Cat Nanny (vMon)(SFW)(canon)

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"Now who left behind a cat?" Taehyung tried to argue that he was very much not a cat, and nobody left him behind, he just happened to not be able to figure out how to open the door without functional thumbs.

Those words were not what came out, instead a loud angry miaw as Namjoon picked him up.

"Maybe somebody was meant to babysit you but forgot and now they are all gone for vacation." Namjoon has gathered the cat, Taehyung, in his arms, holding him close "I am sorry little one, I can't let you out not knowing who you belong to."

How Taehyung ended up as a cat, was a weird story, and Taehyung was very much willing to blame 90% of it on Jungkook, after all, he had been the one accidentally pushing Taehyung while they explored a little weird store they found, leading Taehyung to fall into a shelf, a bottle of something landing at their feet splashing Taehyung's entire bottom part of his legs.

A lady, well old woman, had come running from somewhere, yelling at them with power and speed that no elderly woman should be capable of. They had tried to apologise and promised that they would pay for it. That they would cover all the damage and that it was going to be okay.

Sadly, she did not seem to listen nor care as she chased them out of the store with a broom swiping at them. Promising them (or Taehyung more specifically), hell fire. Both had tried to go back the next day to pay for the damage or anything like that, but the shop was just gone.

After that, they both tried their best to not think about, because if they thought about it too much, they would freak out. Luckily it seemed that nothing had happened, the places on Taehyung's skin where the liquid had hit him did not fall off, he didn't even have a mark from it.

He had decided that it was just water, and both the lady and the two of them were crazy.

Everything was going to bed okay.

Until it very much turned out not to be okay.

The day that Taehyung was meant to leave for vacation, he had woken up as a cat. A cat that lacked the size and thumbs to be able to use the front door of their shared dorm to get out.

Of course, they were all successful and old enough to have their own place, but all of them also liked to keep the dorm around, sometimes you just wanted to go spend time with your group or even just spent a bit of time remembering the past.

That was why, right before going on vacation and being gone for weeks, Taehyung had decided to go sleep at the dorm, the rest of the members were already meant to be gone, so he could spend the night there, thinking about all the times they had together.

Wait, they were all meant to be gone for vacation what was Namjoon even doing here?!

Taehyung tried to argue that exact fact, but his new feline features allowed only an angry miaw "I am sorry, I am just checking for a tag, I didn't mean to hurt you." Taehyung suddenly felt bad for his angry noises, as Namjoon sounded so genuinely sorry even if he was talking to what he thought was just a cat "You don't seem to have a tag or anything, I can't really let you out little guy, what if you belong to one of the other guys and they just forgot you, they will get very sad if they come back and find out that I lost their cat." Namjoon pressed a kiss to the top of Taehyung's cat head, which did make the real Taehyung inside of the cat see hearts. Namjoon never gave them kisses anymore, he had at times kissed the top of their heads when they were younger, but as they had all gotten older, he had stopped, something that Taehyung was still heartbroken over.

Maybe he just really wanted hair kisses... and other forms of kisses.

"It is weird that they left you behind, but they all always get so airheaded when we finally get time off. I will shoot them a message, but until we find out what happens, you are coming with me, little friend." Namjoon lifted him up bopping their nose against each other "I see nothing broken here so you seem to be well behaved, I also see no cat toys or other stuff, which might be a problem." Namjoon seemed to be thinking, he was so pretty like that "what about this? I message all of them, and until the one who owns you texts me back, you are coming with me to the studio. We should probably pick you up some basic stuff first, and hope that they answer fast."

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