Chapter 10

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The next day the han you used to know was unbelievably changed , because I almost woke up 3 hours early than my usual alarm timing. And all because of that fuckin Minho. Okay okay I won't disrespect the one who make me fall in love with the word love.

I wanted to look perfect .. so perfect that he won't be able to take eyes off me .. like when the bride walks down the aisle and groom watches her with all his heart. Now that's not the point that I wanna be a groom too .. but hey where are my Fuckin thoughts wandering ... Heart please be subtle towards me.

I wore my uniform and on top of it my favourite grey and peach jacket that was gifted by my mom on my 15 th birthday .. (yes it still fits me and no I'm still not a fuckin baby)

I packed bread butter in my tiffin and was off with my cycle towards my final destination of college. Tho I was never so damn motivated for college before this. Today was different.

Felix called me before I boarded my cycle and said "Hey han .. wait up for me I might pass by your dorm so we could go together. " And little did I know that Hyunjin's dorm was right next to mine. So you know bitches .. connect the dots already !!

"Okay I'm waiting then. " I said and played the song 'bloom bloom' by The Boyz from my favourite playlist.

After some minutes I could see happy happy Felix coming my way with his usual smile after every 'Hyunjin hyung meetup'.

"Did sun rise from West today, that you coming to college with me lix ??" I joked. "Does it trouble you to be nice to me for once ??" Felix said and rolled his eyes. "Okay okay so what's the matter, you so happy today !" I said.

"And I should ask the opposite to you , why do you sound so tensed or should I say 'trying to be fine' ?!!"Felix asked .. he sure damn knew if anything was wrong in the first instinct.

"Nothing lix . I'm just sleepy and also in no mood to go to college .. " I lied definitely lix caught my lies.

"Yeah yeah .. go on my ears are all yours for more lies go on buddy !" Lix said and I shook my head and then both bursted out laughing.

We reached college and went straight to our assigned classes but on the way I could see some of Minho's friends going towards canteen so I decided to take a look just to know if he is present.

He was visibly happy maybe coz the application of funds might have been accepted or maybe something else. Why do I care *shoulder shrug*.

But after a moment I could see him hugging each and every one in the group .. like why so happy .. I wanna know the reason. But he hugged a boy for a much longer duration than others .. I could feel my jealousy creep in.

I thought too myself "why does he have to hug him so tight .. like I hug lix too but for a very less time and our is just friendship nothing else .. what if Minho might be too close to that person .. but why is he still not letting go .. oh wait he ordered something for Minho .. and is feeding him .. why the fuck feeding him doesn't he know how to eat !!"

I know my blood was now boiling hard. I wanted to just smack the other boy's face. Now I knew the feeling shown in the movies when one of leads is jealous over other ones behaviour.

That's when my classmate called me to tell that teacher wanted to see me. I had to run now even tho I put a pause to my 'killing of that boy who spoonfed Minho' plan.

God, why is Minho so close to everyone !!

The day went on smoothly rather hastily because i wanted it to be over ASAP .. and wanted to know if Minho's giving me a lift to dorm.

But during break Minho was nowhere to be found. Not even in the club or his classes or on the football ground or in the gym .. ( please don't ask me if I actually tried too stalk him everywhere. )

But while after break, on my way to class I saw Minho sitting in class. Yawning. All my anger went away. And just his cute puppy face was visible ..

I could feel the happiness in my heart just by seeing him from a distance .. I had him so close to me night before yesterday .. I could feel his kisses on me still while I just watched him take lessons and writing something in book with those veiny hands that were on my neck that night .. and that smile which was only captivated during teasing me or flirting with me . That moment right there I knew I wanted him forever.

And I gathered courage for a mental thought with myself about the denial phase I had been avoiding for so long since that train incident, that I haven't felt such strong connection of belonging to any girl for so long and now when I feel this it's a boy.

"It's not a bad thing han .. just be honest with your heart .. don't make it worse for yourself .. but what if Minho doesn't feel the same .. what if I was just a toy for him that night .. what if he rejects me and makes fun of me in front of his friends .. but main thing .. what if he doesn't love me back "

I was pissed now .. I couldn't gather courage to just have a mature talk with Minho. I was rather scared ... of rejection.

I went running straight to my class picked up my bag and was on my way to my thereaupatic riverview .. that was the secret place only few of college people knew and treasured.

This place always helped me come out of my traumatic brain. And helped me calm down to the extent when I feel the urge to continue living the problematic life.

The water was calm , the breeze was light and refreshing .. I knew the consequences of bunking lectures but this was most needed right now ..

I felt the urge of crying .. crying on the fact that I fell in love with the wrong person .. with someone who made me realise who I really loved and cared about but that he could never be mine ..

I felt the knife twisting in my heart and it was now difficult to get rid of it .. coz I enjoyed the pain .. but I needed to put my shit together right ..

Okay I thought "Han the first thing you'd be doing after meeting Minho is tell him how you feel and ask if you should still wait for him otherwise .. otherwise cry for a few days and let obsession vanish but listening to that heartbreak playlist ... You get that ??"

I felt my eyes water now .. the tears now couldn't stop .. I somehow managed to control them and wipe them off with my shirt sleeves. But the pain I was feeling was real .. that was equal to the love I felt for Minho .. but it's impossible.

I wiped my tears and smiled to my thought "the fact that I could meet such amazing person like Minho and actually feel that love was made for me too .. and somehow made up my mind that I would wait for my right person too .. the right smile that lights up my world .. the right hand that never leaves mine .. the right touch that I long forever .. the right everything"

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