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Colby's POV

"Fuck." I hissed and crouched down to collect Julia in my arms. She was gasping for air as a seizure shook her whole body.

"Kat, go get Sam." I said and kept my eyes on Julia. There was blood coming out of her mouth and her eyes were wide open.

"Did you drug your girl to get her back?" Max asked as I clenched my jaw. "Fuck off, Max." I snapped then kept my focus on Julia.

"Come on, Jules." I mumbled as Sam came rushing over. I could tell people were starting to look at us, but I didn't care right now.

Julia was my only concern.

"Follow me." Sam said as I nodded and picked Julia up.

Sam led the way through the crowd and towards a set of stairs. Julia whimpered as we ran up the stairs.

"You're okay." I mumbled and held her tighter. "What's happening to her?" Sam asked as we walked into what looked like a bedroom.

"She's having a bad seizure I think. Someone replaced her pills with drugs so she hasn't been taking anything." I explained as Sam's eyes widened.

"Someone drugged her?" He asked as I nodded. "I killed him. I haven't had a chance to get her meds." I said as Julia blinked slowly, getting out of her seizure.

"There you are." I whispered and laid her on the bed. "Ouch." Julia mumbled. "What hurts?" I asked and smoothed her hair back.

"I bit my tongue." She said causing me to frown. "That's not good." I said as she nodded. "Other than that, are you feeling okay?" I asked quietly.

"Did I have a seizure?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah, a pretty bad one." I said and helped her sit up.

"I could feel it." She said and put her hand on her head. "I'm sorry I was distracted." I said as she sigh.

"It's okay." She said and closed her eyes. "Here's some water, Jules." Sam said and handed her a glass of water.

"Sorry for ruining your party." She said then took a sip of water. "You didn't ruin it. Hardly anyone even noticed. Colby got you out of there." Sam said with a grin.

"Thank god." She said as I stood up. "How's your head?" I asked as she swung her legs over the end of the bed, planting her feet on the ground.

"Hurts." She said as I nodded. "Want some ibuprofen or something?" I asked as she shook her head.

"I don't trust it." She said quietly as Kat came into the room. "Thank god you're awake." She said and came over to give Julia a hug.

"Sorry." Julia said quietly. I could tell she was still out of it but she was trying to bring herself back.

"Don't apologize! I'm just glad you're okay." Kat said as Sam sighed. "Let's give her some time. We'll see you guys downstairs." Sam said then led Katrina out of the room.

I appreciated Sam for always being able to read a room. He could tell Julia was still struggling a little bit and would probably be better off recovering in peace.

"Is my tongue cut in half?" Julia asked and stuck her tongue out at me.

In the middle of her tongue was a gash that was still bleeding, she had to have bit into it hard to get that sort of wound.

"Not in half, but it looks like it hurts." I said with a sigh. "It does." She said then ran her fingers through her hair.

"That guy was stressing me out." Julia said after a couple seconds. "Who? Max?" I asked as she nodded.

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