Chapter 9

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I directly ran to lix's house .. with nothing on my mind , just Minho's confusion made me frustrated.

The main thing questionable was was it only Minho's confusion or mine too ...

I went to lix he was sitting on the couch in living room. "What are you upset about , han ?" Felix asked as he brought a glass of water for me.

"Remember I messaged you the yesterday that I was gonna go to Minho's house after club thingie ..??" I asked. .

"Yes I remember and you just dissapearded from there .. I searched for you but then hyunjin hyung asked to check if I have gotten any messages "

"Yeah so the thing is I and Minho kinda crossed our lines and umm .. how do I say this ?? It's so embarrassing !!" I said.

"Um you know what I already know that you made out with him and did more .. because trust me you've been acting wierd since. It made me question what might've happened yesterday night. " Felix said .. he was the only one to truly understand me.

"Oh fuck what do I do now felix ?!! I feel soo fucked up .. but I don't wanna stop meeting Minho too " I said as I circled in the room for 3 to 4 times.

"Hey listen don't just stress yourself out. You need to listen to your heart. And take correct decision for your as well as Minho's sake. Understood han ??" Lixxie said and indicated me to sit beside him.

"See but the thing is I don't think Minho feels anything towards me .. because today when I indirectly asked who we were .. he seemed soo doubtful " I said as correctly describing what was wrong.

"But han the one who needs to answer this question is 'you' too .. keep that in mind. Don't just blame Minho for everything .. it might be difficult for him too .. and by what you meant happened yesterday night and today then it's totally clear that you both like each other " lix said and I just couldn't believe that he was right at the moment.

"I'm still confused felix .. I really am surprised why did I even listen to Minho and went to his house .. I really feel scared now " I said.

"There's nothing to be scared of han .. you just need to re analyse about your present situation on your sexuality tbh .. coz it was difficult for me to believe too that I loved hyunjin hyung .." lix said somehow making me more scared .. but I needed to face the reality.

"But to be honest please take some time to think what you really feel otherwise if you take a wrong decision it can hurt you as well as Minho hyung more .. understand ?" Felix continues.

"I do now felix .. thank you for really helping me out of this " I somehow got my answer just a little patience and thinking was the thing to be concerned about .

"A thankyou won't .. but a treat at the dreamy noodle place will definitely help , han !!" Felix said and chuckled.

"You're the most cheapest method of therapy lix ! Also no , I won't take you to my favourite noodle place anymore as it is reserved for Minho hyung. " I said and watched felix change his expression to sad one.

"Awwh what the hell han .. Minho has met you for like 2 days and you are already ditching me . That's rude. Also forget that I'll give you any therapy hence forth !" Lix said in pissed off voice ..

"Come on lix , now you don't need me to console you right .. coz you have a 'boyfriend' for that .. oh right I forgot to ask what happened that night did y'all talk it out ??? Are you official ??? Are you two dating ??? Are you tw- " felix cut me mid sentence as he should've coz I was so impatient.

"Calm your ass down Mr newly gay !! Oh no offense tho - .. hahaha so bold of you to assume that I ditched you yesterday night as bitch you went and dissapeared with your so called fierce eyes .. I felt so bad you know " felix teased me.

"Enough of making me the culprit ok .. I just gave you and your boyfriend some privacy .. that's not a bad move right ?? " I said and lix was smiling again .. blushing more like.

"Right .. okay anyways let me tell you this.. I too wanted to tell you everything that happened .. so I and hyunjin hyung had a talk and he secretly proposed me to be his boyfriend !!" Lix said and now we both were dancing on the floor and screaming the ass off happiness in us !! I was happy , for felix , for hyunjin hyung , for myself coz I saw myself in that Fuckin happy Felix.

"Oh my gosh felix .. it's still unbelievable your long time crush on hyunjin hyung is finally becoming a relationship you always wanted .. I feel so happy for you felix .. " I said and hugged him tight.

"See I always say having a boyfriend is always great .. so when are you getting one han ??" Felix joked and we both clashed laughing on the couch .. it was sooo freaking good moment to have a heart to heart conversation with longtime secret keeper Felix .. felt like old times coming again when I faced a lot more bullying and trauma from school and home to .. but Felix helped in everything !! He was a goddamn angel and still is !!

" Felix .. I really can't think of a life without you .. I feel you're pretty much that reason of every happiness I have in life !!" I said and couldn't stop thanking God for this sunshine.

"Anything for you brother .. ok brother doesn't suites you .. babygirl does .. but I guess this nickname might be for someone else right .. babygirl ??" Felix teased .. and again goddamn that Minho entered my head .. I missed him .. tho it was just this morning when we flirted and fought well kinda fought during breakfast ..

I thought to myself .. "Okay Han you can do this .. just think what will happen tomorrow at college ! If he behaves properly then he's all yours .. if not, you better prepare yourself a heartbreak playlist .."

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