Chapter 12

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// Smut.

After a while , taking a break from kissing the shit out of both of our souls. We looked at each other and smiled .. smiled meaning that we were both stucked .. with each other for a long time.

"Let yourself be mine and only mine please han .. whatever the situation is, we'll Fuckin figure it out together kiddo ... Please please believe me for once " Minho said as he looked into my eyes and somewhere I knew those eyes never lied to me.

"I-i still don't know if this is what I should be doing hyung " I said

"Let me be the one to choose this time .. and I promise I'll choose us in every possible choice I get !! Because you are very rare and confident as well as scared and overthinker , and that's definitely one of a kind. " Minho said and I laughed a little.

"Please keep laughing kiddo .. tears doesn't suit you ,not as long as I'm here with you " Minho continued and I smiled .. my overthinker mind really was off duty whenever I was with Minho hyung.

"Would it be ok if I thought about my answer for awhile ?" I asked to which Minho just shook his head no and said "Then maybe a extra kiss would be great to change your mind, right or a tour to my house again ?? Mr Han Jisung ??" Minho said and gently pressed another kiss on my lips.

"Shut up why don't you just stop teasing me for somedays maybe that would help "I said.

"Oh kiddo then don't complain that you miss me after I stop nagging you. You know you like it too when I tease you .. because it's just the special job allotted to me right .. and another one too and that's too make you blush like a tomato. " Minho laughed and I chuckled too.

"I definitely know that I won't miss you .. it'd be a lifting up of burden from my head if you're gone. "I said and Minho didn't laugh anymore. He was truly worried about this .. about us.

"Don't fucking say that again please, will you ? See Han i maybe sounding ridiculous but I need you .. okay, like you made me so happy and lively in just a few days and I don't want this to disapper anytime soon or forever. I don't want you to cry alone again ever .. and want to be your peace and that calmness you often go to the lakeside for." Minho said looking dead ass straight in my eyes .. his eyes shown such great shine that I might've fallen more and his words did the icing on the cake thingie.

"I don't know if this is right or wrong .. but he seems to make everything right for me .. he promises me to fight everytime I get stuck on and he promises to be together .. what is this called .. is it friendship .. is it just care .. or are we more than what we've thought."

I thought while holding my hands upto Minho's shoulder and his hands resting on my hips .. we were so truly lost In each other at that moment .. I needed to stop that bloody time.

"Can I kiss you hyung ?"I was the one asking him this time. "YOU WHAT ??! " Minho asked being all surprised and smiling ear to ear. I liked to make him happy and was ready to do this all my life.

"I said can I -" I stopped my sentence midway and pulled Minho's face towards me and kissed him. He couldn't move, he was so surprised .. and this kiss was gonna be a rememberance as hyung's shy kiddo had initiated it.

Our lips were resting so easily on each other as they had find their homes in that other. His lips were softer than ever making me crave more of it and savour more of him in every move we let our mouths make. He pulled from the kiss and gave me a full teethy smile and finally said what I'd been waiting for since the day his thoughts started crashing my mind.

"I think I love you Han !!" Minho said and I just couldn't stop smiling and I went on kissing him more as it was just unbelievable that my first love was coming true and he was the best I could ever imagine.

I pulled away little and said "Can you at least leave a chance to hit on you hyung .. ahh I'm so mad .. I wanted to say I love you first !!" I said and angrily stomped my legs on ground , "Cute " Minho said. "Yes and you are can never compare my cuteness .. as I pulled off the hottest guy of University !!" I teased and Minho hyung smiled looking at ground .. I could see he was down bad for me .. ( okay I'll stop with the self obsession.. but you should've seen the look )

"See you can hit on me just fine ! " Minho hyung said , "But still give me a chance to hit on you .. I'm sure I can do better. "I said and winked at Minho.

"Trust me I'm so excited right now might even squeeze you and store in my pocket so no one can even look at that pretty face of yours .. don't you dare try to make me jealous otherwise I'll have to improvise a lot of punishments for you kiddo " Minho said and I took this as an opportunity to flirt more.

"Oh you are all talks mister .. I haven't been so bad before so why not try the nastiest punishment ever ?" I teased and found Minho wasn't laughing anymore, his eyes were stuck on my neck now. I felt the tension growing rapidly between us .. his eyes traveled all the way from my neck to my crotch which was now visible as a buldge .. he smirked at me next moment and said " I'm not even started now and that Jr. Han is unable to resist .. I an just pray for your sanity now " Minho said while biting his lips and this was the longest he's kept me waited .

I pushed Minho towards the cupboard to which Minho said "Calm down, will you kiddo ? Let me take you to my safehouse .. "

He pulled my hand and dragged me recklessly towards his club where he was sure no one was present as it was already evening.

"Okay so where were we babe- " I didn't let him complete and pushed him on the cupboards used to store documents to which a slight breaking voice left Minho's mouth and I was damn craving every noises he'll make hence forth.

I started unbottoning his shirt with all the impatientness inside of me. He just smiled cunningly and let me too him for a while .. but I knew he'd damn sure enjoy this.

We both kissed passionately for the longest time .. letting our tongues travel each other's universes. Soft moans finding their way out of our mouths which were craving from breaths.

I found this as chance to take revenge of the stairs incident and brought both his hands on top of his head and held them grasping the shit out of his body .. leaning on him leaving no space between us.

I rubbed my crotch to his while we still had boxers on. He couldn't keep this going on now and said "Han just take me to the bed already . You making me so damn horny ahhh- nauhhh- just- just fuck me already will you- !!" Minho said in between moans which made his Jr. so damn hard .. I took this as a chance to tease him more and kept kissing his neck while simultaneously rubbing myself to him.

"You'd definitely be in g-great trouble ohhhh- Han if you keep me waiting more- ahhh fucker let me breath .. just give me a chance I'll devastate you thoroughly !!" Minho tried to speak in between broken breaths. I knew I'd made him crave for me the most today .. he'll never forget that .. I won't let him.

"Hyung, You still haven't said the word I need to hear !!" I joked and kept him miserable for a while .. "In your dreams baby .. first show me what you got " Minho said and furiously kissed me more making me tremble as it was now hard to even stand.

Minho said "Calm down kiddo it's a school .. so let's just go home already "

He drove his car at the highest speed so that we reached his house in just 10 damn minutes. He kissed me all the way from door to the living room towards the stairs and lastly the paradise - bedroom. "I think you aren't patient enough .. trust me hyung to be with me a lot of patience and self control is required because I won't be giving it to you every damn day .. !!" I said and that turned Minho do on he could really not take his eyes off my lips.

"Well then I guess I'd make you impatient like me so we both find our ways out to enjoy the fucking thing we ace in " Minho said and as usual lifted me up in bridal style .. oh I could see the hell in his eyes .. and the situation I was gonna be murdered in different positions tonight. .

He threw me on the bed as gently as possible and whispered "please be obedient or I sure will make you cry for making me wait for an eternity !!"

"I want a name for the thing we are, Minho" jisung said soulfully as if his life depended on this question.

"Name these waters minsung, baby" Minho said as he kissed tilting his head and moved as if they were breaking all the rules of the world at the same time.

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