Chapter 30

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The street are sounding noiseless now. Or maybe my thoughts are speaking too loudly. I look at Woojin hyung who's already humming a song so I break the silence.

"You can turn the music on hyung. It's okay" I said pursing my lips into a smile.

"It's alright. Imma let you deal with your mind right now. In silence." Woojin hyung replied shrugging.

"Naah I'm fine. It's just it's a complete rapid decision I've taken ever." I said.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry for that. But it's for your own good, right" Woojin hyung said.

"I don't know now, about any fucking thing- oops sorry. I shouldn't swear." I blurb out and face palm

"It's alright hannie" Woojin hyung chuckled.

"I really thought maybe you would've completely forgot my existence. And here we are." I said shrugging.

"Hannie why would you even say that? We're blood brothers after all." Woojin hyung said frowning and in an intense tone.

"Wow emotional blackmailing will sure not help wash your stains of betrayal" I said realising I need to be kind in this conversation. But I'm total opposite.

"Hannie. Okay. I'll stay shut now. You're definitely right on your part and I've always been wrong" Woojin hyung said sighing in defeat.

I continue looking out of the window. He says it's more 2 hours journey so I try to doze off. But my criminal offensive brain in going just in the directions of what if it was a dangerous decision to go with Woojin hyung. God I should've stopped watching criminal documentaries long ago.

I successfully win in getting to sleep. After what feels like falling in a nap for a whole day, I wake up. And there's a blanket covering me. Nice move trying to make it up to me brother. But naah.

"You can sleep more. It's like half an hour remaining to reach." Woojin hyung said looking at me with blank expression.

"No thanks I'll just stay awake. Can't trust you now." I say and he chuckled.

"Still think I won't keep you safe?" Woojin hyung asked in concerned voice.

"Can't answer. Won't answer" I said. Periodt.

"Fine just click my picture and send to your friends. they can catch me if I kidnap you, okay?" Woojin hyung speaks while laughing.

I scoff to this and then fuck. Get the thoughts of my friends. Felix. Where he is. What he is doing right now. (definetly not hyunjin I hope).

I don't take more. Just try to calm myself down. Thinking everything has a reason so maybe this is a part of something good.

On reaching the destination I only see luxurious plazas and houses in the lane we just entered. I'm awestruck by the Audis porches Lamborghinis all parked up one after other.

"What the fuck is this-" I can't help but say out loud.

"You're seeing it buddy. It's all your new life. Welcome " Woojin hyung said moving his hand to show the scenes to me.

I'm definitely not a gold digger typa boy. But damn these cars are something.

"I'm guessing dad and you are bodygaurds of some rich ass businessman" I said sarcastically.

"I'd literally kill you for this comment but I'm a good brother you know." Woojin hyung replied.

"C'mon now slow ass. Drive fast I'm excited for this thriller's climax" I said clapping my hands for him to speed up.

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