Chapter 22

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Han Jisung's pov

I saw Chan hyung running away from the area he and Minho went. And I thought why hasn't Minho returned yet so I went myself to see if he's fine.

Just then I saw Minho lying on the floor holding the injured elbow which was bleeding now. He must've fell or did Chan hyung pushed him ...

No.. it's impossible Chan hyung would never try to hurt Minho. Never in the wildest dreams.

I immediately picked Minho up and he gripped on my tshirt tightly and hugged me instantly.

"Han. Save me Han. I'm not feeling good. " Minho said and was now really near to tears but now I guess he won't cry. He never does. So why now ....

"Minho hyung are you alright ? What happened? Did you two have a fight? Was it serious?" I asked being impatient and ruffling Minho's hair.

"It doesn't matter han. Please be with me right now. I don't want anything else " he said still clutching my t-shirt.

"I'm right here. Now c'mon, get up your wound needs to be tend to" I said as I picked him up and out his arm around my shoulder and took him to the first aid room.

Here outside Changbin, Chan and others had already gone. I guess they don't know about what happened too.

I dressed his wound with the help of cream and white cloth.

"How did you fell, hyung?" I asked but Minho didn't reply anything. He was looking into the space around the wall in front and thinking something. But he didn't say anything.

"You know whatever might be the situation or fight between you and Chan hyung and I know it's definitely about Changbin. But by my point of view you siblings are the best. Like I know how much he adores you and all the stories you said about your childhood clearly defines he can die for you. Don't let a simple misunderstanding ruin this. Please Hyung. " I said as I was really worried what if they tend to not talk to each other after this.

To what I said, Minho just nodded and gave me a smile. "Thankyou Han. You sometimes really talk nice. " Minho said as he kissed my forehead.

"Bold if you to assume only sometimes " I joked and Minho laughed at this. The laugh that specified he'll be fine soon.

" Do you know a place that can be just made for us? Where nobody except us can go? Like the places in dramas. Like those places where you feel a feeling of closeness. I mean you are that please for me but right now take me somewhere I feel safe , Han" Minho said.

"Umm let me think of it. I have some of best spots but I need to select the most unique one for you. As you've asked for something after so long " I Said and continued , "But hyung I can't let you drive the bike.
I'll take you there , okay ?" I asked.

"Okay ... It doesn't seem like I have an option " Minho said and chuckled.

"You should forget about all other options now that you have me , hyung " I say and wink at Minho. He's taken aback by this. And he runs towards me with a smirky smile while I run to the bike.

I think of a place which Minho will love. Coz he needs some time off from this havoc and that place is perfect. And the fact that I actually kept that place hidden from everyone just because I'll only let my special person see it and we hang out there with just ourselves. No one else. Coz we feel possesive right, towards the things we love and admire. May it be a person , a place , a book , or anything.

We arrived there and I and Minho got down from the ride. I closed Minho's eyes thereafter and he was struggling to get rid of all the surprise element but I didn't let him win. Not when it's my turn to explode his mind.

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