Chapter 71

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        "Where is he?! I fucking asked something.. WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Jisung thundered as he rushed to hyunjin and Changbin who weren't giving him any clue as per the order of Leeknow himself.

         Jisung rushed there the first moment he got to know the market crash and that most of his earnings were put in this fucking stocks. "leeknow is trying to calm himself down. He doesn't want to talk to anyone" hyunjin said holding onto Jisung's shoulders as lixxie tried to pat Jisung's back.

           "You know that only i.. only i can calm him down. I don't want him to take any wrong step after this. Just fucking tell me" jisung said pushing Hyunjin's chest and pushing him to stumble by the table.

           "Rooftop... He's on the rooftop" Jeongin's voice gave the answer as hyunjin gave a dissapointed look to him but he didn't care. As far as he knew with Jisung beside him, leeknow will never take a wrong step.

           "Hyung.. thankyou" jisung said as he ran to the lift and he was dying to even wait for the lift. Still he took the stairs and breathlessly reached the door. Kicked it open as he knew leeknow would've locked it from inside. "ji..." Leeknow said thr  first sight he got it jisung.

            "Hello dumbass" Jisung said as he got leeknow into a bone cracking embrace and that made leeknow sobbingly chuckle.

             "I lost it. I lost it all..." Leeknow said as he sobbed and let his tears out into Han's shirt.

              "You didn't. You tried so fucking hard. I know that. I've seen that. Everybody has seen that including hyunjin hyung and Felix. Even Woojin hyung. I'm sure they'll tell dad to give you another chance-" jisung said but leeknow cut him off by pulling away from the hug.

             "No! I'm done with all the chances I've gotten. I'm so done. I needed to win this still i sucked and your dad might be thinking of what amateur his son is crazy for" leeknow said.

            Jisung sweetly chuckled on this. Which caused leeknow to punch the wall beside him. "you're laughing. Wow!" Leeknow said pretty furiously.

            "Crazy.. you're crazy. You're hurting yourself by doing unwanted things! And i laughed cuz i liked the way you said it." Jisung said touching both of their foreheads. Trying to calm leeknow down was such a fucking task for him.

            "Jisung.. i don't deserve you. You are such a beautiful smart person. But I'm nowhere near your smartness. Hyunjin hyung was right-"

            "Fuck what your hyunjin hyung said. He can be a real villian sometimes " felix said as he walked through the door and Hyunjin laughing behind him.

             "And fuck what everything you've been overthinking on... Coz i got some real ass golden money for you." Hyunjin said as Minho eyes went wild on every word.

            "Are you gonna come down or do i order you on everything like jisung does " hyunjin said as Jisung hit his arm with a red face. They all walked down back to the computers and looked at the stopwatch that showed only 5 minutes left for the challenge duration to be over. "what is it?" Leeknow asked. "look here. The money is somehow invested back in your account by someone we thought cheated on us. The same Woojihan. But the fact that he offered to stay as a angel investor and keep his identity unknown." Hyunjin said as everybody listened carefully.

          "What are you saying. How can the money lost in stocks can make someone more confident in my dealings?! This is unreal. The person is blind or what?!" Minho said as hyunjin nodded at every sentence. "i guess he is." Felix said as Jisung just started to think carefully about it.

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