Chapter 2

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After that motivational quote of lix I was actually taking my mind of that thing and focusing on class.

The assignment was successfully turned in and I got pretty much average marks outta it. So not bad for today. And the next thing was lix was gonna give us party on behalf of his dad's birthday soa win win for the day indeed .

Lix has always been the bestest of my friend since school as we were neighbours who were started off as enemies coz our parents were one. But after getting to know about lix made me like him a but coz he had no friends and I was a great friend to all .. okay I'll stop now. But lix dad wasn't so great to him coz our parents were always making us struggle a lot with our academics as they competed in every shit they were in . And not letting their sons breath in friendliness too. But I and lixxie always found a way to remain best Fuckin friends being there in ups downs of life and academic as well as personal traumas too. I'm so glad for him to exist.

Snapping back to reality I was shoulder jerked by hyunjin telling me to dress my best for party in case I find myself a ' girl ' to mess around with. I hope I did too coz I just need to take my head off shit.

I went home in motivation of enjoying the best and getting drunk after almost a month lol. But I'll take care of not drinking more coz why the fuck am I lightweight GODDAMN it !!

After almost 2 hours later almost 6 o'clock in Eve lixx 's car stopped by and I entered with full-on vibing and guess what .. the song I'd had been playing in my earpods were the same as lix car radio .. goddamn now I know he's my bestfriend. ( Lol whom am I kidding )

Getting off at the most new club I've never been into .. I get deja vu of my very first time in a club when I was a soo studious nerd .. well I can't even think about that now ... Cheers to lixx and hyunjin to transform me otherwise lol who'd I be right now .

Teenagers swingin hand in hand and beers in hand .. swinging hips and dancing forgetting about all the sadness in life , see that's the thing about clubs and bars that they are an essential part of a stressy teenager's life which becomes more enlightened with the aspect of friends and sometimes enemies too .. tho I don't have any.

So now lix introduced me to all his other friends and cousins. Starting with a girl who was almost his age named Beck. And her boyfriend foei who was lix's friend. They were a merry couple dancing thier souls out and I enjoyed watching them. And I wondered if this is what love feels like.

I introduced myself "Hello guys, I'm Han Jisung . BestFriend of lix proudly , and my hobbies are drinking which you'll find out in meantime " I joked and everyone bursted laughing.

Lixxie was happy today and I was so glad .. he deserved all the happiness and being with hyunjin and me pretty much was 90 % of it. But his feelings for hyunjin were still a rollercoaster coz he had already fallen for him the day our admission forms were out and hyunjin asked for a pen and paper ..

( damn I thinkk I've seen this film before )
oh no not those fierce eyes !!

God I had to take help of drinks to take my head off that thought .. I drank still in limits tho. What if maybe I find him someday again.

Maybe is never impossible right ?
Right ????
( Cmon guys agree with me for once please )

I joked a little with foei and Beck , got to know about their relationship and smiled a lot while listening to them speak. It felt lightened and I wanted to just tell hyunjin about lixxie' s feelings so that they at least start something. I know lix will scold me a lot but also blush at the thought of hyunjin being his boyfriend for once.

Lix had a lot of friends which were a vibe fr and talking to them and ranting felt so relaxing. Lix found a way to dance with hyunjin too and I wonder how coz hyunjin hyung was sooo shy.

And in all this scenario I stared at most people to find someone attractive in crowd to dance with or to at least introduce but nobody felt that cute. I wonder why.... Coz maybeeee ??

Noo no dont think about him goddamn han .... Just don't hurt yourself more ..

Some minutes later when everyone was exhausted and sat down. I thunk I saw a figure entering but the lights were low so I couldn't get a clear view. And unfortunately lix and hyunjin asked me to join them for a truth and dare game. So I just sat and denied that I saw someone familiar.

We continued playing for a long time where I got a dare to drink till I was drunk but hyunjin hyung and a senior of mine who is idk whyyy very caring of me I despise that .. his name is Changbin .. and he's not a very caring person coz mix always told he just searches for toys to play with so I'm very much distanced to him.

After both hyungs denied this dare I was said to twerk at the beats of my favourite song 'beatbox' and I soo damn much killed it I'm sure

And after awhile when lixxie was asked to kiss someone in the circle the blush that ran through his cheeks making his freckles look so bright that that made hyunjin blush hard. And I was surprised and signaled lix to kiss hyunjin.

After seeing this lix was trying to be confident and finally said " hyunjin hyung can I kiss you , pleaseeeee ?" In the most innocent way that even any grump would blush to that sound. And finally hyunjin cane forward and offered his cheek. Unfortunately ikrr

But anyways lix was happy to at least have that chance. And his dream chapter was finally becoming a reality now. So when lix went ahead and was about to kiss .. hyunjin shifts his head and surprisingly thier lips met. Lix was shocked at this and pulled back flustered and hyunjin smirked his way out.

The loud cheer that followed after this was so amazing. One can't ever imagine. And that one was never lix coz he couldn't stop touching his lips after this.

"hyunjin hyung what did you just do ?? How did you trick me into this.. I'm mad " lix couldn't stop blushing tho.

After awhile they danced for a bit and hyunlix was the couple name formed which wasn't a ship anymore but a whole Fuckin cruise lol .. them dancing together made me feel so happy as I saw felix happy after so long .. after all the jealousy tropes he had while he wasn't sure about hyunjin's feeling.

And finally when everyone left I too went away to give them private time to talk about what the ACTUAL FUCKK had just happened.

Hyunjin's pov

"Felix I wanted to confess to you for a long time but couldn't be sure of your feelings yet nowadays I thought what if I lose you to someone else .. that thought killed me from inside .. hence can you please accept me to be yours felix ? Will you be my boyfriend sunshine ? " I couldn't stop smiling by saying this and one could almost see my and lix's future together in those eyes.

Lix was just perfect to be true .. he always swoons me and make me blush by his dumbness sometimes and smartness most of the times .. I love to be his now ..

"I - I'm speechless hyunjin hyung .. how can you surprise me sooo Fuckin dreamingly .. I'm already in love with your ways " felix said and couldn't stop the rush of blood on his cheeks.

"I'm just this version of hyunjin only and only fir you felix .. and I promise to make you the happiest and smiliest ever if that's even a word lol " I joked and was mesmerized to see felix laugh .

"But I haven't said a yes to your 'boyfriend' question yet " felix joked

"Oh so I fear what will I need to do to get an acceptance " I said .. and was surprised to see lix was coming closer and closer to me .. until we had no space left .. he kissed me .. and then whispered " I'll be your boyfriend .. hyunjin hyung !!"

Han Jisung's pov

Wow just wow

Nobody would've imagined this to happen and this makes me wonder where my person will be at this moment and how much long will it take him to reach me.

And my this thought was cut when I saw my bestfriend kissing his new boyfriend. And I could now imagine the things lix will enjoy now that it's not just his imagination but a real happening that has happened.

And I was smiling widely at these scenes when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and a voice pierced through my ears saying "Let's have a drink as I owe one to you for your pen and paper "

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