Part 29

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"What the hell, seems Hirata will come and sit here, Maika"Siri whisper to me in the dinning room while she sit beside me intentionally. I take a peak and we caught each other eyes. Shiit. Why? I let out a heavy breathe. Please, someone stop him!

"Eh, seems someone tell him to sit with them"She seems bit disappointed when said it.

"Ahh, I think my soul will leave my body. Thank God"

"What's wrong, Maika?"Misaki who pay attention to my attitude just express his mind.

"Ah, nothing. I am feel bit sick"

"Again? Like last time"Uhuk. Now, it's Siri who cough with Misaki words. It's not same but the subject still same.

"No. Maybe cause we caught rain while measuring, right?"

"Hmm, you right"I sighed. With reality about Siri know the truth, it's like I am in danger everytime.

"Just pretend like you don't know everything, Siri. It's hard on me to keep everything in the place"

"Got it. Sorry, it's just. When I know the truth, it's give me consciousness to keep my expression"I look at her with nervous look. She will keep her promise or not?

"But it's give you benefit too. What if I don't notice he wanna come here? At least if you know, you can think another step to avoid him"We are talking but whisper to each other with lowest voice as we can.

"I will not. People will notice it. And I don't wanna being coward towards him"

"Coward? When you like someone, it's okay to being coward, Maika"I look at her. She give me a little smile. Like concern smile.

"It's like you give too much pressure to yourself. Like someone is thing you can't control. Why don't enjoy it?"I look away. Let emotion take away my brain again? Thank you, but not.

"I am just enough and tired, Siri. That's all"I can hear a long breathe before she continues focus on her food.

"But Fifi and Sakura team still not back and one team too. That's what I hear from others"

"Eh, really?"Siri seems worried when Misaki tell us that news. After all she close with Fifi more than us. Its understable.

"One team is Fei boyfriend team?"

"Yeah"I look at Misaki. She know many things.

"Hear from your boyfriend?"I take a peak and she seems bit surprised. Seems yes.

"We just talked after finish our task. And he tells me"

"Or maybe when two of you take a food side by side?"Siri look at her, with 'don't believe' attitude when I spill the tea.

"What's wrong with that? Stop looking at me like that, Siri"

"No-nothing. It's just couple in our grade just to showy. I am jealous"She bite one slice of her chicken while looked in the air.

"Why? Wanna have one too or maybe you have one but can't be showy like them?"Siri look at me. Like doumbfounded. Ah, I caught her. She has one too. Maybe not from this school?

"You wanna have one too, Siri? Hey, you are second top grade in our alumni, why not?"Misaki ask her without clue.

"No-nothing. From our alumni. Auh, kill me"So, it's right. Not from our school. Misaki just said ooh, and back to her plate again.

"You. What the hell with that dead question?"She whisper on me again and give hard tone in some word.

"Just checked. Seems I got your secret too, right? From another school?"

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