Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 4)

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Jungkook felt like shit when they arrived at the arena to play the finals.

It was officially two months since he had last talked, or emoted, with JoonTheTreeHugger, which was even longer than they had been talking in the first place. Logically, he knew that he had no reason to care as much as he did, but he just couldn't get over it.

There had been something about the hunter.

Jungkook just felt... down.

The pressure from the final didn't help as he sat in the makeup chair, getting ready to go on stage.

They had a plan, but while none of them wanted to say it aloud, none of them really believed in the plan. They were the underdog, the expected losers, the team, not even their fans wanted to cheer for.

They were expected to lose, and it fucking sucked.

It sucked even more that he had nothing to go home to.

No cute hunter was waiting for him to flirt with when he got home, nobody to tell him that even he lost, it was okay because he tried his best. Nobody to wish him good luck before he left his home.

He was aware that he was projecting too much onto a man that he had never met, that he had never even talked to, but he just couldn't stop it. It just... grew a life of its own.

He must have sighed because the makeup artist looked at him with as calming a smile as possible "I know it must be overwhelming, but it's going to be fine. Everybody gets nerves during their first finals, no matter who wins, what matters is that you make the most out of your time up there."

It was the logical position to take, if his problems had been what she thought it was, Jungkook could not just tell her everything, instead just nodding "thank you." it was both the most and least genuine 'thank you' he had ever given. While he was thankful that she wanted to guide him, she was also very wrong.

Jungkook hated himself, but he didn't have much memory of the first 4 games being played. They won and lost as expected. Won when they had side selection, lost when they didn't, all to be expected. To make it worse, he wasn't playing very well. It was hard to put specific fingers on, but he just... he just wasn't performing his best.

That feeling in his chest, the rush of adrenaline and endorphins from just being on stage, it wasn't there. He just felt as if he was floating, that he wasn't really experiencing what was going on around him.

He tried his best, he really did, but as they won game 4, and got ready for a game 5, with the other team having side selection.

They would lose.

Jungkook would lose the final, and this would be his legacy.

As he stood backstage, considering if he could drown himself in the toilet somebody called out his name, as he turned to look, he was surprised to see Seokjin. The older man had apologised multiple times but said that his friend was going through a hard time, and he was not going to force him to go to the event if he did not feel comfortable with it. As much as Jungkook had wanted to complain, and demand that Seokjin be there, he also knew that it wouldn't be fair, so he just sucked it up.

Still, seeing his Hyung come towards him with a grin, more or less dragging a friend behind him by the wrist as they made their way over towards him. Jungkook could feel at least a bit of energy return to him as he saw his friend, he was quick to meet Seokjin halfway there.

He tried not to focus too much on the other man that Seokjin was pulling with him. Since apparently, he was shy, and not somebody who normally belonged in the esports scene, Jungkook did his best to not look at him too much, but even that was a struggle because the little looks he got off the man showed a very attractive male that was exactly Jungkook's type.

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