Chapter 36

51 3 13

Han's pov

I've not been able to focus on anything since meeting with leeknow. I don't know why was my behavior so cold and I spoke so less. Which clearly was opposite to my pre breakup behaviour. I mean he deserves this. But why am i getting bad here. And I myself for the fact that I wanted to talk with leeknow so bad, after seeing he's so dangerous to me. Meeting him was my biggest regret ever. But loving him still tops.

I try doing stuff to take my mind off him. Music seems to have his face in my scenarios, movies seems to have him as main character, when I try cooking it seems like he's waiting at the dining table for food. Just I need him out of my mind and heart. But it's getting impossible now. So I think of a cool idea.

I log into a dating app.

I mean yeah I'm ready for better or worse. I'll have one or two fucks and that'll fix my heart I guess.

Woojin hyung sees my condition and fortunately gives me a ton of work to keep my mind off.

"You know you can actually gift me a long vacation and not these tons of workload" I said sarcastically.

"Haha funny, but no. Work more earn more travel more. " Woojin hyung nonchalantly said.

"Hyung. Just- fine. Remind me not to talk to you" I said as I started typing on my computer.

"You're doing it right now, hannie. Btw I'm going subway. Wanna have something?" Woojin hyung asked smiling.

"Sooo nice of you. I'll have a double cheese barbeque sauce Vegetable one." I said pouting.

"Oh my god what am I getting myself into." Woojin hyung said and literally wrote my order on his phone.

"That'll be all for now, waiter" I tease him. And watch as he runs behind me to punch me.

We're running tom and jerry in the cabin. And suddenly Dad enters.

"Looks like my sons are still the same kiddos as they were 15 years ago" dad joked.

And my nostalgic brain goes to Leeknow's 'kiddo'. Damn I miss it. Nooo I don't.

"Dad do you need anything? I'm off to subway " Woojin hyung asked.

"Naah I'm fine" dad said. And hyung leaves. I'm left with dad and I smile and continue working.

"Hannie. What's the matter? You ain't focusing from past three days. I'm worried. " Dad said in concerned manner.

"I'm fine dad. It's just that I'm catching a lot of movies at night so couldn't get enough sleep" I said. A lie.

"Fine. But take care of your health. I don't wanna be blamed for yet another-" dad speaks but I cut him off.

"I'm really busy working now. So can you please just leave" I said in pissed off tone. Cuz why is he saying things like this. Hasn't he changed at all. Or was it all my imagination.

"Don't yell at me now. Okay I'll leave Mr. Jisung" dad joked and bowed. I smile at this. And he leaves.

I put my head behind and just let darkness take over as I keep my eyes close for a long time. I'm just feeling empty nowadays. No focus. No motive at all. Just living.

I remember the days when I used to get impatient to meet leeknow after classes. Or after practices. I remember his football matches where people teased us like anything. Calling us forever. Getting jealous of us. But now it's nothing. He's nothing.

Woojin hyung enters bringing paradise to me. I dig in the subway and never return.

Being all messed up we clean up sauces from our faces and we're those giggling kids at the age of foive, playing and enjoying with no stress of future.

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