Chapter 16

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I heard a knock on the door and rushed and I knew he would be standing. But I was surprised to see him with 2 bags in his hand.

"What's in these Minho ?" I asked. "I thought maybe rewarding kiddo with some snacks who's struggling so much with assignments." Minho said and kissed my cheek. "Hyung assignment is not such a big deal " I said. "ok ok but you dedicating yourself so much is a big deal" minho said.

"Come inside. Or were you just here to give me snacks and leave ?" I joked and was instantly picked up on hips by Minho and still I was surprised by his strength .. he held me with both arms and bags in his hands too.

"Put me down hyung !" I said and slapped his shoulders playfully. "Don't mess with hyung ,kiddo. Otherwise you know I'm too furious." Minho said and let me down on bed.

"Okay so what needs to be done for assignment ?"Minho asked. "We need to interview an automobile engineer and ask about all stuff like scope , experience , benefits , etc of that career. But the thing is we need a potential person who doesn't reject our interview. ". I replied.

"Oh so that's the issue .. wait I have someone in mind who is an automobile engineer. Han , do you remember Jeongin my friend ?" Minho asked and then instantly I remembered the day I felt jealous of a person who was acting very close to Minho. But now I had no fear of losing Minho. I replied "yes hyung I remember . So what about it ??"

"Actually his older brother Namjoon is an automobile engineer. So you can ask him for an interview, I don't think he'll deny." Minho said and I immediately took my phone out and saved Namjoon hyung's number from Minho. And texted Seungmin too. Phase 2 done .. now we've to call Namjoon hyung and ask for permission.

"Thankyou Minho for your help" I said cheerfully and hugged Minho. "Don't you think a hug is too less for a thankyou." Minho teased. "Do you want this hug or not .. if not the door is already open " I joked. "oh wait lemme go close the door asap. I know what you want Han !" Minho smiled and replied.

"That's not what I meant. " I said and fought Minho as he jumped on me and started kissing me all over. "now let me teach you a nice way of saying thankyou " Minho hyung said and pulled his t-shirt over him.

The next day at college was merry as each day was, now that Minho dropped me off everyday. Along with a complimentary kiss on cheek.

In the class I met Seungmin first and heard Felix say " I'm afraid someone's stealing my bestfriend " "Don't worry I won't do the same thing as you did after you started your relationship with Hyunjin hyung." I joked. And was hugged tightly from back by Felix. "Don't feel sad bro. I know I'm rare to find. " Felix said with his 'material girl hairflip'.

"Okay so if this is over , let's plan when to call Namjoon hyung for the interview " Seungmin said.

"Yes .. let's complete our classes and call him." I said.

The day was boring but I was excited to at least continue with the assignment thing. And Seungmin was already ready with his questions.

"Lets go to Jeongin first and ask when his brother is free so we can schedule the interview. " I said.

"You go ahead I might need to go to library for extra research papers that contains facts of engineering and to tally whatever Namjoon hyung answers." Seungmin said. I nodded and we parted ways.

I was happy that I will watch Minho hyung again for a little while from outside the class. I got to his door and felt nostalgic from the day I kept distance from him due to my freaking overthinking.

He looked so focused while writing and listened to the professor sharply and even answering by raising his hands whenever a question was asked.

He then looked at me and was startled. He waved his hand a I did too.

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