Chapter 52

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      "I should probably leave now" i said letting Minho down on the couch as chan hyung helped me take him inside the one storied house. I was surprised about the change my Dad caused in the lives of Seventeen group employees and maybe even bosses.

       "You must be wondering why we shifted from that mansion?" Chan hyung politely asked while giving away his warm smile.  That smile which i hadn't seen in quite a while.

       "I'm sorry but i don't really care" i said trying to be least rude as possible.

       "You've changed" i heard Changbin hyung's voice from behind where I sat on the couch. He was wearing an apron probably cooking something. He seems too changed too. Maybe even more puffy and healthy. Chan hyung is taking good care of him. I just stop myself from going and hugging him this instant. Not to try to bring the nostalgia of good old days. Though in no second i feel his strong arms around me in a hug and i just melt. "missed you" he said and I just nod. If I say too much I'll actually attach them more. But it's too late now. Leeknow probably thinks I'm with Taeyong and maybe even hates me more.

      "I really should leave now" i said bowing to them as i saw those glistening eyes of both the hyungs. Still in hope to see me and leeknow together.

      "I wanna have a talk with you, you know. For all the troubles you've caused to my brother" Chan hyung now speaking intensely so that I take one thing seriously and actually sit.

      "I'm sorry for that. But right now isn't a great time. I hope you take my thought in consideration" i said sitting erect with palm on my knees as they are sweating as hell and i don't wanna be nervous in front of them.

      "It'll just be worsening ahead. Listen to Channie this once. Like the days i told you about the things that bothered me. Maybe we could help" Changbin hyung said sitting beside after keeping a glass of water.

      "Well I'm sorry if I'm offending y'all but Minho requires help right now. He's been in this condition since when?" I had to ask this for the sake of knowing how long did he be a burden to both the hyungs.

      "To be honest. Let me say first thing first. He had a little hope till the time he said the truth of his inclusion in seventeen group. The thing you still don't know, in his joining days ,he didn't like to stay at the company's dorm coz he knew at the little age of his that if he stays there he's gonna get in a worse condition. So after i saw him, i offered to let him live in my house. I was alone all by myself, without parents and after he joined me,in no time we became so close. As if not even my real brother would be so close to me. And then we earned a lot for Scoups. Got real nice vacations once in a while. Was a great life in short but risks of dying everyday.  Many years passed by happily. Tho I couldn't continue with him because I was in search of a peaceful life and then i went into the business background, totally white collar ones. He promised me he won't get in any kind of trouble for me and i had to approve him to still work for Scoups coz of his emotional drama. But in any kind of difficulties we were there for each other. Until the day he was assigned the job to kill a enemy bloodline's second son. Coz first one was out of reach and not as influential as second one" chan hyung said and then took a deep breath.

      "So you think Woojin hyung isn't as influential as me?" I asked in a chuckle.

      "No cause only Scoups's father knew the truth and whole story of your house history. And then a light strike in his mind that if he wants a real revenge from Jaywon then there's no better option than keeping the long lost mysterious son on the leash" chan hyung replied. And it all makes sense now.

      "You know what. I'm not really gonna get going. Coz I know you'll start your indecisive story of Leeknow's turning into a Stockholm syndrome victim due to me" I said finally giving up and starting to walk away.

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