Chapter 63

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       It's the same scenario now. 2 weeks since they have been meeting just on the face time and nothing else. As much as han hated it, he loved it cuz this was in a way getting to know that will leeknow be able to be patient enough with him. And wait for the right time. It's no doubt that leeknow understood han's increasing steps in the business area. He was a proud boyfriend regarding that and he was ready to wait for an eternity. But somewhere he just felt a urge to be like those normal couples. Who move in together after a period of dating. Start to tease each other with engagement commitments and the marriage life struggles.

      He wanted to experience this all with his jisung. But alas. Only if those files weren't hovering upon Jisung.

       "I'm giving you 100 dollars. Please let me go to leeknow. He hates waiting. He'll just go away if I don't appear" han said opening Woojin's account and ready to send him the money.

       It was Sunday evening and goddamn the workload of new deals was so much that han has to make special reports for the deals himself as ordered by his dad. It took almost his Sunday away. And he promised to meet leeknow but was already late.

      As Woojin just liked to tease him more as he had told dad that he and Jisung were gonna go for a ride and then dinner. Coz he knew that han would sneak out to meet his leeknow guy.

       "100 ain't enough. And definitely not for that douche who you're letting into your pants" Woojin said pointing at his pants. (literally)

       "Stop. With. The. Teasing. Now. Hyung." Han said marking each of his words with index finger pointing to Woojin. "look at the flustered Han Jisung. The big players of the business would never guess the talented second son being hopelessly in love with an impossible boy out there" Woojin said

       That made han's expression saddened a bit. The word 'impossible' sinked hard in his heart. Was it really that impossible and hard that they were so close to each other but yet so far in front of the world.

       Han wanted to experience each of those things too. Going on dates each week. Staying at Leeknow's house without receiving any interrogation about 'where you are? Who you are with? Be home early' etc

        "Hyung. Please cover up for me. If dad asks you tell him I'm with you. This once please " Han said desperately looking at the smartwatch on his wrist. Messages of lino flooded that damn small screen.

        "Bring me the ice cream he sent for me some days ago. Plus the rocky road, butter pecan and matcha one." Woojin said ticking off the names in the air.

        "Even i don't ask for so many things. You're truly whipped for him, hyung" han said shaking his head as he firstly noted this down thanks to his smaller than goldfish memory.

        "Nah i don't like his face, instincts, behaviour, talks, honorifics at all" Woojin said making a face.

        "Can't relate" han said non chalantly to receive a hit on arm. "is that the way you talk in front of your hyung. Damn that leeknow guy is making you just like him" Woojin said saying a prayer as if removing Leeknow's influence that's on Han.

        "Now stop. He'll be hicupping like crazy if you keep talking about him" han said. "Yeah I hope he just dies hicupping." Woojin said sighing and smiling.

         "Though won't you be the one Dying? You're gonna mix up these terrific ice cream flavours and what if your stomach just explodes?" Han asked with his boba eyes open like he was really concerned.

         "Oh i dont let the flavours mess with me" Woojin said smirking and he definetly wasn't thinking about ice cream anymore. "aaish. I'll get going." Han said as he somehow tried to get himself out of that conversation and get to the love of his life who might be stranding god knows where. In the thoughts that what if Jisung found someone this week or what if Jisung ain't interested in him. Yeah he's whipped and a overthinker. (not a great combination)

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