Chapter 43

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"We should call Taeyong if you want and ask him to join us to beach. Like you'll have a company and won't be third wheeling anymore" hyunjin hyung said.

"I mean, okay fine. Should I just call him ? And if he asks what do I say ? That I need for him to come on a beach date with me ? What will he think of me ?" I just snap all the questions without thinking twice.

"Oh god. Enough with the confusion and questions already. Take a breath and then continue being confused. But we'll call him anyway." Lixxie said ordering and dailing Taeyong's number from my phone. When did he manage to steal my phone?!

"You have 3 seconds. You talk to him or I will. And damn you'll be embarrassed if I talk to him." Lixxie snapped so I just took my phone away and dialled Taeyong's number.

He picked up in just 2 seconds.

"Hi. Hannie how have you been?" He said.

"Umm yeah. Um I'm fine very much fine. Uhumm I wanted to tell you something, more like ask you something" I said stuttering looking at lixxie and seung who started doing actions but I couldn't contemplate them.

"Yeah go on. Why are you stuttering tho? Nervous to talk to me?" Taeyong replied.

"No actually yeah. I'm nervous to ask you for a beach date kinda thing right now ... Umm like everybody is here but with their boyfriends and I'm kinda alone." I replied feeling really nervous about how he'd take this proposal of mine.

"So you're solely asking me to come because you're alone?" Taeyong said and I could literally see his crooked smile without actually seeing it.

"No, don't take it in that way. I mean if you are busy and don't wanna come it's your choice but I just thought we'd interact a bit" I replied hoping he didn't feel bad.

"I'm actually fine. Send me the location I'll be there. And also. I'm not mad okay. See you" Taeyong said and it somehow made me smile.

I hang up and tell lix that he's coming. And lixxie is the one dancing. We leave for the beach and it's almost sunset now. I'm looking forward to a nice interaction with him. And I'm looking forward to finally moveon. Finally be free. Maybe I'll fall in love. Cuz he isn't that bad of a person. He makes me laugh. Flirts very good. Dresses and smells nice too. I perfect gentleman he is. What if things go well and we actually kiss tonight? What if that kiss doesn't match Minho's?

And why the fuck am I thinking of that asshole. I need him Outta my brain. And I'll kiss Taeyong just for the sake of throwing Minho out of my head. My life.

We reach the beach. And it's a great peaceful aura here. Many couples sitting hand in hand, head on shoulder, playing with kids, walking, etc. And we find a spot to sit in the sand. Nobody caring about the expensive clothes, everyone just caring about the quality time we're spending.

"Hannieeeee. Look here. Don't think too much. Just free up your thoughts. Forcing to fall in love can never be successful. Just listen to him. Talk to him. About anything. Favorite things. What you love to do, etc. There's never an end of conversation if you enjoy it" felix grabbed me by the shoulders. Making sure I listen to each of his words. And I did actually. I felt a little calm now and readied myself as I heard a car approaching and Taeyong was in sight. I smile looking at him as he finds me instantly in the crowd.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. Couldn't think of a nice excuse for dad." Taeyong said handshaking everyone and then approaching me for a sidehug. I just blush a little at this.

"Still nervous or should I crack a few more jokes" Taeyong whispered close to me as I just hit his chest playfully with elbow. Seung raises his brows and looks at lixxie. What the hell are they planning?

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