata. Aside from what happen at the terrace last night, they still in good term. It's a relief for me.

"Maika, you are here"Suguru call me while I am trying to sit beside Matilda. She still talking with Lin now. I see Hirata stopped and look at me too. Even surprised, I just give them a little smile.

"Still not finished?"

"Still not. Come here"I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore Suguru word. But then, my eyes caught with Hirata eyes. Uh, I hate this situation again.

"I will sit here with Matilda"

"We need you to confirm the data. After all, you hold the paper almost of the time"Hirata word made me don't have choice than did like they said. So, I sit beside Suguru. What the hell with me, just this morning I said to myself to look at Hirata in a normal way. I take a deep breathe. It's easy to say than do it.

"I hear you climb with Siri this morning"

"Yeah, I did"I take a bunch of paper Suguru gave me while asking me too.

"Eh? Really? I am always go to climb with Siri. Ah, if I know you will go to climb too, I will wake up early this morning"

"You go to climb?"Hirata asked me after Suguru protest on me. His eyes are dilated while asking it. I nodded.

"I will not doing that again. It's tiring"

"Why? We can go to climb together. I can help if you are tired"

"Thanks but no"I look at the paper again when Suguru tease me. Lets just not care about Suguru action. I don't wanna thinking too much about it.

"Hirata, I think we need to change this data. It's not fit for our polygon"

"Hah? O-okay. Which one?"I move forward to his place and tell him what data I mean. He look at it and take my paper from me, but he unconsciously touch my fingertip. It's made me bit shocked. So, I look above at his face and he paused cause that. I think both of us suddenly remember for what happen last night.

"Sorry"I said that first to him and looked down to the paper. Its hard to see directly at his eyes now. There are some guilty feeling attacked me. For being shameless of my action last night.

"It's okay. Don't worry"

"Maika. Look here"Hah? Even I am surprised with Suguru words, I am unconsciously look at him. But then his finger touch area under my eyes. I am too surprised, until startled and jolted from my place.


"Eyelash. Ah, it's disappear now cause you jolted from your place"I manage the rhythm of my breathe. This guy! I am nearly curse on him.

"You need to tell her before doing anything on her. She must startled cause your action!"Hirata angry tone enough made me wanna vomit again. Uh, I don't wanna that embarrassing event last night happen again in this place. I see my surrounding and all of my team mate eyes on us. I am feeling dizzy cause that situation.

"O-Okay. Just calm"I am trying to steady the situation. Hirata look at me then tidy the paper which everywhere now.

"Maika, your face seems pale"Matilda words made me look at her. Really? It's must be bad until she notice it.

"Are you okay?"I move a bit when Suguru ask my condition. Even he seems surprised with it, I don't care.

"Seems I must go to the toilet. Take the paper for me, Hirata"He nodded for my request. Then I stand up and walking out to the door.

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