Chapter 53

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                    Leeknow's pov

      I know now what needs to be done to get him to meet me and have a conversation sitting face to face. And not the way we both ignored each other's presence. A stingy feeling is still pissing me off if he'll get a wrong idea cause apparently my past experiences with him alone haven't been good...

      But I'll try my best to have a control on myself. If I wanna spend rest of my life with him.

      The next morning I'm all set and refreshed even though I didn't sleep at all just imagining about how damn beautiful he's going to be the moment I meet him. Or I'm gonna change the word 'Beautiful' to 'furious' i suppose. But I'm not afraid as far as i get to see him from close.

       Tomorrow is Han Jisung's birthday. I just call Jeongin who is acting all strange to me. And ofcourse he will coz his boyfriend is my ex's bestfriend. The word ex seems stranded on my tongue. As if he never was. He was mine all along. He's just denying it. The way i did. But nah we'll not talk about that. We'll talk about how amazingly i convinced Jeongin and Changbin to help Me.

       Let me be honest. I threathend them with my life. Which they ignored very non chalantly. I hate those guys. But they after having a nice laughing session finally agreed.

      They set up the camera which is the first step of the plan. I did a little makeup to look pretty enough so that boy actually gets butterflies all over again. Dressed pretty up casual in his favourite hoodie which he didn't once give me when we were together. And Jeongin set my hair that were kinda thankful as i didn't once give a fuck about them.

      They pressed record and a few takes were ruined in me trying to build up a serious expression on my face but these brats always fucking up laughing in between. I somehow get myself together and they know what I'm thinking through. I need to do this. I need him back. Anyway possible. If this pisses him off, let it. I just need to meet him once. I'll be done once i tell what I've decided to tell.

      They press record button and i start with a smile.

      "Hii, qoukka. You seem very distant nowadays or should I say for almost half a year. Why are you avoiding me? My calls, messages. Why are you avoiding my efforts? I kinda know why you're doing this. But i need to talk to you please. I need that feeling back which i had by you always by my side. Never once leaving each other. Being a part of each other's routine. Knowing Which class you gonna go next and how much I'll have to wait for you outside. Knowing that which movies you cry to so that I play it again and again to piss you off. Knowing what lines of mine you blush to. Knowing that my end was you and I'm yours. I'm so so teared up from inside cause every sentence of mine to you is turning to 'was' as if you are a dream and I'm awakened long before. But i wanna go back to that dream. Go back to you, baby. You don't even know those misinterpretations of feelings we had over a couple of months right now. Or maybe you're too talented to guess what a drunkard is speaking while being drunk. But why are you so ignorant huh? Why didn't you stop and listen whatever hyung wanted to say to you. I don't wanna lose you. I don't fucking know who you're with and if he's making you feel good like i used to. I don't even know if I was good to you. But as far as you smile is concerned, you smiled the brightest when with me. Not with anyone else. Yes I saw you. Yes I followed you. And yes I can't fucking moveon from you. You're too, too much of a addiction for me baby. You'll be the reason of my death still. Just the day you were when we first met. In the train. A very much confident, focused, ready to kill anyone who was an obstacle between you and your assignment. I'm sorry. I'm such a douche to not tell you everything in beginning. To not make you understand that it was my fucking job to use you to gain recognition in the eyes of my boss, but i fell in love so fucking unexpectedly. I'm so so sorry darling to make you feel like i used you. Over and over again. Please give me a chance to make it up to you. Please; baby. I'll be so so happy to get a glance of you on your special day. I'm sorry to cause all the tears you've cried. But please. It's not too late. Come back to me and we'll be in love like we never were away from each other. I'll make up for the tears you've cried, for the stress you've faced, for the feeling of helplessness you've faced. I'll love you like you deserve. I'll love you so fucking much like your eyes will forget about a thing called tears. Please come meet me at 12 tonight at Han river. I'll try to celebrate your birthday and make it a awesome one. Please one chance is all I'm asking. Please don't run away right now. Please. I'm begging you give me a chance to prove my love to you. You know I'm not telling lies. I love you..." i said and river of tears fall.

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