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Colby's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Nate asked as I nodded, staring at the computer in front of me.

The guys and I have been working through ideas on how to stay ahead of the gang that was holding Julia hostage.

I didn't like how long this was taking because I knew Julia was probably scared out of her mind.

I wanted to storm over to the house and kill anyone in my path but it just wasn't that easy.

We had to plan.

Nate's "appointment" with Julia was in two days so we didn't have much time to fully solidify a plan but we were working on it.

Over the course of the two weeks I've been slowly trying to collect stuff from Will.

Whether it was me going through his office to find physical papers, or me sending someone to stalk.

The only true information I got was a contact for someone named Joey. I assumed he was a part of the gang that was holding Julia hostage.

I just wish I had more information on the guy.

"As far as I can see there are two access points. Where did you say Julia's room was?" I asked and looked up at Nate.

"I'm the heart of the house. No windows." He said as I nodded. "They planned for this." I hummed then took my glasses off.

"I'm gonna call Sam real quick." I said then grabbed my phone.

Sam has been amazing throughout this whole which was expected, but the fact he's taken so much time out of his day and away from LA means a lot.

"Hey, man." Sam answered after a couple seconds. "Hey, have there been any deliveries or anything to the house?" I asked and leaned back in my chair.

"No. I saw Will though." Sam said as I rolled my eyes. "Stupid bitch. I can't wait to fucking kill him." I said with a sigh. "Tell me about it." I said as someone knocked on my door.

"What?" I asked blandly, lowering my phone slightly. "Sorry to bother you." Jason, one of my men, said as he poked his head in. "What is it?" I asked as he glanced at Nate.

I could tell he was hesitant to tell me what was happening.

I knew that it was weird to have someone not in our gang in my office, but I needed Nate to help me formulate a plan since he knew the most about this house.

"God damn it." I said then stood up and handed my phone to Nate. "We'll talk in the conference room." I grumbled then gestured for Jason to lead the way.

When we got to the conference room I closed the door, crossing my arms. "What?" I asked blandly.

"This was by the elevator." He said and held up an envelope.

"Did you check the cameras to see who sent it?" I asked and took it from him. "I didn't see anyone." He said as I narrowed my eyes.

"I'll check for myself. Anything else?" I asked as he shook his head. "Great." I said then turned to leave the room.

"Actually..why are we allowing people not in the gang to be down here?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Like I said, we're thinking about merging." I said then turned and left the room without another word.

I was annoyed that people were even questioning it because it gave off the vibes that we were up to something.

I didn't want Will to catch wind of anything suspicious, which was hard because I was incredibly pissed off at him and wanted to kill him every time I saw him.

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