Chapter 60

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      *Two weeks later*

      Life's been hell for jisung. Apparently because he didn't get to see him and not even text frequently with him. He knows leeknow hates him till now. But he also knows that he understands. Han is still hoping about the words of him coming and finding him. He texted a hi to leeknow which he knows the reply will come in seconds but he won't be able to talk with him consecutively. He hated this life.

      Most of the time leeknow just face timed with him but they didn't talk. They were just two tired humans in search of sleep. And that's how they watched each other fall asleep most nights and wake up to see one of them already up and hanging up the call. Leeknow had mixed feelings for this. He hated this as well. But that's what life is.

      Life needs sacrifices. Not everyday is gonna be a golden one. Some are cloudy. Some are rainy. Some are plain boring. Some makes you want to go outside. Some make you want to be tucked under bedsheets and see no human.

      Leeknow had to make a way out. Hence at the lunch break at his hyung's office. He started making plans of how and when, without pissing hannie off. He'll meet him. He'll just trespass if possible. Have beatings from his dad's men. Show some bruises that were result of his love to hannie.

       No, this is too filmy. But leeknow needed to do this. He wants to see his qouka this bad. A sudden idea strikes in his head in that millisecond. He's so genuis. He thinks to himself.

      At dot 3pm. He somehow finishes the work that Chan hyung tortured him with. He bid a quick farewell to the tired hyung of his. Who hadn't slept for quite a few days now. And damn he thought that presence of Changbin hyung in the family would improve his condition but no. Chan would sleep in front of Changbin and when Changbin would be fast asleep snoring. He'd get up and continue his work on his laptop.

      Ugh. Leeknow's mornings would start not with the alarm noises. But the noises of Changbin yelling at chan coz he caught three coffee cups at Chan's desk. As if he caught him cheating on Him

      Leeknow wanted this too. So bad. Someone to wake him up. Someone to yell at him. Someone to always make up to. By taking his qoukka on dates. To take him on world tours and fuck him in all the corners of the world. Taste every country's cuisine and at the same time taste his dear hannie under each of those country's skies. Go swimming and surfing in the oceans and at the same time get wet with him.

      Damn he wanted to do it so bad. He was dying to be with han. It's been so long since they got intimate and he was craving for his moans. He needs to somehow succeed in this plan or this may lead to a very long distance between them.

       By this motivation force. He made his way to the Pizza parlour and somehow went to the chef's cabin who was one of his friend. Named Vernon. He asked for a simple favour of serving a pizza in the delivery box. And a delivering bike along with the dress of a delivery boy.

       Vernon's eyes went wide open at the last request. "that's kinky bro" he said making a weird expression.

       "You pay attention to this trash shop of yours. And give me what i need" Mino said sitting.

        "Sir. You crossed your limits and the door's that way" Vernon said pointing outside.

        "Please. I need this. I'll pay you anything. Anything" Minho said now begging for just the costume and anyone who'd hear this conversation would think if leeknow as a pervert. But the truth was he had something big planned.

        "Yeah. Okay. Now stop embarrasing yourself." He Vernon said and leeknow straightened his shirt up. As if he did nothing.

        "Seungkwan would you lend your spare delivery clothes to my friend " Vernon called a boy who was very innocent looking but he wasn't innocent when he shoved at middle finger at Vernon's face. "please. Please. He'll return it safe and sound i swear" Vernon said and seungkwan took a look at minho. As if he was examining Minho for the custody of his kid. He then nodded and without a word, went to the back room and brought a ironed pair of clothes. The red and yellow pizza clothes with the logo of the shop named "new yorkzza" was printed in big.

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