Chapter 27

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Present day

// Smut.

I call Minho and ask if I could stay the night at his. And he agrees without second thoughts. He's now concerned cuz I never ask for spending nights. But I assure him that I'm fine. It's just that I'm not still okay to talk it out to anyone.

I just push the thoughts away as Minho opens the door and hugs me tightly he knew I needed it so bad.

"Are you okay, hannie?" He asks into my hair.

"I just needed to see you, hyung" I say trying to hold back tears. No I won't cry in front of me. Coz he's my comfort zone now.

"C'mon I made you something and I need your help too in my studying now. " He says. I nod to this and smile.

Without knowing I spend 2 nights at his house. And now both of ours exams are finally done and holidays are starting.

"I'm sorry, jagi. I need to visit my hometown otherwise we'd have gone to a beach trip or something along with Seungmin and Jeongin and hyung-" he just stopped as he said hyung. And watching his expression go sad I guessed he still haven't talked about chang hyung.

"Hyung, why are you still mad at Chan hyung ? The reason is not so big. You need to understand him " I say in a concerned voice cuz now I think he's just being dramatic.

"You just keep your nose out of our business han. " He just shoots at me with frowning expression.

I'm not used to this guy so I feel a little hurt by this. "why are you shouting now, hyung?" I ask

"Just let me be for a while. I need space for myself. I'll be back after sometime. Bye" he said and left.

Left that he directly returned at night. He never picked my calls or answered my messages. When he came at night, I was preparing dinner for us.

"I'm sorry I overreacted so much hannie. Sorry to shout at you. " Minho comes and hugs me from the back to which I don't respond. Coz if I respond tears will start flowing. And I don't want to feel inferior in front of him.

Why do I feel deja vu ...

Did mom feel the same ...?

I push minho away as he's coming in between my work. I place all the plates etc on the table while he picks up the food and keeps it.

I don't even speak a word to him and start eating.

"Hannie I won't eat until you talk to me" Minho said in a firm voice.

I don't reply and continue eating.

He bangs the table lightly in frustration and I'm rethinking my decisions if he's like all men out there. I really thought him to be different.

"Eat fast hyung I need to do the dishes and cleaning up " I ordered coz he wasn't moving his gaze from me. And it irritated me now. I thought I'd find comfort coming to his house but why is he being a bitch.

"I'll do that for you " he replied thinking Im but mad but, duh.

He ate fast and helped me put the dishes away. And he cleaned up everything.

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