Chapter 57

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                    3rd person pov

      10:00 am
      It's been a crazy crazy day for the bangchan and leeknow Bros. As whole of preparations of wedding were on Leeknow's shoulders and the crying Channie too. Chan was too too excited as well as nervous about the day. And it seemed like it would be Leeknow's death day of he doesn't bring perfection in the marriage ceremony. The invitations were sent a month ago and channie selected his suit well in advance. Due to binnie's threat of leaving him obviously.

       After trails of hundreds of suits and Leeknow's brain damage of channie's ranting this is too simple, this is too shiny, this is too dashing, this is too pricey, etc

       Leeknow was now hell of troubled thinking of his own experience of wedding that'll take place in the mere future only and only if his Dad is ready. But it's okay coz he has his qoukka by the side. Everything's easy now.

       1:00 pm
       "What would you like for the starters, sir?" The organiser named Kwon soon young asked. Yeah the name's too big. So he insisted on calling him hoshi. Which was as cute as he himself was. He was a very well known reputed one in the city and so did he charged more about it.

       "Aaish, hoshi. I have only one brain and it went through a blast this month. So can you actually select the best ones and keep them" Minho said in the polite tone which wasn't Minho at all but he didn't like to raise his voice to this cute human who was working day and night in the preparations.

       "Okay then I'll be selecting Mexican bread rolls and risotto balls with pizza sauce for the starters. Is it fine sir ?" Hoshi asked and Minho replied.

       "Yeah definitely. Jesus thankyou one bucket list is ticked off. Can I have a plate of this. I'm hella hungry." Mino said and received a scoff from hoshi. "sure sir but I'm worried the whole plate might be dangerous " he said as warning.

       "The only dangerous thing is Christopher bang right now. Someone help me" Minho growled and whined. As deprived sleep leads to a babyish and troubled Mino.

       He misses hannie now. And he's wishing he'd be here to help him out. So that Mino stays sane by looking at him. And doesn't get thunderous on everyone who is delaying the work. The wedding would be starting at sharp 5. Along with the beach sunset. And the fairy lights and scented flowers would work their magic. God. He's so excited to finally see his only hyung get his man.

       3:00 pm
       Mino took his phone out as he took a short nap to look humanely in the ceremony. Channie was awake too. Ready to dress up and look at his cute yet to be wife. Mino dailled hannie's number finally wishing he'd pick up and not decline like he did four times since morning. Leeknow knew that he's busy with the work and how Woojin hyung and his dad are still trying to make him change him mind from Minho. But Mino had a different trust on him. The one where han promised this time none of them will vanish away.

      And the thought was cut off with the pickin up sound of video call.

      "Hey, yeah I'm gonna be at the wedding. I already told Woojin hyung and he'll drop me off. Hyunjin hyung and Felix would join too. And I'm sorry i couldn't pick your calls. Otherwise they wouldn't have sent me" hannie said in one go and received a chuckle from Mino.

       "Yeah. Okay. Why do you always talk like you're rapping?" Mino asked with a scoff.

        "Thanks for the compliment but i thought you'd be mad. So i had my points to prove. " Han replied.

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