Chapter 23

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The next few days were awesome. Seeing him play football being all hot in Jersey and shorts was my full-time hobby now. He went succeeding in all the matches and blaming me for his victory but he solely was responsible of his and his team's success. Seungmin and Jeongin also played their best.They both were creating a soft spot for each other on the grounds and while practicing.

Now the day of finals came. And Minho was all prepared. But before the match at 4pm I thought of us visiting and gaining blessings from temple. So Minho agreed too so early morning I dressed up and he came to pick me up.

We reached the temple and this was a new one as I never visited it but it was Minho's childhood comfort place as he lived nearby during that time. The place was very calm and peaceful. It felt lightened to just sit crossed legged and pray. Pray that whatever promises we've made , we try to be true to them. And also pray that the hard work Minho did for winning the finals gives a sweet fruit of success.

We lit the incest sticks and holding them prayed. I looked at Minho's calm expression as he prayed he looked beautiful at the moment. I too gave up my distraction and prayed. And also thanked God for everything I have at this point. Where I can only ask for the happiness to be consistent. If obstacles arrives , we always fight it by being together.

"Do you like this place ?" Minho asked as we were sitting on the floor outside the temple while wearing our shoes.

"I do. It's quite refreshing." I said as I smiled with my entire face.

"So I guess we are even. You showed me your comfort zone. I showed you mine. " Minho said as he put his hand ahead as a fist bump. I thought how childish this is but I fist bumped him too.

"The child spirit is still in you I guess. Should we ask the monk for help ?" I teased him.

"I'm sure my inner child is so stubborn, he'll never be out " Minho said.

"C'mon, let's go you need to warmup too. " I said and gave my hand to him for making him stand on his legs.

He took my hand and pulled me towards him. And I lost my balance and fell upon him. He just smiling at what he'd done.

"Minho! Please not at a temple at least !" I said and backed off.

"I'm sorry. Don't blame me. You asked for it Also promise me if I win I can ask for anything ?" he whispered as he got up and then I shook my head in dissapointment.

"What are you talking about ? No I can't promise that " I said

"Oh so I think my boyfriend doesn't want me to win. " He said pretending to be sad.

"I want you to win so bad. B-but I know you'll definitely win so I'm just scared " I said being a little embarrassed.

"Scared? About what? It's not like you don't want what I want , right ? Show some guts hannie" Minho teased as he back hugged me.

"Okay deal ! I promise. Only if you win !" I said firmly loosening his grip. And running towards the bike , he followed.

His warmup was quick. But the enemy team which arrived at least half an hour early from the time of actual match was seeming to be quite good at football , even better than ours. But I know minho would be able to keep the confidence high. As Jeongin being the captain gave his level best in motivation. And Seungmin helped a lot. But the juniors and players seemed to agree all the things said by Minho. As Minho had consecutively performed best.

Now at the halftime the score was 1-1 so the tension amongst the players and the audience was rising and getting intense.

Just as the ball came to Seungmin he passed it to Minho who dodged all the players and took to the goal where some junior and Minho passed the ball for a while and when the time came where Minho was all safe to goal he just shouted "ball" and kicked it by flying a little into air and all of the crowd went silent and suddenly crowd aroused cheering and clapping as the Ball straight away went into goal.

The score ours 2-1 theirs.

Now it was the goal keepers job to save their ball from getting goaled.

The full time whistle blew and as usual for maintaining the streak of winning 3 matches continuously our college won. Minho's team won. Our prayers won. I took a breath of relief and look up at the sky and thanked God. When I looked back at the ground , Minho was already looking. And he blew a kiss to me. I mouthed "congratulations love". And he smiled the widest running towards me and doing the Cristiano Ronaldo's signature step.

The match really was going up in the history of the best days regardless what Minho faced with Chan. And if he still was troubled by it,he didn't let that show in his performance. I was proud of leeknow. I was proud of my boyfriend.

The crowd slowly dispersed and only few of players were present on the field. When I went to leeknow.

"Are you forgetting something ?" I asked as I was confused why this pervert hasn't said anything about the bet.

"Oh shit- right." He said face palming. He turned to other players including seungmin and Jeongin and said "guys I'll be off. Congratulations on believing in yourself and adding up to our treasures. I'm Sure we'll be more prepared for the states championship now. Bye now and remember party is tomorrow at 8 pm at our regular."

But Seungmin interrupted "why tomorrow, why not today ?" He was definitely teasing Minho. "because you see , you are free but I ain't. " Minho replied holding my arm.

Seungmin teased him too by saying "Jeongin where do you wanna go as our next date ?" And Jeongin just gave Seungmin middle finger to which we all started laughing. Seungmin's puppy face became sad but Jeongin said "I'm kidding. But it took you so long to ask me on a date asshole " and Seungmin face brightened up real quick. He went ahead and kisses Jeongin's cheek to which everyone cheered. I and Minho smiled at this scenario and then bid farewell to all and congratulated. And we left.

"So your place or mine ?" Minho asked and i hit his shoulder.

"Don't you ever get bored of all these stuff ?" I asked as I was definitely irritated by this.

"The day I get bored will be the day you see me fir the last time " Minho said keeping his hands on his heart.

"I'm so awaited for this day " I said doing the praying gesture towards sky.

"Oh is that so. Listen up then. I willl never let this day occur , Han Jisung !" He said and pulled me into a hug.

"Leave me, you're all sweaty and smelly. " I said.

"That's the victory scent, love" he said and gripped on tight.

He didn't let me go for almost a couple of minutes.

"Should I give this news to Chan hyung ?" I asked confused if they were cool or not.

He loosened the grip. And started walking away without a word. I followed him.

"Let's not talk about him " Minho said so I kept quiet.

We reached my dorm as Minho didn't want to go home. The days after the fight of chan hyung and leeknow , leeknow spent nights at mine and maybe some at Jeongin's. But he never went home for a whole week. I hope Chan hyung wouldn't be worried but even if he was he should've tried to talk to Minho. I think now that he should go back home. But he was already pissed at just the mention of hyung's name so I ignored it.

Leeknow went to take bath and I tried to make him something. He liked the sandwiches I made so I made him a subway today. I had prepared it halfway with chopping of Vegetables and stuff.

Leeknow came out and was surprised so he wore an apron to help me.

We ate our heartfelt and watched a movie too until I saw tired leeknow sleeping like a cat, cuddling my arm. I chuckled at this sight.

I picked up my phone and clicked a selfie of us, to remember how much I wanna remember this day in future.

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