Chapter 17

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Jeongin's pov

I hoped I saw that seugmin boy again damn . I never thought I'd find a junior that was compatible to me.

So I took this opportunity to see if I get a chance to become his good friend and as such future is unexpected right. So let's hope I win.

I went in front of his class with Minho and asked minho "Hey bro football team needed some extra players right?" "Oh yes did you find any ?" Minho asked " no but let's ask this class of juniors.. they might as well participate " I said and went inside the class along with Minho.

I took permission of teacher and continued saying in front of class. I saw seugmin in the middle benches totally fixed on writing something and laughing to something Han was saying.

I cleared my throat and that moment seugmin looked up. His eyes were sparkly today. He smiled at me. I then was pushed a little forward by Minho and I remembered the football thing I totally f forget about seeing seungmin.

"Guys , I'm your senior and head of football team. So the thing is club is looking for young players to represent our college in the main universities championship. Your resume might improve and your grades will developed too in the scene of sports extra marks. So please only if you are truly dedicated towards bringing victory cup to our college only then participate. " I said the last line looking at seugmin , trying to challenge him. And his reaction said that I had won in my task. Next Minho continued " yeah only participate if you think you are compatible to practice hard day and night. And don't think you'll only get to flex in front of girls or your partners. "

To this seugmin shook his head a little and Han whispered something in his ears. To which seugmin nodded and smiled. Seugmin raised his hand and asked "where are the application forms hyung ? And when will the test of participation begin ?"

"Very confident aren't you? Okay okay so be present after classes at the football ground and you'll be truly tested. All the best." I said and walked out of class.

Waiting for some 3 hours later ,which were the longest 3 hours of my fuckin life. I saw some boys entering the ground. And saw Seungmin too. Damn I was excited.

I was stealing glances in between when he started warming up with other boys. I thought he was an introvert but damn he was friendly with every guy around. I wasn't jealous but it didn't felt right.

So I went to them and shouted a little. "No timepass here .. get ready with the position you're trained till now or if not tell us so we can help " Seungmin and everyone nodded.

Everyone have claps to each other and took the positions. Seeing Seungmin's position he seemed like a attacker. I was now getting excited. I blew my whistle and asked them to start. A boy in blue took the lead and Seungmin tried to snatch ball from him. After several attempts he tried to dodge the ball away and was successful. His team members shouted in joy.

Seugmin looked at me and I just smiled. He went on towards the goal post and dodged everyone that came in the way. He was a good player. He passed the ball to his team mate because he was in threat but the boy passed it again when Seungmin was now very near to goal. He took the opportunity and hit a straight kick towards the goal while he just slipped and ripped his knee but fortunately the goal was a success and all his team mates rejoiced.

"Great shot !" I shouted. And straight went to him. Picked him up and asked "Is it hurting bad ?" "Yes but it's worth it right ? Am I getting a green card to the football team?" Seugmin asked. "I'll be resticated if I say no " I reply. " Thankyou hyung for giving me a chance " he said. And we went directly to the first aid room. Where Seungmin sat on the bed and I brought him cream and cotton to wipe off the blood and scratch. Damn he was strong too.

"Tell me if it hurts " I said to which Seungmin chuckled a little " hey junior don't let your dirty mind work right now " I said. And seungmin laughed out loud.

I pushed his shorts upwards to wipe off the scratch and it felt somehow illegal to touch his bare skin. As now it was triggering my inner emotions towards him.

"Are you okay hyung ?" Seugmin asked as he say my hesitated. "Ofcourse " I said and continued wiping.

"Hyung just look at my back to please can you spray the pain killer. My back hurts due to playing. As I've not played football for past a year. " Seugmin said. And God this boy was testing me for real.

He took off his shirt to visibly flex the abs he had. And his toned body was so beautifully visible. He knew what he was doing.

I took the spray went behind him and asked him where it was hurting. He specified a couple of spots and let my hand browse his bare back for a while and the whole time giving me a crazy killing eye contact.

"Okay now it's all done .. you can go back now " I said and threw his t-shirt on his face. "oh is someone blushing ?" Seugmin joked.

"No one is . And yes no smart mouthed people are welcomed in the club so beware " I said. "Is that the case? So why are you present in the club then, hyung ?" Seugmin teased again. Damn he's getting on my nerves. But as long he remains this sexy I'll handle it.

Seungmin then left. And I felt this unbelievable joy in myself that I'll be now meeting this boy everyday. God bless the person who made football.

When I was about to close the lockers of dressing room I heard a clearing of throat behind me . It was Minho "So someone's whipped for a junior right. And that someone is the one who cringed at the thought of me crushing on a junior !" Minho said and pushed my shoulders to make me sit on the bench.

"I'm not whipped , Minho. And definitely not as whipped as you are for your quokka " I said. And damn he started blushing.

"See I always said juniors are worth hitting on and the thing I saw in the first aid room told me otherwise. He was for sure whipped and hitting on you so dangerously. My guess is that Seungmin will become the top in your case. " Minho said. And I blushed on every thought conveyed by minho .. I'll be happy to bottom Seungmin. .. oh wait Im going too far .. but the way Seungmin was flirting ......

"Let me ask him out on a date then .. or should I wait ?" I asked this to Minho. "I guess it's too early , let him come to practice each day .. see if he's enjoying hitting on you ! And you'll get your answer. " Minho answered.

Okay Jeongin go on then it's your chance to win over that badass sexy looking puppy boy. God why was he so cute. And what right does he have to ruin all my sleep nowadays !!

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