Chapter 75

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       "It's all okay tho one thing is really required" jisung said as they were having a conversation just after leeknow got back from his office and was tired enough but cute to convince Jisung for this priceless back hug. "i just asked you how your day was... And now you giving me a list of requirements" Minho pouted. "c'mon lil baby, don't sulk. Didn't you tell me once that you are ready to meet my mom?" Jisung said as he tilted to look at minho who pressed a kiss on his cheek. "yeah... You're right. Let's go." Minho said. "oooh so you're actually afraid.. don't worry it's too late now to reject you" Jisung said shrugging as Minho left the embrace and sat on the couch. Ji followed and sat beside him.

        Jisung was really busy in the work these days. That's why he missed his mom's death anniversary too. But his dad remembered tho he didn't want to make Jisung sad again, and that was the reason he didn't remind him. Jisung now wanted to finally go there with Minho. Tell her mom that now he is engaged. To a very perfect man of his dreams. Minho might not be the prince riding a horse and coming to him like a rich ass fellow as Jisung's mom always wished for him. But Mino was pretty much everything jisung always wished for.

         "Someone who takes care of you.. someone who doesn't make my baby cry anymore.. someone who'll be with you when I won't anymore.." His mom said.

         "But i want you to stay with me forever. Eomma. Promish me please" little sungie mumbled.

          "Oh baby... Don't sulk. I'll try to be with you for my whole life. Just find someone who becomes your prince and keeps you like a princess everyday. Fulfills your stubborn wishes. Takes you to travel the whole world. Cooks for you. And moreover writes a love chapter wit you each day you spend together " his mom said.

        Little did that 5 year old Jisung knew that he'd miss his mom too soon.

          Jisung was finally happy about this. He wanted to scream his lungs out to the world. And tell everyone how much he wanted each day to be a little more fun that it already was.

          The next day Minho took a day off and they were set to go to the graveyard. They drove off and on the way Mino just took glances of Jisung's contented face. "I'll complain this to her" ji said as Minho chuckled "complain all you want.. she's gonna accept me anyways" Minho said.

          "Hm.. by the way. Don't you ever want to know who your parents were.. like to know the reason why they abandoned you?" Jisung asked.

          "To be honest.. i hold no grudges towards them. I Simply get why they had to abandon me. There are too many reasons. But yes. I wanted to know them up until i was young. But over the years.. chan hyung was really so much more than caring parent. He used to fulfill my every damn wish like it was nothing. Tho he always taught me to live only in the needful resources. But after he started earning he was like a god to me. Giving me bucks each day like it was nothing. Honestly, even i knew the importance of savings cuz i started to earn at a very young age. Never knew who i was doing all this for. But it was always hyung and now it's you.. " minho said as Jisung just stared at how passionate he looked while saying this. Focusing on driving and letting his mind wander on the memories. Minho looked like he was upto achieving something in life. And Jisung was glad he was with him in this.

        "I don't even know how to thank Chan hyung for all of this" Jisung said as Minho nodded. "me too. Sometimes words aren't enough. So i just keep my head in his lap and cry. I hope those tears thanked him enough." Minho said shrugging as ji got teary at this and chuckled.

         "Stop it.. or you'll get a chance to call me a cry baby" jisung said as he sniffed and looked out of the window.

         Mino kept driving and they reached finally. Jisung took the white tulips from the backseat and they walked hand in hand to the tombstone of his mom's picture. "How are you, eomma? I missed you so much..." Ji said as the fighting with the tears started and he paid no attention to it. "Hello... Mom." Minho said as Jisung chuckled. "this.. Is leeknow. You might be knowing him if you saw him with me. And yes. He's the guy in engaged to. It's been 6 months and i was too scared to tell you this. Too scared that I'll not be able to move away when I come meet you" jisung said as minho took a hold of him and they sat at the bench beside.

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