Chapter 66

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      Suddenly when seungmin and Jeongin were having a real nice warming conversation, Taeil entered the room. Not in his race outfit but normal tee and jeans. That made seungmin stare at him and Jeongin stare at seungmin.

       "Guess i should leave" Jeongin said but was stopped by Seungmin's hand grabbing his wrist.

        Taeil saw this and got the sign. "I'm just here to apologise for whatever happened. I may have distracted you" Taeil said with such confidence and that made Jeongin's blood boil.

        "No. Unfortunately you did not" seungmin said with a smile as to not hurt his feelings. Jeongin hated this too.

        "Think about it. I actually analysed your moves and I'm telling you that if i had stayed in my lane you wouldn't be laying hurt here" Taeil said his hand finding it's way to touch seungmin in a way that Jeongin doesn't notices but he did. Every move and every breath that Taeil took inside the room.

        "I agree on staying in lane point. Cuz here you should meet my boyfriend. If you can't then he's will make you stay in your lane." Seungmin said pulling away the hand that was slightly touching Taeil's. And pulling innie with the same one.

        "What was the wink for then? You a Playboy?" Taeil still tried to get on Jeongin's nerves and he was successful in it looking at the pissed Jeongin.

         "It was just to play with your damn heart. Is this explanation okay? Still wanna get insulted more? Just leave" seungmin said as he pulled innie to sit beside him and they were really close in Taeil's eyes.

         "Too bad. I would feel like shit if my boyfriend winked at anyone else in front of a whole crowd. I can't blame him tho. I'm so much hotter than you. Right?" Taeil said as he moved towards the slightly agitated Jeongin. Who was elder but was always behaved like a kid and taken care of. He didn't have any idea of fights and involving in one of them. Taeil noticed this. And seungmin was already unable to get up from his bed. He'd get hurt more if his temporary stitched burst open.

      "You. Go away. I'll call Minho and Hyunjin and he'll kill you right here" Jeongin said but didn't stutter once. Here Taeil was busy touching Jeongin's comparatively tiny bicep and looking at Seungmin's furious face. "alas. Your friends are out there planning what to have for dinner. You know what I'll have." Taeil smirked and pulled Jeongin's chin up to face him.

      That was it. Seungmin threw a flying kick up his face and he went flying across the room, landed with a thud on the wall. Innie instantly hugged seungmin to just forget that forceful touch on him. "that's what you get pervert" seungmin thundered and Minho walked in.

       "What was that noise?" He asked and then looked at the floor "Oh you douche. You're so dead. Oii Seungminie. Do i get a chance to kick him too?" Minho said with a smirk and seungmin said a quick ofcourse as he was busy carrasing Jeongin's scared self.

       "The arena manager will deal with him and later the police too." Jisung said when he came to know about this. "thanks" Jeongin said in a low voice trying to make everyone feel right about him but he wasn't that okay. They were left alone again to have a talk and the nurses treated his leg injury with quite a scolding. "it happened because of me. Everything happens because of me. It's like you're the mature one and I'm the weaker one" Jeongin said tearing up but seungmin guessed this fight wasn't the reason of his crying.

      "You were really mad about the Taeil thing right?" Seungmin asked as he took innie's hand in his and innie just looked down and carrased it. "yeah. Yes. I'm very much mad about it. What now? You'll kill him? For that you'll have to go see him again and i wont let happen" Jeongin said as he kept his face to Seungmin's neck and talked in his skin. The tears wetting him but he didn't care less.

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